
read2();   "Establish a heart for the heavens and the earth, establish a life for the living and the people, for the sacred and inherit the knowledge, and for the peace for all generations!"

Twenty years ago, during the dynasty test at the Imperial Palace of Great Xia, after a young white-clothed scholar shouted out the twenty-four-character vision, scholars in the whole world resonated in an instant and found The direction for which we have been struggling and working hard.

These few twenty-four words are like a lighthouse appearing on the road ahead, releasing out the sun-like brilliance, tearing up the entire boundless darkness. After so many years, countless scholars in the vast land of China have combined these two Fourteen characters are regarded as the motto and read hard for it.

   Therefore, in a sense, in recent years, Daxia has not only ushered in a blowout spring of monks, but also scholars who have also developed by leaps and bounds.

Although it was not long for Zhao Yu to ascend to the throne, as a qualified emperor, he knew the entire context of Da Xia very well. He naturally understood the importance of these twenty-four characters, but the young emperor was a little surprised. The vows that make people excited after reading it once were made by the middle-aged soldier who was full of blood and fire in front of him.

The three disciples under the master’s door were sitting cross-legged on the black and white, mellow heart-asking platform. The time passing in the surrounding black and white world seemed to stop, and then Zhao Yu, who slowly recovered, his lips opened lightly and calmly. The emperor's voice came out again:

   "Second brother, I am very curious, how many years ago, you won the first prize of the first-class champion in this dynasty test."

  As soon as this question came out, he pressed his lips to one side, his back was straight, and the meticulous middle-aged soldier, his face full of wind, frost and fire, showed a little thoughtful color, and after a few breaths, he responded:

   "If the end will remember correctly, twenty-four years ago, spring."

After Sun Qian’s voice fell, Peng Mu, who had been kneeling on one knee and hadn’t got up for a long time, under the questioning stage, the shock in his eyes was even stronger. Although he heard a few people’s exchanges, he had already guessed in his heart, but now he heard it with his own ears. When Sun Cockroach spoke, his heart was shaken.

The number of scholars in Daxia is more than that of monks. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that there is no first in literature and no second in Wu. Therefore, the difficulty of winning the champion can be imagined. After the DPRK became an official, his career path tended to grow smoothly.

  For example, Shangshu You Tingjian from the former Ritual Department, who was also a champion, and was less than fifty years old, took charge of the Ritual Department. If he hadn't fallen into the case of the former dynasty's Great Kingdom Division, he could enter the cabinet and be noble within a few years.

Over the years, Peng Mu’s knowledge of Sun Cockroach can be said to be quite profound. Therefore, he learned that this middle-aged soldier who likes to squat at Huotou Camp and chew on bones, grinning with half of his teeth and smiling, is actually from Daxia. People admire the master's closed disciple, and the two generations of the Zhao family ruler of the Daxia imperial family are brothers, and when they were the leader of the twenty-four years, the horror in their hearts can be imagined.

   The series of titles on Sun Cockroach that he dared not even conceive made Peng Mu feel a little dazed at this time, and then his ears once again sounded a calm voice:

"According to the Daxia Law, entering the court as an official, the conditions are harsh, and for those of Rank 5 and above, the Da Dynasty trial is only the minimum requirement, but on the other hand, the law does not stipulate the time limit for the leader, so you still We are the rare champion in Daxia, not only can enjoy this glory that no one can deprive, but also have the qualifications to be an official in the court."

   After Zhao Yu finished speaking, Shen Ning took a few breaths and looked at Sun Qian, who was slightly confused in front of him, and continued to speak lightly:

"Therefore, I have an idea in my heart. I am about to establish a new yamen outside the six departments, called Guanyou Division. Its positioning is actually similar to that of the Teleportation Department. Although it is within the six departments, it is under my direct jurisdiction. In addition, in the name of the tour, it is natural to travel all over the world, mountains, rivers, and seas of Daxia, and even take the lead in entering those legendary forbidden places. I wonder if the second brother is willing to accept this tour of Si Si Cheng. position?"

After the faint voice of the young emperor fell, the few people on the questioning stage did not speak, waiting for Sun Qian to contemplate alone, and for Zhao Yu, who was suffering from a headache, the middle-aged soldier in front of him was undoubtedly the most. Good candidates.

   Glory adds a body and easily convinces the crowd, has a strong military merit, and has experienced the calmness after the big ups and downs. As for the two-level cultivation base that was shattered, it has never been a problem in front of Zhao Yu today.

   When the black and white world fell into silence, two figures slowly broke into the woods on the edge of the world.

   The young scholar Xinhao did not let the old housekeeper and the rest of the female relatives follow him. Instead, he alone supported the white-haired woman who was still crying, and slowly walked into the dark woods under the noon sun.

As soon as he stepped into the woods, the young scholar Xinhao nodded and frowned, because the surrounding light suddenly dimmed, as if gradually walking towards a bottomless abyss, and then the two stayed where Sun Qian and Peng Mu had previously hidden. Behind the tree, in this place, you can clearly see the traces of someone who had been here.

   "There are really people, I am not wrong, it is him, he is back, he is finally back!"

   When seeing the tread marks on the ground, the white-haired woman could no longer control herself, and her whole body squatted down, crying silently, and then crying and choking continued:

   "Why didn't he come to see me? After so many years, since he is not dead, why has he never come to see me."

The young scholar Xinhao also squatted beside the middle-aged woman who could hardly own him. His eyes were full of pity. He did not directly speak for comfort, but reached out his hand and patted his aunt next to him on the shoulder. After a long time, Then he said softly:

"Auntie, although this forest is a bit remote, but because it is a shortcut to Willow Leaf Alley, some people still pass by in the past. I see some footprints leading to the distance, or we continue to walk a distance. , Go and see?"

As soon as    Xinhao's voice fell, the middle-aged woman suddenly raised her head. Her pale face suddenly flushed strangely. She climbed up from the ground while coughing, and said anxiously:

   "Yes, I should not have gone far yet, Haoer, let's chase!"

   Then the scholar Xinhao sighed slightly, and hurriedly helped the middle-aged woman who was walking forward quickly, but she was faltering because of her weakness. In fact, Xinhao knew in his heart that once someone else had to leave, the chance that they could catch up was slim.

Afterwards, the two of them walked slowly towards the depths of the woods along the footprints left by Sun Qian, while at the same time, in the black and white world, the middle-aged soldier who had been thinking for a long time raised his hands and faced Zhao Yu in front of him. But instead, a solemn and vigorous voice came directly out loud:

   "Weichen Sun Qian, I am willing to retire from the military, and I will follow the sacred order and die!"

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