
read2();   During the ten years that Liang Po and Zhao Yu traveled with the Master in Daxia, the Master never let him practice any offensive supernatural powers, because this is his destiny.

   Liangpo’s fate is to stand in front of Zhao Yu and become the strongest shield on that side, even the second life.

   Shield is born to block the sharp edge, blocking life, if not blocking it, you die!

The fate of Liang Po and Guan Zhengqing actually have many similarities. In a sense, they are both life-stricken people. They were abandoned by their parents since childhood, and their destiny set an irresistible fate. Are living for others.

   But the same fate has developed a completely different life.

Liang Po was not good at killing and killing since he was a child, but the Dao Soul in his body was the first ancient hero Dao soul that Zhao Yu had in his life, and there was no one who could kill and kill magical powers. Once the cultivation level reached the limit, Then with every move, you can seduce the deepest law in the world, possessing the world's most powerful and original means of killing.

What's more, the huge body of the Great Demon King Roshan Yitian also contains unimaginable vast power, so the shock wave generated by the thunder shock is like the hand of the **** who shatters everything, breaking the beam into almost everything. Everything is ground into powder.

   "Supernatural power. Nether city wall!"

Suspended above Yin Ruin City, Guan Zhengqing, who was hit by the thunder shock's supernatural powers, directly opened his mouth and raised his head and inhaled, as if gluttonous swallowing the sky, swallowing the large amount of ghost energy that enveloped the entire Yin Ruin City directly into his belly. In the middle, then he spread his hand in front of him and placed one after another, a huge city wall made up of nether stones.

   If you distinguish carefully, these city walls are almost exactly the same as the square city walls of Yin Ruin City below him. Guan Zhengqing, the host of Yin Ruin City, directly constructed five nether city walls to isolate the impact of the lightning shock.

In the next moment, the shock wave of transparent color directly bombarded the Nether City Wall without fancy. With the four loud noises that followed, the four walls were shattered one after another within one breath, leaving nothing but loneliness. Of one.

   At the same time, the white bones spreading around Guan Zhengqing's body have spread to the entire back, directly to the waist.

Guan Zhengqing's black hair fluttered with his energy, and on his normal but well-defined face, there was a bloodless paleness that was not like a normal person. Then his face remained unchanged, and he opened his mouth again and swallowed a huge amount of ghostly spirit. Continue to open one hand to lay down the nether city wall one after another in front.

   However, this time the city walls are no longer the original five, but a full twenty!

These twenty nether city walls happened to form a huge box of cages, and they overlapped with each other, and then the dark black light soared into the sky, forming an extremely strong and huge enchantment, bringing the huge body of the Roshan Demon King. Besieged firmly inside.

  The defensive defense of the beam break is unparalleled in the world. When it is unable to break the defense, the only thing Guan Zhengqing can do at this time is to construct the barrier and seal the Roshan Devil in it.

After the formation of the Nether Enchantment with the ability to regenerate, Guan Zhengqing's upright body suddenly trembles slightly, her mouth, nose, and eye sockets have wisps of dark blood flowing downwards, but Guan Zhengqing ignored it, and slowly raised her left and right hands, **** them. Stack, want to make imprints.

   At this moment, Li Dingshan directly came from a distance with an extremely solemn shout:

   "Guan Zhengqing, you can no longer continue to absorb the Nether Qi, this city has assimilated you by half, and if you continue like this, you can only guard this city for life, and you can't go out in this life!"

   Li Dingshan snorted coldly, and Guan Zhengqing Jieyin's hands paused slightly, but then, the look in his eyes remained unchanged, but after an imperceptible sigh, he stopped hesitating and continued to make a mark.

After that, in the entire Win Palace Square, countless ghosts and wolves howling Yin wind rose out of thin air, and then the endless Nether Qi completely rioted in an instant, like a completely boiling lake, directly rushing into the sky, and forming a shape in a blink of an eye A huge vortex stretched across the entire Yinxu City.

This vortex is like a giant channel that directly opens up the boundary between Jiuyou and Shenzhou Haotu. With a huge amount of underworld gushing out of the vortex, people below can even vaguely see countless The purple-black thunder flashed back and forth within the whirlpool.

   The next breath, a vast and majestic, evil and magnificent breath began to spread from the inside of the whirlpool.

   Guan Zhengqing’s seven orifices poured out more blood, and the white bones on his body continued to spread along the body, and finally directly crossed the line between the waist and spread down to the legs.

At this moment, one of Guan Zhengqing's eyes directly turned grayish white, even half of his face was covered with bone armor. Then his figure flashed and appeared on the Nether City Wall, slowly squatting down. Hold the wall with both hands and let out a low drink:

   "Netherworld. Zhenfengzhen!"

After a low voice, the roar of the noisy yin wind resounded directly in the void to the extreme, and then in the whirlpool of lightning and thunder above, under the gaze of everyone, a stick was stretched out to cover the sky The claws of white bones faced Liang Po in the nether enchantment below, grabbing straight down.

The Zhenfeng Array, the Great Xia’s Fourth Army, You Wing Army inheritance big array, requires at least one You Wing Army fighter to use vitality and energy to combine with each other in order to be able to use it, but at this time Guan Zhengqing, only one person, It is fully displayed, and stronger and weirder.

The one that grabbed straight down from the Nine Nether Vortex was not a normal Netherwing beast claw, but the big hand of an unknown Nine Nether creature. The proportion of this boneless hand was not like that of an ordinary human race, and it was pale. The fingers of color and luster are much longer than the palm of the hand, and there are extremely weird laws of fluctuations around the hand.

  In everyone's eyes, this is a stunned, life-grabbing bone claw!

The Roshan Great Demon Liang Po in the Nether Enchantment raised his head and stared at the constantly enlarged bone claws above. There was no fear in his huge eyes. When the Roshan Great Devil came into the world, Liang Po had completely lost his name. For the emotion of fear.

The huge fleshy wings suddenly opened behind Liang, and then protected the upper part. At the same time, a huge reddish-brown nest emerged directly around him. This Roshan nest was surrounded by cliffs on three sides, and only one side was a very deep hole. In the lair, Liang Po's defense will reach its peak at this moment.

   Time passed a breath.

   The bone claw slaps directly on the Roshan lair!

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