The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 861: Thunder Shock


read2();   Yinxu City was completely destroyed by the fire before the opening of the Great Xia Dynasty, but this former imperial city, which has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, was lit by the lights of thousands of houses. He gave birth to his own spiritual wisdom, and with the last efforts of the remnants of the previous dynasty, although the city of Yinxu City was destroyed, the spiritual wisdom was retained.

The subsequent Yinxu City was like the lonely ghost in the world who had lost his body, desperately needing a body to sustenance and survive, and Guan Zhengqing, who had the blood of the former great master, naturally became the carrier of this city. .

Everyone in Daxia believes that the strongest of the younger generation, Guan Zhengqing, who is on the top three rankings, is the world’s most powerful Weeping Dragon Spear, but it’s not the case. The Weeping Dragon Spear is just a legacy from the previous dynasty of the Ying family. A divine artifact, and Guan Zhengqing’s true soul is the Yin Ruins City that once again descended on the world!

Under Liang Po's violent and unparalleled blow, Guan Zhengqing inevitably has to absorb the underworld from Jiuyou in this city and turn it into its own energy to resist the heavy punch of the Roshan Demon King who smashed the void. With a trace of the city's nether energy, Guan Zhengqing was about to be assimilated into Yinxu City. The pale bones covered with his hands and upper body and the jet black blood were the best portrayal.

Below Yinxu City Ying Palace, after the walls of the inner palace were shattered by beams, the towering buildings and huge square of Ying Palace were displayed in front of everyone. With the Devil King Roshan as the center, the large area of ​​the square seemed to have suffered a catastrophe. Fragmented, then countless underworld qi floating in the void gathered and rushed down, and began to repair the broken and destroyed surface.

   Then a violent cough came from the bottom of the steps below the Jinluan Temple. Guan Zhengqing, who rose slowly, stared at the black blood in his hands, while the brows on his face that had not changed from beginning to end, wrinkled slightly.

   However, Guan Zhengqing's ordinary face is still expressionless, but I don't know if it is an illusion, his originally thin lips now appear strangely pale.

   The observant said, those with thin lips have a hard life.

Guan Zhengqing’s life is indeed bitter, but just like what he usually does, he hides all his emotions and thoughts in his chest. No one can see his fragility. Perhaps the person in this world who knows him best is The ghost winged beast that is dependent on each other in the ghost wing army.

Guan Zhengqing's back is always straight, even if she is seriously injured at this time. Then Guan Zhengqing watched the fleshy wings spread out from behind, and once again Liang Po, who was violently impacted, raised her left and right hands that had been completely boned. Pointing to the front, then his right foot slammed forward, and at the next breath, he won the palace square and suddenly began to shake violently.

   "When will we be able to raise our hands confidently, fight against destiny, and no longer have to pay attention to the road?"

A faint sound of doubt came from Guan Zhengqing’s mouth, and then the ground of the Roshan Demon King who stepped forward and charged instantly cracked at the same time, and four extremely large and hideous white-bone dragons rushed out from under the ground of Yin Ruins City, directly following Liang Po The body was entwined and bound tightly.

   After a few breaths, these four wandering dragons are like four huge chains, directly locking Liang Po's rushing body to the ground.

   Supernatural powers. Bone dragon.

The dragons drilled from the ground and wrapped around Liang Po's body, each with a very strong dragon qi, which means that it is not a fictional thing made of vitality, but a real bone dragon body. The totem of is originally a dragon, so this Yin Ruins was once a dragon-burial tomb in an extremely remote era!

The power of the giant white bone dragon is extremely large, let alone four heads. Therefore, the huge body of the Roshan Demon King was locked in place for a while, and it was difficult to move. Then Guan Zhengqing once again held an exceptionally huge ghost dragon spear in his right hand and stepped towards Before, start charging.

   A gust of wind swept out of thin air, and at the next breath, Guan Zhengqing's body appeared directly in front of Liang Po's eyes, and the bone dragon spear in her hand began to glow with an extremely coquettish red color, and then it was directly pierced towards Liang Po's eyebrows.

   Supernatural powers. Ghost Dragon Weeping Blood Gun.

   Not only Yinglong can cry blood, but also ghost dragon, but also more stern and sad!

A very sorrowful scream came out from the weeping ghost dragon spear, and then the spear turned into a very strange black and red color, looking at the space in front of nothing, in the next moment, it directly pierced the flesh. On the scales of the brow and the center of the eyebrows densely covered with runes of the mountain demon king.

   That is a head-on confrontation between the sharpest spear in the world and the strongest shield!

At the point where the two collided, the space was back and forth, and it was annihilated countless times. However, Liang's defense has not been broken yet. It is like the strongest dam in the world. , Allowing the flood to rise to the sky and the turbulent waves, but still standing proudly above the world, motionless.

After    Liang broke into Roshan, those gloomy and huge eyes stared at Guan Zhengqing directly in front of him. There was pain and disappointment in his eyes, and then the voice rolled out:

"Everyone is born with his own destiny, no one can decide where he was born, but there are many choices that determine his destiny. Wanting to dominate your own destiny does not mean that you are qualified to override the destiny of others. Guan Zhengqing, on this point, you and your Majesty compare it to you, you are doing it wrong!"

Liang Po's rolling voice fell, and his body suddenly exerted force, and his whole body became more and more violent. He stretched out his huge hands to grab the white bone dragon around his body. Accompanied by bursts of extremely harsh crackling sound, four huge white bone dragon bodies followed It was pulled out a little bit from under the ground.

   The white-bone ghost dragon is almost integrated with the Yinxu city below him. Therefore, at this time, Liang Po is pulling the entire Yinxu city, and then Liang Po continues to look at the extremely small figure of Guan Zhengqing in front of him, and continues to speak:

"Your Majesty said that one day, the entire Daxia people can dominate their own destiny, they can raise their hands confidently, or they can smile straight through hell. You once had the right to choose, but you are still wrong. Guan Zhengqing!"

After he finished speaking, Liang Po directly pulled up two of the four ghost dragons on the ground. Along with the scattered black surface and the broken bones on the bone dragon, the Roshan Devil raised his right foot. , And then stepped forward fiercely.

   Ancient taboo magical powers. Thunder shock!

   The earth trembled, the void disappeared, and the world roared almost to pierce the eardrum.

   Then a ripple visible to the naked eye, centered on the broken body, swept forward directly.

   The remaining two ghost dragons, whose half-length bodies were still under the ground, were directly and completely shaken into the air, and then torn by the law of ultimate strength, they turned into white bones and scattered around the sky.

   Then this ripple continued forward, approaching Guan Zhengqing!


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