The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 863: Die if you die


read2();  How long will one breath take?

   People of different realms have different understanding of it, but it is undeniable that this time is extremely short and fleeting for anyone.

   Therefore, when everyone in the Southern Chamber of Commerce had not fully reacted, the bone claws protruding from the Nine Nether Vortex over Yinxu City had already patted directly on the red-brown Roshan lair.

   is another duel between offense and defense.

The elapsed time of the entire Yinxu City seemed to be completely frozen at this moment, and then in everyone’s sight, the space where the two collided with each other, this moment is as hazy as superimposed on countless layers, but it seems that it has been bombarded. The most primitive state of nothingness and chaos.

   Under this extremely contradictory feeling, the whole world completely lost its sound afterwards. It was because of the extremely harsh roar that all those who heard it temporarily lost their hearing.

The people of the Southern Merchants Association stretched out their hands and pressed their ears to try to get rid of the harsh screams from their minds, but found it in vain, and then the sound that reverberated throughout the soul gradually turned into A harsher sound of bone rubbing.

   This means that the mutual stalemate between Bone Claw and Liang Po has reached the most intense stage.

As soon as this voice came out, the shopkeeper Fang's complexion changed directly, and he quickly walked to the pale and painful Pearl's side, and hurriedly stretched out his hands, gathered a lot of vitality, and covered the former's ears, but he made a dull sound. Humph, his complexion flushed, and at the same time, wisps of blood flowed down from the ears and noses of the other men in the Chamber of Commerce.

   "Hold your breath, gather vitality!"

The shopkeeper Fang opened his mouth and let out a loud shout, and the sound lingered, the stone tower above everyone's head suddenly burst out with a large amount of blue and white light, like rain falling from the sky, covering the people of the Southern Chamber of Commerce from top to bottom. This warm and hot light completely isolated the harsh white bone friction.

   Yinxu City won the Imperial City Plaza. Because of the direct confrontation between the bone claw and Roshan, the two giants on the upper and lower sides, countless underworld qi poured crazily in all directions like a rolling wave.

Then the earth trembled and the void trembled. The ground under Liang Po's huge body collapsed directly because it could not withstand the immense force. At the same time, a huge crack was torn under the Roshan Demon King, causing the back The whole body sank in half.

Immediately after countless pale rays of light radiated outwards, between the dazzling rays of dazzling light, the bone claws that protruded from the Nine Nether Vortex gradually retracted, and then an incomparably distant ancient will passed down, although weak, but The will and emotion expressed in it are clearly emerging.


The bone claws protruding from the Nine Nethers, divided from the perspective of the realm, have completely exceeded the palm edge birth and death realm, but Liang Po Chu has consumed a lot of vitality and physical strength, and the whole body is blasted under the ground. , Still unscathed.

"It's really a monster from the beginning to the end, this kind of monster can't be found in the land of the profound mystery. Perhaps, in the land of the profound mystery, the sunken island that countless people are rushing to find is not the fat of desire, but the return. Mountains and forests, tigers smiling proudly in the world."

A thought came directly into the mind of the female ice saint who was adjusting her breath. The ordinary face under her dim light was full of complexity. The strength of the vast land of Shenzhou or Daxia completely exceeded her imagination. With the unyielding bloodline deeply engraved in the human bloodline at this time, once the too young Emperor Fuyao swung his army into the land of the Supreme Profound, then it was bound to be a catastrophe.

  Thinking about this, the ice-field female sage slightly turned her head and glanced at the floating ice coffin beside her, and her heart was once again lost in deep confusion.

   At the next breath, the female saint’s chaotic thoughts were pulled back, because Guan Zhengqing’s young, slightly crazy voice sounded in her ears again:

   "Supernatural power. Duankong banned!"

   At this time, standing on the Nether City Wall, Guan Zhengqing half-crouched and pressed his hands against the wall under her body. Except for half of her face that was not covered by bones, the rest of her body had a creepy gray-white bone armor.

These white bones are like the most greedy demons. They almost swallowed Guan Zhengqing’s original muscles and blood vessels, causing the former to sink into the pain of a phagocytic worm every minute and every second. Gives its almost endless supply of underworld.

   It can be said that Guan Zhengqing, who was almost completely assimilated at this time, is an inexhaustible fighter machine in this Yinxu city!

Within the enchantment of the Nether City Wall, half of his body plunged into the beam under the ground, and he stretched out his palm the size of a hill to support the ground beside him, trying to break free, but at the next breath, he got up and stopped. , Because countless underworld qi intertwined with each other around it, forming a huge broken air array like a spider web.

The great formation cut off all the void above Liang Po, as if it had cut a middle boundary. Then Liang Po raised his head and looked at the empty cage above. The tyrannical color in his huge eyes gradually dissipated, and his body was dark. The rudiment of the Roshan Lair Kingdom reappeared, including his entire body, and began to quickly regain his vitality.

Seeing that Liang Po was temporarily sealed in the enchantment, Guan Zhengqing's body shook for a while, and then she fell directly on her back from the Nether City Wall, hitting the ground of the square below, and after a few laps, she opened her mouth and coughed violently. , But what is extremely strange is that there is no blood in Guan Zhengqing's mouth.

   "You are in a bad state now. I don't know if it is a human or a ghost. Is this the price you said?"

   The figure of Li Dingshan came slowly from not far away, and then he stared at Guan Zhengqing who was climbing from the ground, and continued to speak:

   "You can't get out of this city. Can I understand that since the beginning, you didn't think about that place beyond the sky. Who was it that asked you to give up your life and pave the way?"

   "Keeping a city and being a person is the destiny that I have been unable to break away since I was born."

   Guan Zhengqing’s response was unusually flat, and his expression was also extremely indifferent, as if he was talking about a trivial matter, then he gently took out a fist-sized snow statue from his arms.

   The person carved by this snow statue is extremely young, with a handsome face, and the right arm of this snow statue is empty, with only one left arm. It is Yunyu Tuoba who is still in the pit in the snowy hinterland.

Then Guan Zhengqing violently smashed the snow image directly into pieces. In the next moment, in front of Guan Zhengqing, countless frost appeared. After gathering inward, it swept up toward the sky, followed by a shattered body with a faintly aura of frost flying from its feet. Appeared in.

Yunyu Tuoba, who appeared in the Yinxu city, held Shanzi’s completely dying, completely cold body in his arms, and then Guan Zhengqing looked at Guan Zhengqing, who had changed drastically, and was horrified in his eyes. The color faded, and then faintly said:

"he died!"

Yun Yu Tuoba's voice fell, Guan Zhengqing did not immediately respond, but reached out from Yun Yu Tuoba's hand to take Shanzi's body, and then turned and slowly stepped onto the back steps leading to the Jinluan Hall, leaving only a faint voice. Wandering in place:

   "If you die, you will die. Only if you die once can you cut off the past and regain your life!"

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