When the Moon King, wrapped in a monstrous cold flame, roared to the sky in Shangling City, and raged crazily, all the people in the city began to understand that the Longyin Great Crossbow failed to break the formation, and Shangling City had truly fallen!

The Moon Demon King was already unstoppable, and perhaps he would be dead soon.

The Longyin Great Crossbow in Upper Ling City has only one arrow, so the entire huge city is undoubtedly trembling at the feet of the Moon Demon King, and the monstrous power of the top-level overhaul is also undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

For the entire Central Shangguo, such an angry city massacre scene was the first time since the establishment of the kingdom by the Yin clan, so after tonight, it is destined to shock the world.

This is an unforgettable shame for everyone in Central Shangguo!

With every foot of the Moon Demon King collapsed, the earth trembled crazily, and the buildings in the upper Lingcheng shattered into dust under the purple ice.

At the same time, in the depths of the underground palace of Lord Shangling City Shenji, a group of Shenji Pavilion Soul Race men and horses were pacing back and forth quite anxiously in the secret room of the underground palace.

Inside this underground palace, the disgusting smell of blood is still extremely strong, but the atmosphere is even more solemn, and there is even a deep fear of the circulation of these soul races.

Then a somewhat hoarse voice resounded in the torture chamber:

"Everyone, now the Shangling City outside has become a real purgatory, it can be said to be a death.

"No one expected the situation to be what it is now, but the question now is, how should I wait?"

As soon as this question came out, within the three eyes of a soul race in the execution chamber, a very obvious uneasy color appeared at the same time, and then another soul race responded:

"To be honest, I haven't understood what's going on until now. From Liu Ge's elder suddenly said that Lord Soul Jin is a traitor in the pavilion, to the so-called third Zheyuekong attack from Shengting Martial Palace, and even massacre. , All this happened too suddenly."

"No matter whether it is suddenly or not, the current situation is that once this moon sky massacres the city and the sky is sealed, do you think we can escape if we hide in the depths of the earth?"

"At least Liu Ge is still outside, maybe it can save my life."

"Lao Liuge? A joke!"

The emotions of those who spoke were quite agitated, indeed, facing the fear of death, the soul races of the Shenji Pavilion, the already strong hostility in their hearts, erupted violently outwards.

After that, the brother of the soul race who was previously humiliated by the Liu Ge elder face to face, the fierce color on his face became stronger, and he raised a lot of roars, and continued to roll out:

"These six patrons are the gods of plague. They transferred me to Shangling City to die, and they also tricked me into being a traitor. Lao Tzu now suspects that he himself is a traitor!"

Because the teeth were mostly broken by Liu Ge's slap, the voice of this young man was leaking at this time, but what he didn't notice was that after he finished speaking, the three-eyed spirit race in the corner, The two disappeared silently.

At the next breath, the son of the soul race, who is still respectable, narrowed his eyes, and the angry voice continued to linger in the torture chamber:

"Now this young man has reason to suspect that these six pavilions have fornicated the holy court and slaughtered Shangling city. This is pushing all the soul races of our divine machine pavilion to the opposite of the central Shangguo, pushing them into the fire pit!"

The roar with the leaking wind continued to sound continuously, and at the same time, several soul races in the corner of the torture chamber disappeared directly.

What's weird is that these disappeared soul races are like being directly affected by space. Swallowing is average, without causing any waves or strangeness.

"According to my son, we are hiding in the depths of this underground palace this time. After all, this place is the back garden of the Central Shangguo. The Ziyue Broken Air Formation can't seal the Lingcheng for too long.

"If this robbery survives, this son must tell his father, so that the entire Shenji Pavilion will know the wolf ambition of Liu Ge!"

This sentence was particularly angry, and then the soul race suddenly turned around, just about to speak, but the voice stopped abruptly, and a deep horror appeared in the pupils, because in front of him, all the other three-eyed soul races were in It has all disappeared without knowing it.

At the same time, piles of black robes appeared on the ground, heralding the end of all these soul races being swallowed up.

The next breath, a horror deep into the bones of the soul race young man's heart, a voice of terrified horror came out:

"Who is causing trouble?"

This roar lingered back and forth in the airtight torture chamber, and then the young man of the soul clan who reacted immediately poured out his entire soul power cultivation base without reservation.

Although this young son of the soul race is arrogant and domineering on weekdays, his strength is not weak. The black robe above his body rolls, and the rolling soul power turns into visible ripples and spreads outward.

However, the color of fear in the eyes of the young soul race did not diminish at all, on the contrary, it became more and more serious, because a hand stretched out directly in the void and grabbed the soul eye of the former eyebrow.

As the weird hand stretched out, the owner of this hand gradually appeared in front of the young soul race, and the latter continued to scream:

"Master Soul Gold, don't kill me, I don't mean to be disrespectful to you, don't kill me!"

However, begging for mercy and howling were only in vain. The right hand of the soul gold directly penetrated into the soul eye of the soul clan master brother, and then digging out fiercely, a soul eye was directly deducted.

At the next breath, the body of the soul gold appeared in the torture chamber, opened his mouth, first stuffed the soul eye in his hand into the mouth, chewed hard for a few times, and then sucked fiercely in front of him.


In the entire small torture chamber, a strong breathing sounded directly, and then the soul of the young soul clan son, along with the entire body, was instantly swallowed, leaving only a robe, floating down.

In just a few breaths, in the torture chamber deep in the underground palace, a silent massacre was over. There was no extra blood or screams, but it was full of people who even the souls were swallowed up. cruel.

After a while, he absorbed all the soul gold of the soul race, raised his hand to support the underground palace wall beside him, bent down and coughed, muttered:

"Elder Liu Ge, the immortal old man, his cultivation is really not weak."

After speaking, the soul gold seemed to have thought of something, and began to quickly digest the power of the soul that had just been absorbed in the body, and then he no longer hesitated, and carefully took out something from his arms and held it up in his palm.

I saw a small moon in the palm of the soul gold, and with the instillation of vitality, the moon began to emit extremely strange purple light outwards.

"Greetings to Master Yuekong!"

Accompanied by the respectful cry, after a breath, the wisps of purple light and moonlight converged directly into a figure. At the same time, a cold voice suddenly came out:

"Soul gold, what about things?"

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