The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1861: King to king

In the deep underground palace of Shangling City, in the blood-filled torture chamber, the light of the purple moon was in the palm of the soul gold, shining out from the little moon, and a black robe was slowly condensed in a blink of an eye. The shrouded figure.

Then the soul gold retracted his hands, took a step back, knelt down respectfully, and shouted:

"Greetingly welcome Master Yuekong."

"Soul gold, have you got the things you want?"

The sound of the moon sky is already extremely cold, and the entire torture chamber is beginning to tremble in the void, indicating that what is coming out of the void at this time is not its supernatural power projection, but the real moon sky itself.

The body of the third Zheyuekong of Shengting Wugong appeared underground at this time, which meant an extremely terrifying fact.

Just now in the nine heavens, he summoned the King of the Moon Demon, and at the same time exiled the Dragon's Great Crossbow Arrow into the moon sky of the Dark Moon Demon Cavern. It did not end up with the Dragon's Arrow as all the monks in the upper Lingcheng thought. Unscathed!

Thinking of this, the soul gold knelt on one knee, his head drooping lower, the color of awe in his eyes became more intense, and he said loudly:

"Master Yuekong, in the next mission, I will forcibly seize the memory fragments of Daxia in the knowledge of the sea from the hands of the old six pavilions, and it is within this soul eye in my hand. "

After he finished speaking, the soul gold stretched into his arms, took out a red eyelid, and handed it out respectfully. At the same time, with a little fearful voice, he continued to say:

"Master Yuekong, there are great articles in Daxia in the North, but in his country, there is a legend that the entire Taixuan land has always dreamed of."

This word transmission just blurted out, and before the soul gold finished speaking, all the Akashi lights in this torture chamber dissipated in an instant, and at the same time the boundless darkness swept across like a rushing river.

The undercurrent is turbulent and silent, but it contains great horror!

Once the nine-day sun sinks into Yu Yuan, the whole world is the night under the sky, so the moment the light dissipates, the darkness has already enveloped the world.

"Dark Moon, Shun Kong!"

The night came, and the moon sky standing above the ground reacted directly. His purple right hand lifted up and slammed it outward. The monster moonlight directly lit up in the moon sky's palm, blinking an eye. Then illuminate the entire torture chamber.

At the same time, these moonlights running through the entire underground palace instantly formed a scaled-down version of the air barrier, pushing it horizontally outwards quickly, trying to force the existence in the dark night out of the body.

But what Yuekong did not expect was that the enchantment of Duankong swept across the entire torture chamber of the underground palace, but it was empty, without any figure showing, which caused Yuekong's body covered in black robes to stop and let out a soft cry:


Before the words fell, the moon sky kept moving, stretched out **** to form a sword, lifted upwards, and at the same time, a silver moon slowly emerged behind the former, and the moonlight was the third master of the Holy Palace Martial Palace. Kingdom of the world.

The extremely cold moonlight illuminates the entire torture chamber, and even if the will of the moon sky in front of him is not on him, the soul gold who is kneeling on the ground still feels that his soul is beginning to be frozen.

After that, the soul gold held the scarlet soul eyes in his hands, and tremblingly said:

"Yue, Lord Yuekong?"

"Shut up."

The frosty voice fell, and Yuekong looked around for a week, and his brows were even more frowned, because there was still nothing unusual coming from within the country of the cold moon.

For the top-level overhaul of the palm boundary birth and death realm, its own kingdom is the strongest barrier and a world that can be completely dominated. It stands to reason that the moon sky should believe in the feedback from the kingdom, but its intuition is constantly reminding he.

This underground palace, deep in the earth, was staring at it, cold and containing evil intentions.

"Who is it?"

In this life, Yuekong has experienced too many life and death crises, so such a strange situation made it unnecessary to think and directly followed his own intuition.

In the next instant, countless moon blades that ruined the sky and the earth poured out directly inside Yuekong's body, and then the former stretched out his right hand and grabbed the scarlet soul eye on the palm of the soul gold in front of him.

"Regardless of whether you are or not, you are coming towards this eye, so let me see what the illusion is."

After he finished speaking, Yuekong bowed his head and stared at the soul eye in front of him, and his right hand with countless runes was approaching the **** eye inch by inch.

For many times, the game between top-level overhauls, even if it's just a tiny bit, is like a grand battle of death and death.

As the so-called square inch, there is no limit to murder!

Just before Yuekong’s right hand was about to grab the soul’s eye, an extremely abrupt blue glow suddenly appeared in the void between the moon sky and the soul gold. This blue glow was like a fleeting ghost fire, bang. It goes out completely with a sound.

However, what accompanied the disillusionment of the blue light was the space that was suddenly completely torn apart, and it was this cracked space that caused the stormy storm to appear directly in the heart of Moon Sky, and he blurted out:

"How can this be torn open space within the Moon Kingdom in this constellation?"

Before the words fell, within the cracks of the cracked space, bursts of incomparably dark night, once again rushed out like a volcanic eruption.

In this case, it is like the originally extremely pure lake of the moon, directly injected by a jet of black mist, and quickly polluted and swallowed.


The loud noise that the darkness of the night and the power of the source of the moon oppose each other is extremely harsh.

Then Yuekong stretched out to the side of Scarlet Sky Soul Eye's right hand, and the other hand appeared in the darkness, directly holding the former's wrist.

It was a hand that was not generous, with five slender fingers, and extremely pale, and from the palm of the hand, the owner of this hand was not very old.

At the same time, in the darkness that rolled out, a figure was outlined, the same big robe flying, with the same unparalleled momentum.

If the third zheyuekong of the Saint Court Martial Arts Palace is the King of the Moon Demon in the Supreme Profound Land, then the existence that descends in the darkness at this time is the real night demon!

In the depths of the underground palace of Shangling City, the two top existences, who are free from the opposite of the light, officially meet.

Meeting on a narrow road is directly without fancy life and death!

"Moon is coming!"

Facing this strange existence that suddenly grasped his wrist, Yuekong put away the strange color in his eyes, raised his left hand, and hit the darkness in front of him with a punch.

After a breath, above Yuekong's left fist, strands of crystal clear moonlight spread out, burning like a purple and white flame.

At the same time, the dark tide under his fist also began to roll violently, and a fist also blasted out.

Countless darkness of night condensed inward, turned into night armor, wrapped this fist, and then a young voice came out:

"Ancient taboo magical powers. Void!"

In the next instant, two fists blasted in one place. It was a twisted void black hole, and the opposition between Hanyue and Hanyue exploded, destroying the world and destroying the earth!

Then this wave of power that destroys everything swept outwards violently, and instantly tore the entire underground palace to pieces. Not only the underground palace, but even the layer of land where the underground palace was located, was scraped off.

"Boom boom boom!"

Under the deafening roar, Shang Lingcheng sank dozens of feet down!

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