The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1859: Shangling falls

The power of the moon burst above the sky of Upper Lingcheng continued to wreak havoc, and the extreme wave of destruction caused everything in the night sky to turn into a chaotic shape of countless fragments.

Loud and silent, sounds that really exceed the decibel limit of living creatures often sound only silent.

But not being able to hear it does not mean that it does not exist. The vast sound waves shook the void, and then turned into a tremor to pass down from the top, causing the cultivators in the city below to be stunned by the blood from the seven orifices.

The sky was swallowed by chaos, while the cold wave still spread above the ground, plundering the vitality of the monks, leaving behind countless ice sculptures.

At this moment, despair and hope are intertwined in the hearts of the creatures in Shangling City. Every minute and every second is a torment that they don't want to experience again!

On the street where the Shenji Pavilion of Shangling City was located, the garrison with blood on their ears shook their heads fiercely, trying to get rid of the dizziness in their minds.

Then a dragon-serving archer strongly supported the high wall in front of him, tried to stabilize his figure, and muttered to ask:

"Is it done? It must be done. I saw the Longyin Great Crossbow blasting the moon demon onto the barrier, and the third zheyuekong of the holy court burst directly into it."

The high voice came from the mouth of the dragon-serving archer, and perhaps in order to make people more convincing, he stood upright suddenly, scanned the chaotic void above with a sharp gaze far beyond ordinary people, and the voice came out word by word. :

"I can't see the trail of the moon sky, he is dead, he died under the arrow of the dragon's voice!"

The dragon-serving archer possesses special visual abilities, and his vision is undoubtedly a top-notch existence in the world, and he can see through the chaotic sky behind.

Therefore, as soon as the words of the dragon-serving archer came out, the faces of the people who heard it showed joy, but on the street, the burly lieutenant standing with a knife did not slow down in his solemn expression. After he thought about it for a while, Turning around, the voice came out:

"You are staring at this elder of the Shenji Pavilion and the Sixth Pavilion here. You are going to order the platform. The Longyin Danu is now unguarded. Its safety is more important than our lives!"

After speaking, the burly lieutenant no longer hesitated. He directly lifted the knife and blasted a silver wolf smoke knife gas in front of him. The next breath, the wolf smoke knife gas pierced the void and directly exploded the ice on the street, exposing it. The ground collapsed behind one after another.

Then the burly lieutenant took the knife and charged, and jumped directly to the point of the city. Along the way, the cold wave was raging, but the burly lieutenant ignored it, swung his knife and cut the sword again, and rushed forward in a straight line. After less than ten breaths, he appeared directly under the Dianjiangtai.

On the stage, the golden light of the Longyin Great Crossbow still shines, but presumably, the momentum of this crossbow has been reduced too much. After all, the golden arrow has been blasted out, above the Longyin Great Crossbow of Shangling City, There is no second arrow.

"I hope that the big crossbow can break this purple moon air-breaking formation!"

The dignified and undiminished voice came from the burly lieutenant's mouth. Before the voice fell, his figure had already turned into a stream of light, rushing to the top to point to the stage.

"General, general, wake up, wake up!"

On the stage of the commander, the roar from the defense of Shanglingcheng kept ringing, and in the arms of the defense army, it was the guardian of Shangling who had his limbs torn to pieces and his armor was broken.

I saw the upper survivor, lying with his head tilted, and there was no qi from all over his body.

The ice-cold body indicates that the persevering silver-armored guard has already died, and then a string of tears gushes from the eyes of the surrounding garrison, and roars up to the sky:

"Sanctuary thief, I don't share the same spirit with you!"

This roar was hoarse, and then the figure of the burly guard appeared on the stage of the commander, and even if it had been expected, when the latter saw the body of the guardian in silver armor, his body still trembled suddenly. Hold the handle firmly.

As the saying goes, the generals died in a hundred battles, and perhaps the deaths in the battlefield are the final destinations of the soldiers, but the broken limbs and the extremely tragic appearance still make the defending county's tiger eyes red and breath rushing.

However, there was not much time left for grief and anger for these garrisons at this time, because at the next breath, an exclamation sounded from the side of Longyin Danu:

"Wake up, come, everyone, General Tang woke up."

As soon as this statement came out, a guard sergeant turned around abruptly, and then the burly lieutenant who had reacted first disappeared in place, appeared beside Longyin Dagger, and looked down.

In front of the burly lieutenant, Tang Yuan, who was pale as paper, lay on the ground, and because of the heavy damage to his soul, Tang Yuan's seven orifices continued to flow piercing blood, and at the same time his body was trembling violently.

With his body trembling, Tang Yuanzheng desperately wanted to open his eyes, but was unable to open them. Then the burly lieutenant directly took out a true essence pill from his arms and fed it into Tang Yuan's mouth.

The real essence pill melted at the entrance, directly turned into a vitality trend, poured into Tang Yuan's body, and immediately after the former's body trembled more violently, the next breath, the burly lieutenant stretched out his right hand, pressed Tang Yuan's shoulder, and asked. Out:

"Tang Yuan, do you want to say something?"

Before the question fell, Tang Yuan lying on the ground suddenly raised his right hand and grabbed the arm of the burly lieutenant.

Then the former opened his mouth and took a violent breath, his eyes suddenly opened, his eyes rounded, his eyes were bloodshot, and at the same time a thick color of horror appeared on it.

"Puff, puff, puff."

Tang Yuan wanted to speak, but the sound that came out was like a dilapidated and hollowed windmill, difficult to converge into words, and then the burly lieutenant continued to stretch out his hand and gently press on Tang Yuan's shoulder, and said:

"Tang Yuan, don't worry, you should recover your Qi first, and then speak slowly."

After speaking, Tang Yuan in front of him breathed heavily, his palms holding the arms of the burly lieutenant harder, his eyes fixedly staring at the front, and his voice came out every word:

"The formation was not broken. Longyin Arrow was sent by Moon Sky into the Dark Moon Demon Cave before the eruption of Longwei. Prepare to fight to the death!"

Tang Yuan's words fell, before the surrounding defense army could react, he went up to the sky above Lingcheng, and the waves suddenly resurfaced. Behind the originally almost chaotic void, two skeletal claws glowing with purple intent completely extended from above.

The demon claws of the moon almost completely covered the entire sky, and then under countless terrifying gazes, the claws severely tore outwards.

With a tear, all the chaos above the void dissipated in an instant, and then the huge and extremely large body of the Moon Demon King was directly exposed in front of everyone.

At the next breath, this king of the moon demon together with the three rounds of purple glowing demon moon began to fall rapidly, and it took only a few blinks of an eye to step directly on the ground on the upper Lingcheng, and the sky was With a loud scream:


Under this violent roar, starting from the body of the Moon Demon, the surrounding buildings were instantly frozen in ice, and then the burly lieutenant on the platform was sitting on the ground with his **** and muttered:

"It's over, this is all over Lingcheng!"

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