The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1846: Purple Moon Suspension

At the core of Taixuan Central Plains, Upper Lingcheng, the golden dragon shines with light and shadow.

Afterwards, the atmosphere of the whole city suddenly changed from being bustling at night to being extremely murderous in the shadow of war.

Regardless of the fact that Erzhang couldn't touch the city's living souls at this time, even the Shangling City garrison gathered at the center of the city, and they were equally puzzled.

However, Shangling was one of the cities closest to Shangxiao, and because of the previous Shangxiao rebellion, the imperial court of the central Shangguo moved some of its elites to the east, and the garrison here was one of them.

The reason why Central Shangguo was able to occupy the top of the four Shangguo steadily was that in addition to inheriting the heritage after the collapse of the Xianting Sacred Palace, there was another point that it had the only established monk army in the four Shangguo.

Xuemei and Qingzhi are the two major kingdoms. The domestic creatures are of a single race and are rare in number. The high-level standing powers are dominated by temple priests. Once a nationwide war breaks out, the whole people will be soldiers, and the flames will be the best. The country is chaotic and disorderly, and the various subterranean races are tumbling against each other, and they have never been able to complete the integration.

Therefore, the Central Shangguo, which has a large built army, has obvious advantages in mobilizing domestic combat power. However, the Shangguo has a huge territory, and under the high pressure of the holy court, it has gradually shown a stretched posture over the years.

In other words, he was led by the nose by the holy court recently, and the generals of Central Shangguo felt this point more truly.

"In these years, there have been many times when the enemy hasn't come up yet, but just showed some clues. We have to fight to defend the whole city, just like we are now."

Before Shang Lingcheng ordered the towering camp, the defender of the Silver Armor of Shang Lingcheng heard a helpless voice. Behind his upright body, there was already a team of defensive troops quickly assembled, and the eyes were intertwined.

Then the guard raised his foot and stepped forward, and his deep voice continued:

"But we must be vigilant at all times. The Holy Court can send people to harass countless times. If we fail to succeed, there will be no other losses. But if we can't hold onto it once, no one can bear the consequences. We are the sinners of the whole country. !"

"My lord, we are still too passive. If we find a way to cut off the heads of some important figures in his holy court like the Three Princes, he will not dare to be so arrogant anymore."

"There are too many high-ranking monks in the holy court, and this is its hidden behind the scenes. Although we have been chasing down with all our strength, we are still incapable of killing, so we can't have any fluke mentality."

After speaking, the silver armored guard raised his right fist and opened his mouth and let out a loud roar:

"I don't know the other places, but Shangling City is the land of the general. No matter who comes, he will definitely let him go without returning, open the gate, and start the dragon chanting crossbow!"

As soon as a loud roar came out, the lieutenant beside him nodded his head and issued a command forward:

"Open the gate!"

The command sound fell, and the point inside the city opened the gate of the platform camp. With the next breath, a strong golden light poured out directly and mightily, and at the same time the golden light was exposed between the heavens and the earth, and there was a shock that shook the sky. Dragon roar.


The sound of the dragon's sound was earth-shattering, lingering back and forth directly above Shangling, and then strands of golden light spread out on the stage, completely illuminating the half of the sky on the top of the city.

"This is the sound of the dragon's roar, and the dazzling golden light shining in the sky. It should be the garrison of Upper Lingcheng who made the move, but who is the enemy and why didn't you see any figures?"

The dragon's roar rang through his ears, and then went up between the streets and alleys of Lingcheng. A living creature suddenly raised his head, staring at the golden light gushing from above like a torrent, and continued to speak:

"It's not good, it's the most terrible without an enemy. Hurry up and hide first."

As soon as the words came out, the so-called people around looked at each other, without saying a word, rushed directly to the building on the side, and then panic spread rapidly like a plague.

For a moment, the streets and alleys of Shangling City were directly plunged into extreme chaos, even if the real enemy did not appear, the creatures in the city had already begun to flee frantically.

This is the city under the haze of war, rumbling like a frightened bird.

The panic in Shangling City was spreading like a forest fire, but the defenders before the station camp had no time to pay attention to the chaos below, especially the silver armor guards, his expression extremely solemn, and his voice came out:

"How long has it been since we opened the gate at this time?"

As soon as the inquiry sounded, the lieutenant on the side responded directly:

"Back to the general, one hundred and twenty-three breaths have passed!"

"It's not right. According to the rules set by Shangguo recently, once there is a city around Shangxiao City to unblock the Longyin Bow, within a hundred breaths, another Longyin Bow must be unblocked to take care of it.

"Now there is no golden light rising, which means there are two possibilities. Either the Longyin Great Crossbow in the surrounding city is destroyed. This is obviously unrealistic. Then there is only one situation left."

As soon as the silver armor general's voice fell, the surrounding lieutenants looked at each other and blurted out:

"Shangling City is blocked, it may be a great barrier!"

When the sound came out, the silver armor guard in front of him directly turned into a silver light, rushing into the gate opened in front of him, and as far as he could see, it was the golden light gushing outward like a tide.

Within the golden light, a majestic and extremely large crossbow stands on the chariot. At the same time, the whole crossbow looks like a double dragon. The crossbow has a golden arrow, which is fastened to the string, and it has been pulled apart. To the limit.

On the golden crossbow arrows, there are countless densely dense golden dragon scales. At the same time, the two golden dragon eyes are closed tightly at the top of the sharp arrow, but the fierce dragon is directly pouring out.

Longyin Great Crossbow, the most important weapon of the central government, is natural and powerful!

Then the figure rushed into the point where the silver armor defender was inside the base camp. Without a word, he directly stretched out his hand and drew a spear from his back, and slammed it forward on the base of the camp in front of him.

After an instant, with the tip of the Euphorbia halberd as the center, the cracks spread out loudly, and the whole point completely exploded like a volcanic eruption, and then a more deafening dragon chant, accompanied by the ultimate golden light, shone across the sky .

Longyin Golden Light is more domineering and enthusiastic than the light of day, and it also contains the power of the golden dragon to push back evil spirits.

Then an extremely dark dome appeared above Shangling City, and the moon above the dome, under the golden light, began to emit an extremely strange purple light.

When Ziyue was in the sky, the entire Upper Lingcheng was enveloped. Then he raised his head and looked at the silver armored defender general above, firmly holding the halberd in his hand, and muttered:

"Ziyue Broken Sky Formation, the third philosopher of Shengting Martial Palace, Yuekong!"

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