As the previous Shangling City Silver Armored Defender said, the eastern area of ​​Shangguo where this city is located is the back garden of the central Shangguo's top priority.

After the Shangxiao City rebellion, the Central Shangguo not only arranged the country’s heaviest weapons such as the Longyin Great Crossbow, but even the earth-moving celestial instrument of the Dragon Court, always shrouded the world, maintaining the highest level of alertness. .

Therefore, the confidence of the former lieutenant did not arise out of thin air, because even the top-level overhaul of the ten philosophers of the Shengting Martial Palace, once the laws of heaven and earth are triggered, they will definitely be discovered by the earth moving heavenly instrument.

Except for one person.

That is the third wisdom of the holy court, moon sky!

For Long Ting of Central Shangguo, even if he is facing the first and second philosophers of Wu Gong, he is unwilling to play cat-and-mouse-like chasing games with the third philosopher.

Because this third sage of the holy court has stronger mobility than the Wujiangzong monk, even if countless large repairs are dispatched collectively, it is simply difficult to hunt down.

At the same time, the Ziyue Suspension Array was the iconic supernatural power of the third sage of the holy court, and that round of extremely strange purple moon shrouded the upper Lingcheng, isolating the world.

Although this purple moon formation is not as violently cracked as the purple lightning formation that covered Shangxiao City before, it is more concealed and silent. When almost all the creatures in Shangling City have not reacted, they will This city was directly separated from the Taixuan world.

"The moon sky, it turned out to be the moon sky!"

With an infinite dignified voice, the lieutenant on the stage of Yu Dianjiang came out, and then he subconsciously swallowed a saliva, and continued to speak:

"General, Ziyue Duankong, although the third holy court hasn't made a move yet, our Upper Lingcheng has been isolated by the Great Array. How should we proceed?"

"How to act?"

Words of rhetorical questions came from the mouth of the silver armor guard, and then he raised the heavy halberd in his hand, roaring everywhere:

"How can I act, only to fight to the death, kill!"

This killing character roared and roared, and the golden dragon shadow rising outwards above the Longyin Great Crossbow also felt unusual. It began to solidify rapidly, and the dragon scales grew out, and once again, a dragon sounded out from the sky. Howl.

Golden Dragon and Purple Moon!


The sound of the dragon pierced through the sky and the earth, and then the top of the city center, holding the halberd silver general, the momentum of the whole body rose at an extremely violent speed, and the racial Taoist elephant emerged from behind. It was a firstborn with double horns. Silver dragon.

At the next breath, the silver armor guard stepped forward, holding the heavy halberd in both hands, almost blasting directly at the purple moon above, but at this moment, the entire Shangling city suddenly trembled.


A muffled thunderous sound rang out from beneath the earth, and then Shanglingcheng began to vibrate more violently. For a time, a large number of buildings crashed and dumped, especially near the Shenji Pavilion. It collapsed and a huge cavity appeared.

"Who is presumptuous in the city?"

On the Lingcheng point on the stage, the silver-armored defender holding the halberd, stopped the movement in his hand when the loud noise like the shaking of the earth and the mountain came, turned his sharp gaze directly down, and then listened. The lieutenant next to him responded directly:

"General, there is a riot near the Shenji Pavilion in the city."

"You take people to suppress, if there is resistance, just kill without mercy!"

The murderous voice of the silver armor guard came out, and a huge lieutenant nodded his head heavily, stretched out his hand to support the city wall in front of him, and led a team of men and horses, leaping towards the front.

Shanglingcheng Point Jiangtai deserves to be the absolute highest point of the entire city. After this team of garrisons landed, they were already extremely close to the Shenji Pavilion.

Then a sharp blade with a handle was drawn out of the sheath, and the turbulent momentum poured out from the body of a soldier, and began to rush forward along the street.

Along the way, the creatures in Shangling City flee outward, and at the same time, with fearful shouts, they sounded in the street outside the Shenji Pavilion:

"The ground outside the Shenji Pavilion collapsed, something came out, run!"

When the sound of shouts and shouts lingered in my ears, the defensive army of Shanglingcheng continued to charge forward without any reduction in speed. After only a few breaths, they saw the huge hole on the street floor that was cracking outwards. .

In the next instant, the pupils of these assault sergeants shrank severely, because a black light like a tornado storm suddenly soared into the sky in the pit, and it only took a moment to involve everything around it. Crushed directly.

"Shangling City is the hinterland of the Central Shangguo, so you can't be arrogant, and you won't be able to catch it!"

The burly lieutenant, who was as big as a hill, opened his mouth and uttered an angry shout, his right foot stomped heavily on the ground, and his body leaped forward like a hungry tiger.

While he was flying in the air, the Vice Admiral of Shang Lingcheng raised a huge knife as high as a person in his hand and slashed it violently.

Then the power of the vast origin, along the giant blade in the hand of the lieutenant, rushed outward like wolf smoke, directly across most of the street, facing the black light tornado, and smashed down.


The void near the Shenji Pavilion in Shangling City, because the air was split open with a knife, there was an extremely harsh neighing.

Being able to appoint a monk who can appoint the deputy general of the Lingcheng City is not unreasonable, but his complexion suddenly changed wildly after the next breath, because in the black light tornado ahead, there was a breath that could be called terrifying, and it seemed to rise. There are peerless creatures, rushing out of the ground.

After another breath of time, a strong color of firmness once again appeared on the face of the lieutenant, because in this city, he could not retreat except to advance.


After a wild roar, the wolf smoke knife light slashed on the tornado storm, and there were countless dense intersecting weapons in the entire world.

"Ding Ding Pong Pong!"

Between the tornadoes of sword energy and spirit power, the entire tall Shenji Pavilion also began to tremble violently, and at the same time a monk who lived in the pavilion fled madly from it under the shock.

But as soon as he rushed out of the attic, he was directly torn into fragments by the scattered energy of the original source, and turned into blood mist without even a scream.

For a while, the streets of Shangling City were directly filled with a strong and extremely **** smell.

This was the first murderous intent revealed by Shangling City, but it was definitely not the last one, but just the beginning!

As the **** fog was flying and dancing, the burly lieutenant figure appeared beside the pothole, grasping the huge sword in his hand that was smoky and shining into the sky, facing the tornado storm in front of him, once again violently cut down.


The giant knife slashed on the tornado storm once again, and the harsh sound was even worse between the force of the source.

But after an instant, the burly lieutenant's complexion changed again, because a vast wave of soul power spread from the front, and the mountain-like power spread out, bringing the lieutenant outside the post-tornado storm directly with the sword. Boom Fei.

At the next breath, a figure rose into the sky, and an old voice came out:

"Shenji Pavilion is hunting down traitors, so please do it for your convenience!"

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