The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1845: Shangling city change

The night on Lingcheng became deeper without knowing it, as if there was an invisible haze covering the sky above the entire city.

It's hard to see, but it's everywhere!

Although the full moon was shining in the sky, the silvery light gleamed on people, as if they had formed a thin layer of ice, with coldness.

"Mother, it's a real evil tonight, why is it so cold?"

Above the city wall of Shangling, a group of monks wearing central Shangguo armors, armed with spears, lined up patrols, with sharp gazes, scanning the criss-cross streets below.

On the main street of Shangling City, the busyness is still there, and the people who shuttle back and forth have not diminished in the slightest because of the late night. What is even more bizarre is that the creatures wandering on the street at this time did not feel too much. Deep coldness.

Under the wall, there are two completely different senses, which is undoubtedly a very confusing thing.

In the Central Plains of the Great Profound Land, confusion often means crisis.

Therefore, the Central Shangguo Garrison General sitting on the city wall frowned tightly, expanding the spiritual sense of his body to the limit, but it was difficult to find any abnormalities.

"The cold moon is in the sky, there is a demon in this matter, this general asks the patrol teams to inspect the entire Shangling city, is there any abnormal situation?"

As soon as a vigorous voice of inquiry came out, a lieutenant on the city wall stepped forward and responded:

"General, until now, the inspection team, except for the extremely cold above the city wall, no other abnormalities have appeared."

"This coldness is the biggest anomaly, let's explore it again."


After the lieutenant next to him gave a respectful salute, he just turned around and walked out. He heard the general's voice in his ears, and it sounded again:


As soon as the voice came out, the lieutenant stopped and said:

"What else does the general command?"

"You will personally lead people to the upper Lingcheng wall formation center to see if our formations in this city are in a state of operation at any time, and at the same time, you will pull out the Longyin Great Crossbow to this general."

The lieutenant's complexion changed drastically as soon as the words "Longyin Danu" came out. After a few breaths of hesitation, he responded:

"My lord, when the Shangxiao City rebelled some time ago, Shangguo transported this Dragonyin Great Crossbow in order to stabilize the situation in the east. The purpose was to defend the sky.

"But now there is no news of asking for help from Shangxiao City. Let's drag out the Dragonyin Great Crossbow directly. I'm afraid there is something wrong with it, right?"

Before the lieutenant's words fell, he was interrupted by the waved hand of the general in front of him, who was wearing a helmet and armour. The latter stood up, and said every word:

"It's true that Shangling City is a satellite city of Shangxiao. Longyin Great Crossbow was also set up for Shangxiao, but you might as well think about it. Once Shangling falls, it is no different from knocking a nail in the east of Shangguo! "

"My lord, it's not such an exaggeration. This place is the core of our country's extinction. At the same time, the earth movement and heavenly instrument in the Dragon Court are always covering the world. If there is an overhaul and invasion, there will be a reaction immediately."

Speaking of this, the lieutenant took a breath, and the voice continued:

"Under such an encirclement of heaven and earth, how can anyone in the holy court dare to be presumptuous here, and don't let it happen!"

The lieutenant's rather confident voice just fell, and the silver armor leader beside him paused, then turned his head directly, and his solemn voice sounded directly:

"If you continue to take it for granted as you do, then I will not be far from the collapse of Lingcheng!"

The silver armor general's words were not unimportant, it was tantamount to directly berating his lieutenant directly, and immediately after the latter became particularly pale, the voice from the general in his ear sounded again:

"Think about the fact that Shangxiao City almost fell some time ago. If it weren't for the Eighth Prince and the mother family behind him to withstand the city gate with his own life, then the current situation would be completely different!

"If you think this is because the former city lord of Shangxiao City couldn't stand the temptation of the holy court, and chose to defect on his own, that would be a big mistake!"

An increasingly loud voice came from the silver armor leader's mouth, and then he took the lead along the city wall to move forward, and continued to speak:

"Who is the city lord of Shangxiao City? He is a first-class official in frontiers, no matter whether it is rich or powerful, how can he be so easily rebellious.

"These people never move forward. If they don't rely on it, they won't do it directly, but what worries Shangguo is that until this time, we have not found the confidence of this betrayal."

After the voice fell, the face of the lieutenant at the back changed for a while, and then he lifted his leg forward more quickly, and said loudly:

"General, Longyin Danu is located at Dianjiangtai Fortress in the center of the city wall. You can reach it directly along the city wall. Please here."

The Longyin Great Crossbow, the most powerful equipment of the Central Shangguo standard, is specially made for hunting and killing the land gods!

At the beginning, in the Wushan Sea, the third prince Yin Wen, in order to ambush a group of people in Shengting Tiance Palace, also called out several Longyin Great Crossbows, which shows the preciousness of this crossbow.

At this time, Shangling City, one of the satellite cities of Shangxiao, concealed one. It can be seen that the Central Shangguo now attaches great importance to this rich eastern region.

At the same time, the imperial court of Central Shangguo also understood that while the holy court was fighting on the front line, it was also doing everything possible to destroy the back garden of the foundation of Central Shangguo.

In a sense, the holy court is in the dark, the central government is in the light, and the latter is above the strategy and is inherently at a disadvantage.

After more than a hundred breaths, the silver armor general and a group of people behind him appeared on the observation deck in the middle of the city. This is the highest place in the entire Shangling City. Standing on it, the entire city can be seen in a panoramic view.

"Since the holy court has torn away from our country, it must be a thief, and in addition to the weird scenes in our city tonight, I feel a little uneasy in my heart."

A dignified voice came from the silver armor general's collar, and then proudly stood up and raised the head of the city lord on the stage, condensing his gaze to the round moon glowing with bright light, and the command sound came out:

"Put through the clouds and draw arrows, so that all the garrisons in the city will come to the central point and gather at the platform."


As soon as the voice fell, a golden arrow directly soared into the sky, flew into the nine heavens and exploded outwards, forming a majestic golden dragon in the sky below the moon.

"This, this is the arrow of the central government. What happened to summon the entire garrison to gather?"

The Golden Dragon was flying into the air, and the entire bustling streets of Shangling City suddenly became extremely silent, and then a series of inquiries were heard from the cultivators in the city.

There was a look of doubt in these people's eyes, and then the look of astonishment in their eyes became more intense.

Because whether it is on the city wall of Shangling City or inside the campus of the city, a large number of Central Shangguo sergeants wearing battle helmets swarmed out.

"The sky has changed, is the sky changed in Shang Lingcheng?"

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