The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1824: The man my old lady is fond of

"This is often Xiliu, what are you doing?"

On the deck of the crescent treasure ship that revealed his figure in the depths of the void, among the Daxia taboos in black robes, the legion commander Jiang Yue, watching the Nantian King Chang Xiliu standing on the bow of the ship in front of him, brows Wrinkled, opened his mouth and let out a question.

Then Li Yi, the blood demon beside him, also showed doubts on his face, and responded:

"The Southern Heavenly King has a weird personality, he is also righteous and evil, and I really don't know what he is going to do."

"Do you want to take it back?"

After Jiang Yue finished speaking, he looked at the shadows in the black robe in front of everyone, and then after a breath of thought, the windrunner Xu Qing shook his head and said:

"No, she has already jumped down. Your Majesty is below. Forgive her not to be too presumptuous."

At the same time, behind the deck of the Moonya Treasure Ship, a low voice of inquiry sounded in the ears of the girl, San Yuliu:

"Yu Liu, you elder, jump off the treasure ship without authorization, is it okay?"

The one who asked was a girl in common clothes. Although her small face was not overly glamorous, she gave a sense of extremely pure purity.

At the same time, there is a soul eye flashing between his eyebrows, and it is Li Zeng's daughter, Li Tiantian.

However, the expressions of the two girls of the same age were a little weird at this time, and then Yu Liu, a girl with red and blazing hair, clasped her fingers nervously, and an inaudible voice came out:

"Aunt, aunt, she just told me that she wants to pursue her own happiness boldly."

As soon as this remark came out, Li Tiantian's red lips were round enough to squeeze an egg, and even his eyes widened, with an incredible face.

At the next breath, the girl's entire face was illuminated by golden light, because a golden sun appeared in the dark night sky outside the city of Baolian Jiandi Liantai.

"The scorching sun is falling, what is the situation?"

An even more shocking exclamation sounded from Jian Xiu's mouth above the ground.

Then in these people's eyes, a golden scorching sun slammed down, engulfing the vast majesty of ruining the world, and rapidly enlarging in the eyes.

The dazzling golden light made the entire Jianting area instantly look like daylight. At the same time, Chang Xiliu who jumped off the treasure ship, every hair behind him began to burn with pure and incomparable golden flames.

At the next breath, the ripples of the big sun visible to the naked eye circle after circle, and the big sun, which has been turned from the west, poured outwards, dispelling the darkness and shining in the sky.

The golden flames of the sun contained the highest light and heat in the world, and after being photographed like a huge wave, the black light sword lotus that had been cracked in every inch of it was completely shattered after a piercing scream.

"The sword lotus is broken, this Daxia will give us a terrific distraction."

An extremely solemn voice came from the mouth of the Ice Lotus Sword Sovereign in the sword pavilion, and then he lifted it to stop the Fire Lotus Sword Sovereign who was about to take action next to him, and the voice continued to sound:

"Lei Lian Sword respects the injury, and Huo Lian, your flame sword is a bursting supernatural power. When double fire meets, it will explode directly, so I will come."

As the voice fell, Binglian Jin Jianzun directly stretched out his hands into fingers, pierced out from the top, and shouted loudly:

"Fengtian a sword!"

After an instant, along with the sword of the Ice Lotus Sword Sovereign pierced out, the sword pavilion where the former was located was the center, and the origin of the ice sword flowing in the depths of the void began to condense violently in an instant.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, the place where the original power of the Frost Sword Intent condenses is not the fingertips of the Frost Lotus Venerable, but the sword pavilion behind it.

Since Lei Lian Jianzun released the Thunder Sword Formation through this isolated pavilion outside the city, all the sword repairmen present began to understand that this originally inconspicuous sword pavilion was actually a treasured Taoist weapon.

At this time, with the infusion of the origin of the frost sword intent, this sword pavilion tool once again showed its powerful power to the world.

The countless kendo runes engraved on the sword pavilion were once again lit up, and this time, it was no longer the purple thunder that lit up before, but the snow-white frost.

At the next breath, the sword pavilion rune instantly moved countless Frost Sword Intent Laws, and in just a blink of an eye, it directly condensed a thousand-meter-long Heaven-sealing Ice Sword, pointing far away that the wheel on the sky was falling The blazing day.

Then the billowing chill spread outward on the Fengtian Ice Sword, and even caused a thin layer of ice to spread over the earth in an instant.

"It's so hot, so cold!"

At this time, it was absolutely uncomfortable for the sword repairmen outside the sword pavilion, because it happened to be at the intersection of the extreme heat and the extreme cold.

However, even with the help of the sword pavilion tools, the Fengtianhan sword was displayed several times more than usual, but the solemn color in the Ice Lotus Sword Sovereign did not diminish in the slightest.

Because the higher the cultivation level, the more you can realize the violent energy contained in the mighty day of falling above.

"With such a pure Da Sun Jinhuo, there are few people in the entire Supreme Profound Land. Who are they?"

The murmur of doubt came from the mouth of Sword Sovereign Ice Lotus, and then the movements in his hand kept pointing forward, and at the same time, the frost and cold sword of a thousand meters behind him directly turned into a stream of light and rose into the sky.

The big day falls, the ice sword rises into the sky!

At this moment, the void outside Liantai City was directly divided into two parts, the upper part was fiercely hot, fiery gold, and the lower part was cold and icy blue.

"The land of the Supreme Profound Realm has been able to control the golden flames of the Great Sun since ancient times. It is none other than the creatures of the East Jade Hub Fire Mansion, and the Jade Hub Fire Mansion often walks in the Taixuan Central Plains, and has a great power that intersects with Daxia in the North. , There is only one."

As soon as the words of the sword master of the lotus platform outside the sword pavilion fell, the old-faced sword master of the fire lotus on the side clenched his fists and blurted out directly:

"The Holy Court Nantian King Chang Xiliu, how could it be her, isn't it rumored that she has fallen to Beihai?"

"Looking at it this way, she didn't fall, but joined the Daxia camp!"

At the same time that the trembling voice of Lotus Terrace Sword Sovereign came out, above everyone's head, within the big day that was difficult to look directly at, he slowly stretched out a jade-like right hand.

On this crystal clear jade hand, there was the most original golden flame of the sun lingering, and then the jade hand opened its five fingers, and directly grabbed the sky-sealing ice sword.

"No, it's said that this Changxiliu cultivation base reaches the sky and is the best in the East. Even the holy court can only use the name of the Southern Heavenly King to win over. I am afraid that this sword cannot stop it!

The Ice Lotus Sword Sovereign's words have not yet been finished, and the entire heaven and earth emptiness sounded an unprecedentedly loud cracking sound, and then under the horrified eyes, this thousand-meter ice-covered sword, only persisted for a moment, and then restarted. At the end it began to fall apart.


Pieces of frost began to shatter and fall on the ice sword, and then were directly evaporated into water droplets, which turned into rainstorms and splashed down.

After a breath, the blazing sun of nine days that no one could stop, slammed on the ground outside Liantai city, and then the golden flames of the day covered the vast impact and spread out, in the sword repair formation of the Qinglian Sword Sect , Raged steadily.

At the same time, between the burning flames of the sky, Chang Xiliu's slender shadow gradually emerged, and a cold voice resounded throughout the world:

"The man that my old lady is fond of, is your Baolian sword land free to make ideas?"

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