The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1825: Connected soul

The nine-day sun rises in the east again, and the sunlight pierces the darkness and illuminates the misty clouds.

The concentration of heaven and earth vitality in the core land of the Central Plains of the Supreme Profound Realm is worthy of this core word, which is ten times more than the rest of the land, so that it almost presents a substantial mist of rain, covering the entire sky.

Then in the north of Taixuan Central Plains, on the nine heavens where the Baolian sword land leads to the south, in the colorful mist, a huge treasure ship with colorful luster rushed out without warning, and flew forward. .

At this time, the crescent ship, accompanied by the flying phoenix-dancing nine-day flag, became even more majestic. At the same time, five dark ancient dragons flew around the treasure ship, like a moving city fortress.

The day is rising, and the air above the nine heavens is even more fresh, and the light is not dazzling on the entire treasure ship. Then in a room at the center of the treasure ship, a light laughter came out:


With a soft laugh, Zhao Yu, who was opening a booklet immediately after sitting on the table, stopped his movements, looked at Rouge who was grinning and grinning beside him, and asked:

"Rouge, what happened last night is so funny that you have been laughing until now?"

After Zhao Yu's question fell, the grinning rouge's hands kept rubbing the ink, and he nodded and said:

"Your Majesty, the concubine now thinks of the appearance of Your Excellency Chang Xiliu, who came out for you in Baolian Sword Field last night, still find it interesting, she is really a man of temperament."

"The lord of the great summer of my dignity, sitting on the entire northern realm, how can Qinglian Jianzong get me?"

After Zhao Yu's frowning voice sounded, Rouge gently pushed forward the ink in his hand, and responded:

"The concubines know that your majesty is kind, and they don't mean to care too much with this Qinglian Jianzong, but this Lord Chang Xiliu can't swallow this breath."

Speaking of this, wearing a pale white palace dress, rouge with picturesque brows, a voice of envy followed:

"If it weren't for the concubine's strong cultivation base, the concubine would also like to incarnate Da Ri, fall into the enemy's line, and raise my great prestige."

As soon as this statement came out, Zhao Yu was licking the pen for a moment, and then put down the brush in his hand directly, beckoning the **** the side to sit down next to him, and a serious voice came out:

"If you really have this mind and ability, then I won't allow it."

After speaking, Zhao Yu raised his hand to hold the morning tea made with rouge on the table, and continued to speak:

"Rouge, you are the Mother of Great Xia in the world of mother rites. If you are allowed to charge forward, within a day, the front of my imperial table will be completely filled with the remonstrances of those veteran officials.

"You also know the power of those old courtiers. I am not afraid of them, just afraid of them."

The young emperor's helpless voice sounded, and the rouge on the side smiled again, and then a voice of fear came out:

"My Majesty, my concubines have a headache when I meet them. Every time I go to the book, I say that there are too few royal incenses in Daxia. I don't know that my concubines have given birth to two at a time, and they have worked hard enough."

Rouge made a soft and helpless voice, and the two of Daxia's most noble husband and wife looked at each other, and both saw each other's thick smiles from between their eyebrows.

No matter how the current situation and things change around, even if it is from the once overlord of the vast land of China to the king of the northern realm of the land of Taixuan, Zhao Yu and Yanzhi still retain the original purity.

Yanzhi knows about Zhao Yu because she has followed him silently for ten years and has traveled throughout Daxia. Zhao Yu also knows about Yanzhi, because in the past ten years, he has also turned his head back and forth to observe secretly.

Ten years, for some existence, may be extremely short and fleeting, but for these two special people, it is half a lifetime.

During this half of her life, she always followed his footsteps, and he often turned back secretly, with a bright bald head, watching her making tea in the teahouse from a height, and it was a long while.

In the human world, there are always some encounters, which can be called destiny.

Since beings were born, they may have been looking for a missing part of themselves. There is no doubt that Zhao Yu and Yanzhi have already connected souls.

Then Rouge looked at her side and started writing again, but the young emperor with a slightly frowned brow raised his hand to support his round chin, and asked softly:

"Your Majesty is worried that after the announcement of the Nantian King Xiliu's move, it will cause waves in the core of the Central Plains?"

"That is inevitable, no matter where it is, lace news is always the favorite conversation of monks after dinner."

A faint voice came from Zhao Yu's mouth, and then the young emperor finished writing the last word in the book, straightened up, and the emperor's voice continued to sound:

"I have a hunch. I have not waited for me to arrive at Fufeng County. It is estimated that the entire core of the Taixuan Land has spread throughout the Holy Court Nantian King Chang Xiliu. The news that I have entered the Great Summer because of love is really a headache. ."

When the emperor's voice fell, Zhao Yu put down the pen, rubbed his eyebrows, and heard the rouge chuckle again, and a gentle response came out:

"The concubines thought that the creatures in this land of the profound mystery should also like to listen to the romantic deeds, this is good, now your majesty is in the whole legend of the profound mystery, in addition to overwhelming the sky and unifying the north, there are more One."

Speaking of this, the rouge supporting his chin, staring at the handsome young emperor in front of him, the corners of his mouth smile more intensely, and he said quietly:

"The Lord of Great Xia is handsome and charming, with a high-looking posture, so that the Southern Heavenly King of the Holy Court will confide in his heart, and he will not hesitate to give up the secret. It sounds good."

"Rouge, you are still joking here at this time."

Zhao Yuchong smiled drastically, and continued to pick up another book and open it, and then listened to the ears, Rouge's soft voice continued to sound:

"Your Majesty, the concubine is also a woman. In comparison, the girl always knows girls better. Therefore, the concubine knows that the mind of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu should not be faked."

After speaking, the Empress of Great Xia took a deep breath, her eyes showed a serious look, and she continued to speak softly:

"Actually, the concubines always felt that the Baidi Palace was too big and the palace was too deserted, so."

As soon as Rouge said this, he was directly interrupted by Zhao Yu waved his hand, and then the young emperor's equally serious voice came out:

"The White Emperor Palace is indeed a bit bigger. If you feel lonely, Rouge, you can also take Ruyue and the others to the Shenjing City, or even the entire northern border, you can go there at will."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yu lowered his head and wrote again, the impermissible diy tone, once again lingering in the room:

"As for the concubine, you don't need to mention rouge."

When the emperor's voice fell, Rouge stopped speaking.

But the look in the girl's eyes flashed, besides being moved, there was also a subtle sadness.

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