The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1823: Treasure Ship Rinku

"Look, it's cracked. The sky above your head is actually cracked."

Due to the invasion of the Holy Court a few days ago, Liantai City under the curtain of night has been shrouded in a touch of uneasiness.

At the same time, there were a lot of faceless sword repairs in the city, most of them were gray-headed and mud-faced, dragging their families and mouths, and the homes of these sword repairs were turned into ashes under the feet of the ancient giants and kings.

Then, in the lotus platform where the noise and melancholy were intertwined, along with the cracking of the nine heavens outside the city, the monks who were already scared of the bow raised their heads and continued to open their mouths and roar:

"The sky is cracked, what moth is coming out?"

And the exclamation has not yet fallen, and the violent power of the five dragons roaring directly and violently passed down.


Long Xiao shook the sky, and the entire Liantai City began to tremble violently under the almost materialized Longwei, and the objects in the house smashed and fell.

Then a large number of sword repairers gushed out of the building, drew their swords and lifted their breath, pointing to the sky above, but they were shocked by the five dragon shadows above the sky, so that their hands trembled, and their feet seemed to be imprisoned. It is difficult to move.

The ancient dragon might be overwhelming and powerful, and it already possesses the power of thrilling. Those with a low cultivation base will even be directly stunned.

Liantai City is not close to the nine-sky firmament where the five dragons come out. The city is still in chaos, not to mention the place of the sword pavilion directly under Longwei.

Waves of dragon howl ripples visible to the naked eye rushed downwards mightily, directly blasting a large number of unreacted sword repairs backwards, looking from a distance, it looked like wheat that had been cut by a sickle, all in an instant. Swipe down a blockbuster.

"This is not a normal Dragon Power, it contains the vast aura of ancient times, you quickly guard the sword heart, otherwise you will be directly stunned!"

The roar came out from the sword repair formation, and then some sword repairs with extraordinary cultivation level directly drew their swords and slashed out several swords toward the front, trying to cut the imprisonment of the dragon that was depressed like a mountain at the beginning.

However, all of this was in vain. Five ancient dragons descended into the heavens and the earth at the same time, which had almost never happened in the land of the Supreme Profound Profound Realm for countless years.

At this time, the five Black Dragon Guards tilted the vast Dragon Power unreservedly, and they were also clearly telling the entire Baolian Sword Field.

Daxia is strong, earth-shattering!

"Keep your heart, keep your breath, don't fight Longwei."

Inside the chaotic solitary pavilion, the old voice from the Lotus Terrace Sword Sovereign came out, and then the black-clothed old woman held the black epee directly into the ground in front of him.

The next breath, centered on the heavy sword on the Lotus Terrace, billowing black sword aura rose to the sky, directly condensing a huge black sword lotus.

Afterwards, the sword lotus bloomed outwards, enclosing a large number of sword repairs on the ground, and at the same time isolating most of the dragon's power.

The vast expanse of dragon power disappeared, and the light sword repairmen outside the pavilion all over their bodies coughed heavily. After shaking their heads, they climbed up on the ground and looked forward.

In the next breath, what appeared in front of everyone was a scene that all swordsmanship will never forget!

On the flat ground, the young Lord of the North stood so quietly, with a pale face and steady eyes, five dragons hovering over his head, respectfully worshipping their ruler.

At this moment, Zhao Yu was still the tall and straight young man with a cotton hat, but in the eyes of all Jian Xiu, the entire half of the sky was shrouded in Zhao Yu's imperial prestige, constantly trembling and surrendering.

"Five Dragon Arch Sage, this, is this Da Xia's strength hidden in the dark?"

The muttering voice came from Jianxiu who climbed up from the ground, and then these monks raised their heads again, their pupils shrank, and they made a strange cry:

"No, it's not over yet, after these five dragons, there is still something to come out, with light shining!"

As soon as the voice fell, in the depths of the cracked sky above the sword pavilion, a strong and colorful light shining directly outwards, while the five ancient dragons continued to move forward, slowly dragging a behemoth Out of the dark rolling night.

"The sword master is here, these five ancient dragons are actually dragging a big ship."

Accompanied by the high voices, the colorful light above the sky became more and more prosperous, and then a huge ship, under the gaze of countless lights, slowly revealed its figure.


As the treasure ship appeared in the world, an ear-splitting roar resounded between the heavens and the earth, and the entire void began to vibrate crazily.

At the next breath, the colorful treasure ship was completely pulled out by the five ancient dragons. The immortal coins and gems inlaid on the ship were like a blazing flame in the dark night, shining in the sky.

At the same time, on the big ship, the original inlaid "crescent moon" has disappeared, replaced by two shining characters.


The word Da Xia, which is entirely composed of precious jade, presents an extremely majestic color of pure gold, and at the bow of this treasure ship stands a Fengao Nine Sky Flag, which is flying in the wind.

In an instant, the phoenix of the nine days with wings spread above the Nine Heavens Banner of Feng Ao, with its wings spread out, its golden eyes lit up, and it exudes a flame that destroys the sky and the earth.

Suddenly, outside the sword pavilion of the Baolian sword ground, the dragon and the phoenix entwined back and forth, resounding through the heavens and the earth, as if directly bringing this area back to the barren ancient times when the heaven and earth Xuanhuang was born.

In that era, all the creatures were still swift and wise, only the wild and ancient giant beasts born from the heavens and the earth were ravaging the heavens and the earth, and the ancient dragon and the **** phoenix were the best among them.

"The dragon and the phoenix roar, this Great Summer of the North has become a barren ancient land, why are there so many peerless beasts?"

The muttering question came from the cultivators of the Qinglian Sword Sect, and as the power of the dragon and the phoenix was passed down at the same time, the sword lotus of the black light, which was released by the sword master of the lotus platform, covered the sword cultivators outside the pavilion, directly Dense cracks began to appear.


The sword lotus's shattering sound rang through everyone's ears, and what made these sword repairmen even more frightened was that from the beginning to the end, the only thing that shattered the surrounding sword lotus barrier was just the aura that passed from above.

One after another visible cracks appeared beside them, causing panic and fear to rise in the hearts of these sword repairmen, holding down the hilt one after another, muttering:

"This Daxia is not going to fight my Baolian swordfield, right?"

Before the words fell, a graceful figure suddenly appeared on the deck of the treasure ship dragged by the five dragons.

Dressed in a red dress, this beautiful figure is tall, with red flaming hair, flying in the wind, just like a goddess of fire.

How dazzling she was, as soon as she appeared, she almost occupied the sight of a large number of sword repairers below.

At the next breath, Chang Xiliu, standing at the forefront of the Crescent Treasure Ship, showed a smirk on his glamorous face, raised the corners of his mouth, and jumped out directly toward the front.

Afterwards, the entire Baolian swordfield was directly bright, and another round of crashing sun appeared!

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