The rainstorm is like a note, the thick fog rolls, and within the shattered ridges everywhere, the happy roar and laughter from Li Zeng resounded everywhere.

"It's true, it's true!"

This strange roar and laughter of the middle-aged monk seemed to spread out with a certain kind of power, once again causing earth-shattering thunders to sound between the heavens and the earth, and there were also countless thunders in his heart, and he was wearing blue at this time. Armor, the bitterness of rolling momentum.

In the deepest part of Bitter Soul's three eyes, a deep uneasy color emerged, but in a blink of an eye they were overwhelmed by evil intentions.

At the next breath, he directly stretched out his left hand, squeezed Li Zeng's neck, lifted the latter from the shattered earth into the air, and a harsh voice came out:

"Nonsense, then die!"

As soon as this death word came out, the almost substantive law of rain began to explode from the body of the dreadful soul armor and body. At the same time, the rainwater in the gorge that was completely imprisoned by this vast law condensed into a handle in an instant. The sharp blade pointed directly at Li Zeng who was lifted up.

"You are just an ant that can be squeezed to death at will. No one will believe even the nonsense."

A harsh voice came from the bitter mouth, and then he stared at the smiling face of Li Zeng in front of him, and continued to speak word by word:

"But I have to say that you still know a little bit more. Back then, you and I were selected to train in the Shengting Tiance Palace one after the other. Although you stayed in it for a year, you can live to the present, too. The shame of My Tiance Palace."

As the voice fell, a sword of rain condensed in the void instantly turned into an arc of light and pierced directly into Li Zeng's body. The latter let out a particularly painful grunt again.

"On the basis of the Heavenly Soul Eyes, this seat also has a complete real rain armor, so the original water in your body is tailored for this seat."

Every word in Kupei’s mouth came out, and a sword of rain pierced directly into Li Zeng’s body. Therefore, in just a few breaths, the middle-aged monk was completely pierced into a sieve. The latter even the last trace of the original power began to leak outward along the handle of the rain sword, and was then sucked into the real rain armor on the Kupa body.

"So this is the original spirit!"

With a little fascinated whisper from the bitter mouth, then the blue light in the soul eye above his brows became more and more intense, and the speed of absorbing the original water was violent several times at the same time.

At the next breath, Kupa put his head to Li Zeng's ear, and the cold voice continued:

"Your wife's heavenly soul eyes have fulfilled me, and at this time the original water in your body will help me again, Li Zeng, you are really my noble person!"

The word "noble" came out of Kupei's mouth, with joking, and then the blue light of the rain armor on his body was so big that it once again enhanced the absorption of the original water in front of him, and even heard a sound like a drum beat Like a roar.

"Then you are really sad."

Even if the last primordial qi in the body was madly sucked outwards, with ten thousand swords passing through his body, the smile raised at the corner of Li Zeng's mouth remained unchanged, and then he raised his head and slammed into the head of the wretched head, faintly 'S voice came out:

"Everything you have comes from others. How sad is that?"

Before he finished speaking, Li Zeng's head was knocked back, and his body trembled again, and his voice continued to sound:

"But you are more pathetic, because it's not yours, it's not yours after all."

As soon as this statement fell, the dim and unreliable face suddenly began to show violent waves, because the looting of the original water by the real rain **** armor on the body suddenly stopped completely.

Such an abnormal situation, like a machine that was originally ordered by an arm, was out of control between the moments, and the anxiety deep in Kupao's heart began to rapidly magnify.


A sound of doubt came from Kupao's mouth, but before the words fell, he suddenly lowered his head and looked at the true rain **** armor on his body. In the three eyes, a rich color of astonishment emerged.


There was a crisp cracking sound that was extremely abrupt from the Kupa body, and along with the sound of this sound, a crack appeared on the armor of the original rain.

This crack is so conspicuous, although not big, it is tantamount to a thunderbolt from the blue to Bitter Soul.

"This is impossible!"

A strange scream came from the bitter mouth, and then the blue light in the eyes of the soul of his brows brightened to an unprecedented degree, trying to touch the law of rain spreading vastly above the void, thereby regaining the right body. The control of that armor.

But at the next breath, the fluctuations on Ku Pao's face became more and more intense, more and more dense cracks appeared on the armor, and the original power in the body was also extracted from the previous plunder.

"Are you actually sucking the original power of this seat?"

An unbelievable piercing sound came from the bitter mouth, and then he uttered a roar on his back:

"This seat has already stepped on that bridge, you ant, how dare you draw the power of this seat's origin, arrogant!"

Under the roar, the crackling and cracking sound of the painful mind was once again intensively, and then the **** Li Zeng in front of him directly began to reorganize his body under the continuous pouring of the power of the source. At the same time, a A ghost of armor slowly formed and appeared outside his body.

Amazingly, it was the exact same real rain armor on the bitter body!

"Heaven and earth are fair. Those who take characters will always be taken back."

Words of words came out of Li Zeng’s mouth, and then this middle-aged monk, who was enlightened by the law of infinite rain, raised his hand and gently shook the bitter soul in front of him, as countless handles condensed in the surrounding void. The rain sword that came out, the sword's edge turned at the same time, pointing to the bitter soul in front of him.

"You feel surprised?"

A faint voice continued to be heard from Li Zeng’s mouth, and then his body shook suddenly. The rain sword that originally pierced his body shattered at the same time, and turned into a pure law of rain, and merged into the body outside of Li Zeng’s body. In the armor phantom, at the same time, this real rain armor gradually began to solidify.

The next breath, a breath that was more pure than that in the bitter body, Yu Li Zeng poured out from his body, while the latter's voice continued to sound:

"Don't be surprised, because I waited for this moment for too long, too long. You took Juan'er's eyes and placed them on your brows.

"But what you don't know is that this sight seen in your eyes can also be seen by its original owner.

"So Juan'er told me before she died, she said that with the help of the sacred secret technique, you crossed the sea and stepped on the bridge of heaven and earth by chance, and the way she relied on it was this true rain **** armor. ."

Speaking of this, the anger on Li Zeng's face reached its extreme, and he opened his mouth and let out a roar:

"But what you don't know is that the original owner of this divine armor was a rain master, one of the eight immortals of the Immortal Court, and was my ancestor!"

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