The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1779: Real Rain God Armor

When a person is like Li Zeng, even if he is beaten to pieces and bloody, but still clings to his hands, he is not only a spectator like Sima Anan, but also an extremely arrogant person in his heart. The soul shadow of Tiance Palace is bitter, and it will also subconsciously issue a question:

"What are you going to do?"

After these words fell, Li Zeng, who was almost at the end of his life, heard an inaudible voice from within the tattered head of the same beach:

"I said, I want to get my eyes back."

"Don't be dreaming about idiots, just rely on you, relying on you who are dying like mud now?"

The sound of Li's whistling continued to be heard from Kupei's mouth, and then Li Zeng in front of him, still did not release the palm of Kupei's right arm, and a low laugh came out:

"Because the eye on the center of your brow does not belong to you, it belongs to my wife, so I want to get it back."

"It's late, this Heavenly Soul Eye has already been integrated with this seat. Since you don't give up, then this seat will let you see what a real Heavenly Soul Eye is."

After the words were finished, the soul eye of the bitter brow was bright, and even outside the golden light, wisps of light blue began to appear.

Then the light blue light grew stronger and stronger, making the soul eye between the wretched brows like the most intoxicating sapphire in the world.

"Golden Wheel of God Machine, Rain God Real Body, Open!"

In the next moment, the golden wheel of divine mechanics that was surrounded by runes behind Kupao opened slowly and directly, and then the endless blue light gushed out from the opened golden gate of divine mechanics, forming directly A piece of battle armor was suddenly draped over the wretched body.

What a vast, majestic and mighty breath of rain this piece of armor is pouring violently from the armor outside of the bitter body.

And at this moment, the bitter soul shrouded in the blue armor is a rain **** who controls the vast power of the rain!

At the same time, when this battle armor was draped on Kupa, the rain that fell in the sky seemed to have been affected by a certain will, and stopped in the air, and then at an extremely fast speed, as if worshiping one's own god. Generally converge inward.

From the jet black, which represents the law of strength, to the extremely hot golden light, to the **** of rain, the **** of heaven, earth and rain standing proudly at this time. Several laws that monks dream of.

At this time, the law of rain that was violently moved was particularly vast, and even the general land gods and fairyland masters would see this, and infinite jealousy would rise in their hearts.

"Such a strong aura of law, it is not that ordinary noble upper realm cultivators can fluctuate. If this bitterness is a pseudo noble created by the holy court in some way, wouldn't the holy court subvert the entire Tai Xuan in an instant? place?"

Inside the camp, after Jiang Yue fell with a sharp voice, Sima Annan stood upright and frowned, shook his head and responded:

"The reason why this three-eyed spirit race has such a perfect rain law should be inseparable from the heavenly soul eye on the center of its eyebrows.

"Heaven and earth also have their limits. Even if this saint is against the sky, it will be enough to sneak some people onto the bridge of heaven and earth without telling the heavens. If everyone is so strong, then the other forces will resist something, directly Hold out your head and wait for the landing land fairyland army to cut it all!"

Sima Annan's remarks are a bit ugly, but they are not unreasonable. There are the most basic rules under the heaven and the earth. In fact, the existence of the terrestrial fairyland itself is a challenge to the rules of the heaven and the earth.

And if, as Sima Annan said, this holy court could elevate a monk to the level of suffering at this time at will, then the holy court could indeed completely unify the entire Taixuan, and there was no need to wait until this time to still be in the mist.

"Sima Annan is right. The holy court may have a shortcut to cross the Nine Heavens, but there are bound to be great restrictions. The reason why this three-eyed spirit race can have such power lies in the eye on the center of the eyebrow. ."

After a breath, Zhao Yu's voice sounded in the camp, and everyone nodded.

Then the young emperor stared at the rain god's armor outside the bitter body in the mountains and seas ahead, as well as the mighty and violent fluctuations of the law that poured outwards, and the color of thinking appeared in the black eyes, and the emperor's voice came out:

"Without mentioning the hidden secret of the Holy Court, I found something very interesting. If I remember correctly, I remember the blood flowing in Li Zeng's body, it seems to be related to rain."

After Zhao Yu's emperor's voice fell, Sima Annan raised his hand and touched his chin, and the response came out:

"What your Majesty said, it really happened. In Li Zeng's body there is still the treasure of the Primordial Water of the Supreme Profound Land.

"Since this drop of water can be melted into his body, it also means that the power of the blood in Li Zeng's body is extremely strong.

"Then have you ever thought that perhaps the blood in Li Zeng's body is related to the rain **** armor appearing on Ku Pao's body?"

As soon as Zhao Yu said this, everyone in the entire camp raised their eyebrows, and horror began to appear directly in their eyes.

Then the steady voice of the young emperor once again lingered in everyone's ears:

"I have always wondered what Li Zeng relied on in this action. After all, judging from the fact that he can know the extremely secret Wushanhai route of this day's policy, he has a lot of knowledge of the former.

"Therefore, Li Zeng should have at least a 10% chance of winning when he is going to kill the bitter soul this time. Where is this chance of winning?"

After Di Yin fell, Zhao Yu raised his hand, stretched out a finger, and pointed to the rain **** armor in the scroll of mountains and seas in front of him, and his calm voice came out again:

"As soon as this armor appeared, I felt it in my heart. Perhaps this chance of success lies in it. At the same time, this is the opportunity that Li Zeng has been waiting for."

Sure enough, the voice of the young emperor here just fell. On the other side, Li Zeng, who was almost completely beaten up and down, stared at the real rain armor that appeared on top of the bitter body, and his eyes gradually began to show deep excitement The color.

At the next breath, this excitement became more and more intense, so that every piece of flesh and blood in his shattered body began to shiver unconsciously, and then began to explode the last trace of original power in the body.

Li Zeng's almost broken head was reorganized at a speed visible to the naked eye under the explosion of the last primordial power, and then the bloodless face of the middle-aged monk appeared in a stream of water.

At the next breath, the corners of Li Zeng's mouth raised above his face, revealing a faint smile. Then the former smiled more and more, and finally laughed up to the sky, loud and excited voices came out:

"It is true, it is true, you borrowed this true rain **** armor to step on the bridge!

"You are a complete pseudo-sage!"

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