The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1781: Situation flipped

"Well, this should be the so-called flood rushing into the Dragon King Temple?"

On the back of the camel mountain beast, inside the camp of the Daxia officials, the muttered words came from the strange-faced Sima Annan, not just Sima Annan, everyone in the entire camp had their faces reflected. Out of a different color.

Destiny is so dramatic!

The previous bitterness, eye-catching, into the holy court, with the help of the holy court secret method and the natal armor of the fairy **** Daluo, and cleverly set foot on the bridge of heaven and earth, it can be described as a different way to reach the rest of the cultivator's life in just half a lifetime. Unattainable height.

If this trip goes smoothly, he will truly be promoted to the core class of the Holy Court Tiance Palace by virtue of the merits of escorting a quarter of the formation, and even accept the Lord's Zeal to become a pivotal existence in the entire Taixuan Land.

But the reason why the fate is called the fate is because one day it will come down with the wind and rain, and it is inevitable!

"Your Majesty Shengming, it turns out that Li Zeng's reliance really lies in the power of blood in his body."

After Sima Annan's voice fell in the camp, Li Chunfeng, who rushed to the crescent boat from behind, stroked the white beard on his chest, and the old voice came out:

"Your Majesty, the Sitian Supervisor and the Military Aircraft Department at the rear have urgently collected all the information about the ancient fairy garden and the eight immortals, please have a look."

After speaking, a middle-aged Sitian supervisor behind Li Chunfeng, holding a stack of files, quickly placed it on the desk in front of the young emperor, and then Zhao Yu reached out and took up a roll and spread it out. words:

"Pingyi, also known as a rain teacher, is one of the eight immortals of the Daluo in the fairy court sacred palace. He was witnessed killed in battle by the shore of the North Sea, and his remains and battle armor were collected and buried by the Lord."

After this statement was scanned by the young emperor, Zhao Yu raised his head, Emperor Jiong Jiong looked at Li Chunfeng in front of him, and his voice rolled out:

"Li Chunfeng, go and check how many Xian Ting magnificents died during the **** battle in the North Sea, especially how many people's bones fell into the hands of the holy court."

As soon as the emperor's voice came out, the Daxia officials in the camp changed their colors. After thinking about it, they asked:

"According to your majesty, it is believed that the holy court can deceive heaven to create a false sage, relying on the remnants of the former fairy palace and the life armor?"

"It's not completely certain, but it's not far from ten."

When Di Yin fell, Zhao Yu spread the file in his hand on the table, then turned his gaze to the picture scroll of mountains and seas where the situation had begun to completely reverse, and the calm voice continued:

"If Li Zeng can blast the three-eyed soul race down the bridge of heaven and earth this time, then all this will become clear."

Zhao Yu's voice had just fallen, and within the picture of the Shanhai Scroll, the extremely unwilling and painful roar of bitterness suddenly sounded:

"A mere mortal also tried to absorb the vitality of this seat. It's impossible, it's impossible!"

At this moment of bitterness, the armor on his body is almost completely broken, and the same is broken, and there is the original power within his body. At the same time, the violent aura of the former, accompanied by Li Zeng’s back suction in front of him, is like falling off a cliff Like falling.

"If you step by step, straddling the bridge of heaven and earth that the nine heavens have set foot on, it would be easy to kill me today, but you are not."

Along with the absorption of the original power in his body, Li Zeng's body became fuller and fuller, and then the middle-aged monk raised his left hand, spread his five fingers and grasped a rain sword floating in the air on his side, and said every word. Send out again:

"The land fairyland achieved with the help of my ancestor's divine armor is just a flashy castle in the sky, because you have lost the most basic aspirations as a monk, and you have chosen to accept the secret technique of the holy court.

"And the secret technique of the holy court has one of the most fatal weaknesses. The land fairyland made up of ancient immortal gods and gods can be swallowed as long as it encounters a person with a pure bloodline like me.

"This is also one of the reasons why the holy court wanted to do everything possible to chase me down, but it is a pity that I possessed a drop of the original water and survived the mortal situation!"

After speaking, on the rain sword in Li Zeng's hand, a giant deer rune with two horns topped the sky instantly appeared, and then the infinite blue light poured out, and gradually solidified into a real rain armor on Li Zeng's real rain armor. deer.

One of the eight immortals of Da Luo, the bloodline of the rain master, the real deer Xing Yu!

"As long as I use the power of my blood to regain this True Rain God Armor, so bitter, you should know what will you face?"

After the louder voice was heard from the middle-aged monk, it was enveloped by countless rains. Like the real monarch of rain, Li Lizeng directly held the sword and swung it out, slashing the bitter body that was imprisoned in place. on.


A sharp whistling sound rang between the world and the earth. After the whistling sound, there was a rushing sound that was amplified countless times after countless rainstorms fell.

After an instant, there was a rain light that was difficult to look at directly between the sky and the earth, and between the extensions, the bitterness was completely cut away without fancy.

In the next breath, the fragmented armor on top of Ku Pao's body was completely shattered, and his body was blasted into the mountains and rocks behind him, and rammed all the way backwards.


The sword of Li Zeng's real deer had already surpassed the ultimate power he could achieve at this time, and even only relying on the aftermath, he completely blasted the gravel of the mountain in front of him into dust.

But this is far from over. Li Zeng, who has absorbed the power of the source of the rain master clan, is stronger than ever. It seems that he can directly control the entire world through the continuous rain falling around him.

"Get up."

A faint voice came from Li Zeng's mouth, and then Li Zeng raised his hand and held it lightly. The countless rain swords all over his body began to rotate neatly. It took only one breath to form a huge deer shadow in front of the middle-aged monk. .

In the void, when this real deer, which was formed entirely by the sword of rain, was completely formed into a battle, the unprecedented sharp aura shining throughout the world and pointing, and then Li Zeng raised his hand and pressed it down, and the low voice continued. Thoroughly Quartet:


After an instant, the sword formation real deer neighed up to the sky, and then leaped up, wrapped in a violent edge that almost destroyed the world, facing the bitterness that was blasted into the mountains.

Then within the entire gorge, a violent storm completely intertwined with the law of rain and long swords appeared directly, rising mightily into the sky, madly cutting all the matter in it.


The harsh cutting sound spread all over the place, and the change of the situation may be just a breath.

Then Li Zeng, wearing a real rain armor, lowered his head and stared at the bitterness of the rain sword on the ground. There was no ecstasy of revenge for many years in his eyes, but a calm, heart-shaking peace.

Then Li Zeng once again raised his hand to hold a sword of rain, raised his foot and stepped forward, step by step toward the bitterness in front of him.

Shocking killing intention as always!

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