"Come here, Uncle Li, let everyone behind you follow."

Outside of the Cloud City Plaza outside Huwen City, Li Zeng, with a slightly embarrassed smile on his face after the ill-tempered voice from the female disciple of the Yunwu Sect fell, nodded frequently, and said:

"Good, good, Miss Lao Xiaoyu leads the way."

After the voice fell, Li Zeng turned over and rode on the mountain beast beside him, raised his hand to the gold ingot behind and arched his hand, leading the whole team behind the female disciple.

In fact, this time accompanied Zhao Yu on the bright side, there were not many people who crossed the foggy mountains and seas in animal vehicles. There were four animal vehicles in total.

However, in the eyes of Xiaoyu, the female disciple of the Yunwu Sect, who was already quite critical of Li Zeng, she was already very dissatisfied. Then the petite girl led the way while continuing to speak:

"Before you and the master said that you would accompany you across Sleeping Tiger Gorge. I thought it was just you and Tiantian. I didn't expect to have four carriages. It was really greedy."

Although the female disciple of the Yunwu Sect did not make a sound, it still clearly passed into Li Zeng's ears not far behind, but the latter just smiled and did not explain.

Then the female cultivator named Xiaoyu paused in her footsteps, turned her head and glanced at Li Zeng, whose complexion had not changed. The dissatisfaction in her eyes became thicker, and her volume increased a lot.

"If you want to cultivate but not, you need to have no abilities, and do a low-level repair every day to pass on information for a living. I don't know where the master is interested in you, and he takes care of you like this on weekdays.

"The most hateful thing is that even at the risk of being impeached by other elders, let you get into the team and walk through the back door!"

After this word came out, Xiaoyu glanced at the middle-aged monk Li Zeng who was just scratching his head in embarrassment behind him. He stomped his feet heavily, speeding up the pace, and the angry voice continued:

"Dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water. Don't think that you can be mixed with wind and water by relying on the master. I tell you, only this time!"

As soon as the voice fell, a gentle and gentle voice came directly from the front:

"Xiaoyu, I have been friends with Li Daoyou for many years as a teacher. You are unreasonable."

After the voice fell, the Yunwuzong girl closed her lips tightly and wanted to say something, but she still respectfully saluted the front and said:

"Yes, Master."

Then in front of the crowd, a figure in the robes of the elder of the Yunwu Sect descended from the sky. This body was plump, his skin was white and firm, and his temperament was gentle, and his body exuded a comforting breath.

After the Yunwu sect female elder landed, she looked at Li Zeng who was sitting on the Yueshan Beast in front, her eyes turned thousands of thoughts, and finally turned into a shallow smile.

This smile is like a cloud of clouds floating from the mountain in the early morning, clear and charming.

But everyone says that the most uncomfortable thing is the grace of beauty, but Li Zeng still turned his head calmly, raised his hand to the front and said:

"I have seen Elder Yun, this time I took the liberty of requesting, and I am deeply grateful."

Facing Li Zeng's stern greeting, Elder Yun also put away the smile on his face, nodded plainly, and said:

"Xiaoyu, you greet the guests who are going to cross the gorge to the south for the division. The whole army will leave at noon today."

After speaking, Elder Yun stared at the face of Li Zeng Junlang in front of him, and said every word:

"Friend Li Dao, you come with this elder, you have been looking for me from the future for so many years, shouldn't it be okay to recount the past now?"

Unknowingly, the words that came from the female elder had already taken on a little threatening color. Then, the middle-aged monk Li once hesitated for a few breaths before raising his hand falsely, and then responded. :

"Naturally it should, please, Elder Yun."

Some people say that everyone between heaven and earth is a story, and those who appreciate these stories are not only the indifferent and ruthless way of heaven, but also the eyes from the rest of the people.

There are some who are obsessed with the authorities, and some bystanders are clear, but the stories seen in each pair of eyes are different.

The middle-aged Taoist Li once followed Elder Yun, and when he was far away, he placed his chin on the back of his hand in the carriage behind him, watching the rouge in the rain, with thoughts flowing in his big eyes, and then he spoke softly. :

"Your Majesty, there is a story between this Elder Yun and Li Zeng."

The voice fell, and Zhao Yu, who was holding a book on the side, leaned against the carriage and flipped through it softly. He raised his head slightly with a smile on his face, and the response came out:

"This is such a big world, it is already extremely difficult to meet. As for the story, I think that Li Zeng's appearance and cultivation are not bad, he is quite courageous, and when he was young, he was also a romantic person.

"I even saw a trace of Wang Jiangyu from Bei'an on his body."

As soon as the words of Wang Jiangyu of Bei'an came out, there was a hint of surprise in his rouge eyes by the window of the car. Then he stood his upper body upright and continued to look at the square where people came and went. The voice came out:

"Your Majesty, you see, there are so many living creatures in this place, no matter their race, appearance, or cultivation base, they are all in a hurry.

"Sometimes the concubines find this world weird. Take the monks around us, not just sword repairs, but many other monks. Even if they use up their life savings, they have to cross the gorge to the south. The so-called core place."

At this point, Rouge paused, and her gentle voice continued:

"In fact, they know in their hearts that their situation will not be improved if they go to a more central place in the Taixuan Land, and it will even get worse.

"Because the competitors over there will undoubtedly be stronger, but even so, they have to work hard."

After Rouge's voice fell, Zhao Yu put down the book in his hand and looked at the girl with rare thoughts on her face. The smile on her face remained undiminished, and he responded softly:

"The reason is actually very simple, because they are not reconciled."

After speaking, Zhao Yu beckoned, let Rouge sit next to him, and the voice continued to linger in the carriage:

"Actually, from Dadao's point of view, most of the trajectories of every creature are fixed, but creatures often don't think so. Whether they are fans of the authorities or not reconciled, there will always be most people who want to break free from their surroundings. shackles.

"If a person is a fish, they desire to grow wings and fly to the sky, and if it is a bird, they also hope to grow scales and gallop in the deep sea that they have never reached before.

"In fact, compared to the persecution of natural selection, I actually prefer this kind of desire. For the whole world, it is also one of the driving forces for forward development."

"This is what His Majesty often said, even if it may be broken, but there are still creatures who will choose the life they want, right?"

"Maybe they are also waiting for a fate."

After Zhao Yu's voice fell, Yanzhi gently leaned her head on the former's shoulder, muttering and repeating:


"Yes, because there are thousands of encounters in life, but there is always one kind of encounter, which can be called destiny. It is inevitable to carry the wind and the rain!"

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