The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1758: Into the gorge

There are thousands of encounters in time, and countless stories may occur, but there is only one kind of destiny.

If you are lucky, you and I are each other's fate, but unfortunately, many times, fate is wishful thinking.

In the corner of the square outside the tiger pattern, the noise in the distance was reduced a lot after reaching here, but the crackling of the rain on the umbrella, together with the faster beating heart, became rush.

Then in this corner, Elder Yunwu Zongyun, who was silent for a long time, turned his gaze from his toes to Li Zeng's face full of vicissitudes.

The strangeness and familiarity of this face in front of him caused Elder Yun to fall into a trance for a moment, and blurry colors appeared in his eyes.


Then Li Zeng coughed deliberately, pulling back Elder Yun's thoughts, and then the latter put away the different color on his face, randomly found a topic, and said:

"Xiaoyu is still young and ignorant. Don't worry about what she said just now."

"Naturally not, I know that child, she also cares about you."

After Li Zeng's words fell, he was no longer polite. After taking a step back, he saluted Elder Yun in front of him, and his voice continued to spread:

"Friend Yun, I won't say much about the rest. This time, someone from Li owes you once. If there is a chance, I will repay you in the future."

"I want it, you always know it, don't you?"

The elder Yun's voice immediately caused Li Zeng to fall into silence. Then the charming Yunwuzong elder sighed slightly, and the voice came out:

"Although I don't know what you are going to do this time, but I still understand you. In any case, you can't let it go.

"If this trip can be freed after returning, then there should be an end between you and me."

After the voice fell, the elder Yun stopped speaking immediately, but waved a token forward, and the flat voice came out:

"This token can freely enter and exit the camp of the elders. If something happens, you can come and find me directly. In any case, you must be alive."

After the words were finished, wisps of billowing mist suddenly gushed out from the body of the elder Yun. In a blink of an eye, it drifted towards the distance and disappeared. Du Liu Lizeng stood there for a while, and finally turned and walked back.

This time, Yunwu Sect has undoubtedly spent a lot of effort to operate this large-scale southward movement. Not only did more than half of the disciples in the entire sect be sent out to perform tasks, but also a large number of beasts were mobilized from all cities in Sleeping Tiger County to transport them. People and things.

The time was close to 10pm in the afternoon, and under the rather efficient arrangements of the Yunwu Sect, the teams heading south had already converged seven or eighty-eight.

And there are not many monks gushing out of Huwen City. Many shy monks in their pockets have no money to pay for the high cost of crossing the gorges south, so they can only stand on the city wall and stare at the square in front of them. The team above is ready to go.

There was an extreme desire in their eyes, because the other side of the mountain separated from this place was the place where the luck of the entire Taixuan land was the most even in the legend!

At the same time, following the monks above the city wall, crossing the huge square below and heading south, you can clearly see a magnificent mountain range that can reach the sky.

The whole body of this mountain range is enveloped by countless milky white floating clouds, coupled with its shocking size, from a distance, it looks like a violent tiger crawling on the ground, trying to pounce on its prey.

This is why this place is called Tiger County.

And this time, the entrance to the gorge that the team on the square wants to enter is the huge mouth of the world opened by this tiger.

In the huge mouth of the tiger, a denser mist lingered, and a wave that suppressed all the monks' consciousness swept outwards, revealing the majestic aura of this famous and dangerous place.

"My fellow daoists, Yun Lan, the third elder of the Yunwu Sect, is responsible for this trip to the south."

At noon, on the square outside the tiger pattern city, a steady female voice sounded clearly in the rain, and then the entire square gradually became quiet.

The cultivators who were about to leave, held their breath and listened to the next words of the elder Yunwuzong.

As the so-called names of people and the shadows of trees, there have been many monks who have left their lives in Sleeping Tiger Gorge throughout the ages, and even if these monks are arrogant and confident, they will not make fun of their lives.

At the next breath, everyone's ears, the voice from Elder Yunlan continued to sound:

"Since you all have given me a lot of money to lead the way, then this elder has some words to explain in advance when this is about to start.

"The most important point, you should know about this trip. Our sect is only responsible for leading the way in the gorge, not for your safety. In other words, if you make a mistake in the gorge, we will not Be responsible for."

As soon as this statement came out, many monks who had come into contact with Sleeping Tiger Gorge for the first time changed their expressions. Just when they wanted to speak up, they heard the voice of the elder Yunwuzong pass on again:

"Sleeping Tiger Gorge is full of variables, and no sect can guarantee foolproof. Therefore, if someone is dissatisfied with this now, they can now withdraw and find another way. My Cloud Sect can return all the celestial coins."

Speaking of this, Elder Yun's style of painting changed, and he continued to roll out with a majestic voice:

"But once the team fully enters the gorge, it will default to my clan to lead the way. At that time, you must not leave the route delineated by my clan, otherwise you will have your life and death, so you can do it yourself.

"My Cloud Fog Sect has always had three principles: don't wait, don't save, don't take risks.

"But after so many years, the route in my sect's hands has safely sent countless monks to the core place, so as long as you don't run around, this elder is confident that you can safely send you all to the opposite side of the mountain!"

The voice fell, and the entire square outside the tiger pattern suddenly burst into a burst of enthusiastic cheers:

"Well, I'm waiting to believe in the power of Yunwuzong!"

Under the noisy shouts, a huge creeping beast at the front of the square stood up under the beating of a bell.

In the next breath, in front of everyone, the strange beast of the Cloud Sect of Sleeping Tiger County, a huge body like a hill, appeared.

I saw this beast's back, erected a lot of camps, densely arranged, and even complete military facilities such as turrets, observation decks, and external walls.

From a distance, it is already a small mobile city!

Not only that, but with the humming one after another, a series of smaller camel-like monsters stood up from the ground, and in a blink of an eye they occupied most of the cloud square.

"Go, everyone, follow the beast, this journey will take about seven days, you will bring your own food and grain, and you can also buy it from our sect. I wish you all a safe journey!"

As soon as the elder Yunwuzong made this voice, the huge alien beast in the front opened its mouth and let out a loud roar, and strode out mightily towards the sleeping tiger gorge in the front.

Many times, the front of all beings is an abyss, but for various reasons, they refuse to turn their heads.

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