
There was a burst of thunder, and suddenly it sounded again above the void of the tiger pattern city, spreading mightily to the outer seat, and at the same time, the middle-aged cultivator Li Zeng, who was in a shock of his mind, shook his body subconsciously.

At the next breath, Li Zeng condensed the strangeness on his face, and on his right hand holding the spear behind his back, the veins that had just risen disappeared, and he responded:

"Friends of the Daoist joked. For every force, this map that can safely survive the Sleeping Tiger Gorge is a treasure at the bottom of the box. Take the Yunwu Sect, this route is directly passed on by dozens of elders. Sharing a part of the memory, it is extremely difficult to get the complete one."

"Then how did I hear Jin Yuanbao say that you told him vowedly that Fellow Daoist Li has a map that travels through Sleeping Tiger Gorge?"

After saying this, Sima Annan stared into the eyes in front of him, suddenly showing an aggressive look, and majesty appeared on his handsome face.

"There is a map, but it's hard to know whether it's true or false. This map is just in case. Let's follow the Yunwuzong team all the way. Please rest assured, fellow daoists.

Li Zeng said this, neither humble nor overbearing, and then he bowed forward, and a firm voice came out:

"If you don't believe me, you can follow me to see the elder of the Yunwu Sect. I have had a lot of friendship with her. I have already promised things, so I won't regret it when I think about it."

After the voice fell, Sima Annan took a deep look at Li Zeng in front of him, then suddenly smiled, and the relaxed voice he brought with him came out:

"Okay, then I believe Fellow Daoist Li. The son is already waiting in the carriage. Let's set off. I don't know what Mount Daoist Li do you need?"

"No, I fostered a mountain beast with good feet in the Yujufang in the city, and I just stopped by to get it."

"That's great."

After Sima Annan finished speaking, the gold ingot in the room took the lead to get up, and after nodding to the middle-aged monk, he strode out of the door. At this time, the backyard of the Crescent Moon Restaurant, except for the former Longxiangma Xiaohuang pulling a wide carriage. , Horse-drawn carriages dragged by other strange animals, neatly arranged.

It's just that these strange beasts that are still mighty in the ordinary days, under the dragon power that radiated from Xiao Huang's body, two battles, their heads stuck to the ground, did not dare to let out the atmosphere.

"Go, go south to sleep in Huxia Ridge!"

After a hundred breaths, with the yell of gold ingots, the carriages in the backyard of the Crescent Restaurant began to drove out of the courtyard and into the streets of Huwen City.

In fact, if you take a bird's-eye view of the entire Huwen City of Sleeping Tiger County from the sky above the sky, you will find that not only the Crescent Moon Restaurant is located, but the entire area is quite large in all directions, and a group of monks walked into the rain together under umbrellas.

These monks mostly cultivated with swords with long swords on their backs, and in addition to the swords on their backs, they also carried bulging bags.

Of course, those who walked on their legs were the down-and-down generations, and those wealthy and high-ranking monks with good cultivation skills would either ride on the handsome and extraordinary beasts, or sit on the large carriages, towards the Yunwu Sect outside the city. Go to the square where it is.

It is worth mentioning that, as the leading sect of the entire Sleeping Tiger County, the Yunwu Sect, which relied on the map of the Wushan Sea in its hands, to make its fortune, did not set up its own mountain gate in the city.

Instead, he was extremely heroic at the entrance of Sleeping Tiger Gorge, surrounded by five mountains as the place of the sect, in order to demonstrate his powerful strength.

At the same time, Yunwu Sect also had an extremely large square outside Huwen City, where all the teams that set off on weekdays gathered.

The Baolian Sword Ground on the other side of the Shuihu Gorge Ridge has been continuously engaged in a series of actions since the reunification of the sect. strength.

And this Yunwuzong is one of the more critical links.

In fact, within the Yunwu Sect, there is still a dispute over whether to spare no effort to help Qinglian Jianzong, but as the saying goes, taking people money and helping others to eliminate disasters, Baolian Jiandi has given a lot of benefits, so the Yuwuzong organized a team going south this time. Called the most in history.

Although the rain falling on the sky showed no signs of abating, beginning early in the morning, on the Yunwu Square outside Huwen City, monks were like ants gathered from the city. In.

"If you want to go south to the monk of Sleeping Tiger Gorge, please go to the disciple of Yunwuzong above the square to deliver the celestial coin and receive the number plate.

"A person who is not a sword repairer has five three-color celestial coins. If it is a sword repairer, he only needs to pay one celestial coin. Of course, if there are fellow flying race daoists, if they can help me find the way, then they will get paid. "

On the extremely noisy square outside Huwen City, the full of breath from the disciples of the Yunwu Sect lingered in everyone's ears.

This changed the way ordinary monks talked about going south to the Wushan Sea, and for the Yunwu Sect who made a living on it, it was undoubtedly familiar.

Therefore, the monks of this sect performed their duties and guided them in an orderly manner to pay, get the tokens, and wait on the square.

At the same time, at the corner of the entrance outside the square, a petite figure in the robes of a disciple of the Yunwu Sect was holding an umbrella, standing on tiptoes, looking into the distance.

The female disciple of the Yunwu Sect was not very old, but she was a little anxious on her pretty face, looking up at the bustling crowd in the distance, as if she was looking for someone.

Today, there are a lot of monks going south, coupled with heavy rain. After an umbrella is opened, the scene outside the square is a bit chaotic, and the anxious look on the face of this young female disciple of the Cloud Sect is even worse.

At the next breath, at the end of the female disciple's field of vision, the figure who had been waiting appeared. Then the female disciple's eyes lit up and she hurriedly ran forward.

The robes of the Yunwu Sect disciple were embroidered with billowing mists, which was not difficult to identify. Therefore, the monks along the road let the female disciple walk in the direction of Li Zeng at a very fast speed.

After about fifty breaths, the female disciple's voice came directly into Li Zeng's ears before the female disciples arrived:

"Uncle Li, it's not that you should come earlier, or so late. You have to know that the master is one of the seven elders accompanying him this time. He has everything to do, so there is no time to wait for you."

After the female disciple of the Yunwu Sect fell down with a complaining voice, a trace of apology appeared on Li Zeng's face, and then the latter stepped on and off the mountain beast, and hurriedly said:

"Sorry, sorry, the city was congested and it took a while."

"This time is different from the past, this time our Zongnan's battle is not small. With so many eyes staring at it, you should understand Uncle Li, right?"

The female disciple of the Yunwu Sect who appeared in front of the middle-aged monk continued to speak with a reproach, but Li Zeng's expression remained unchanged and continued to apologize:

"Knowing that, I must be careful not to cause you trouble."

"It's not me, it's not to trouble the master!"

After speaking, the female disciple raised her head and glanced at the train line behind Li Zeng, her brows furrowed tightly, but in the end she didn't say anything, she turned her body first, and her voice came out:

"You follow me, I will show you the master, and then arrange to join the team."

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