The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1735: You can't take it


In the lobby of the Lotus Terrace restaurant, thunder bursts and roars, constantly shaking the mind of every sword repairman around, causing these monks to stand up, and only feel a sting.

Lei Lian Sword Sect is the best genre among the four major sword sects of the Baolian Sword Land, and this young master Lei Ming has a core heritage of Ben Lei.

Therefore, when Ben Lei's sword intent poured out, the surrounding sword repairmen carried the natal swords on their backs, and under this particularly domineering sword intent, they suddenly trembled and neighed.

For a time, a sharp sword howl sounded one after another throughout the restaurant, and even flashing purple arcs began to jump in the void.

At this time, what the young Leilian Sword Sect Young Master did was very simple, that is, completely overwhelming others!

In fact, the sword repairmen who have been in the arena for many years are not stupid. Naturally, it can be seen that the overbearing Young Sovereign in front of him has a high probability of taking a fancy to the long swords in the hands of the two young people in front of him, and then grabbing them.

In the land of the Supreme Profound, the fortune is supreme, and the powerful weapon of the gods is naturally a part of the fortune. Therefore, it is quite common to take a shot at the Baolian sword field or other places.

But at this time, Young Sect Master Lei Lian was so grandiose, even forcing everyone around him to confess, it was really rare.

Therefore, in the entire restaurant lobby, not only Yi'er's eyes were full of anger, but the faces of the other sword repairmen around were extremely ugly, with their fists clenched and their sword intent floating.

"Too much bullying!"

Among the sword repairs in the restaurant, there are many strong-tempered people who roared in their hearts and were about to take a step forward, but were stopped by a sound that sounded in advance:

"Young Master Thunder, you can't judge right or wrong based on your own words. Why don't you just follow me back to the Lotus Terrace Sword Sect. Right and wrong will be judged by your elders."

After speaking, Fan Xing, the great sister of Sword Sect of Lotus Terrace, watched the thunder in front of him with increasingly solemn eyes, and stretched out his right hand to draw outward, and a steady voice came out:

"Young Master Thunder, please!"

As soon as this statement came out, the entire restaurant continued to become silent, and then the purple-clothed youth, who was watching all the way, put away a little smile on his face, and turned into a particularly cold, not serious voice, directly Outgoing:

"Friend Fanxing Daoist, this Young Master only explained so much to you and Lotus Sword Sect's face, otherwise he would have already taken action to arrest this sword thief. I hope you understand this."

As soon as the voice came out, the purple-clothed old man behind Lei Ming directly took a step forward, and his aura changed suddenly.

In the next breath, in the feelings of everyone, a billowing raging thunder burst out in the void, like a tiger roaring toward the face.

For a time, the majesty of the Grand Master of Palm Fate Life and Death Realm overwhelmed the audience!

"Master of Palm Fate Birth and Death Realm, this young master of Leilian Sword Sect is such a big show, and there is even a great master realm accompanying him."

A shocked voice came from the mouth of a sword repairman, and then the young master Lei Lian's hostility became even worse, and the aggressive voice once again lingered in his ears:

"Sister Fanxing, of course you can refuse, but you must understand the importance of our sect's arrival this time. If it breaks our Baolian swordfield plan because of this, you might as well think about it, can you afford this responsibility?"

When this word came out, the girl Fanxing's face was slightly taken aback, but the next breath, the water blue light in the girl's eyes that shone like a sword light became brighter and brighter.

Then, under some unimaginable gaze, the girl's right hand slowly lifted, holding the hilt of the broad sword behind her, the thick mountain-like sword intent suddenly rose.

"Qi Fanxing, you are crazy, do you really want to stand out for these two unknown thieves, regardless of the overall situation?"

The purple-clothed youth's thunderous shout was filled with anger, and then the girl Fanxing's complexion remained unchanged, and a word by word response came out:

"Thunder, you are aggressive in the Wuliantai restaurant, expanding the conflict, and bullying others. Therefore, you are the one who really wants to destroy the plan."

After speaking, the girl Qi Fanxing's pretty face showed a strong color of determination, especially serious words, and continued to sound:

"Today, I am here for the rest of the sect sword repairs. Maybe I will succumb, but Qi Fanxing will not, because this is my kendo!"

The word kendo rolled out like a violent storm, and then the girl used her right hand to pull out an inch of the broad sword behind her, and a heavy blue glow rose into the sky.

But at the next breath, a hand stretched out and directly squeezed the girl's right hand that drew the sword. This hand didn't use excessive force, but it made Fanxing's hand difficult to move.

Then a warm and thick voice sounded, lingering in the former's ears:

"Little girl, under the ups and downs of the world, you can still stick to your own way, you are very good."

As the voice fell, the void of the restaurant spread out like a water wave, and then a figure wearing a quilt stepped out of the void. At the same time, all the monks in the lobby of the restaurant stepped back uncontrollably. .

"Uncle, this **** Leilian Jianzong is a naked bully!"

Yi'er's subsequent voice was still irritated, and then the figure of Yin Yi turned his head and glanced at the purple-clothed youth whose face changed suddenly.

This understatement is like ten thousand years!

Then Lei Lian Sword Sect Young Master's whole body began to tremble, dense beads of sweat rolled down his cheeks, and at the same time, the natal sword in the sea of ​​knowledge was completely shattered with a bang.

"The young master's natal sword is broken, damn, damn!"

A stern roar came from the Young Master Leilian Sword Sect's mouth, and then he raised his hands, stubbornly covered his head, and rolled painfully on the ground.

At the next breath, the man in the clothes stretched out his hand and shook it lightly in the air. The long sword tightly wrapped in cloth on the desk flew into the hands of the former automatically, and then his deep voice sounded clearly again:

"There are hundreds of millions of swords in the Baolian Sword Land. You also have a lot of them in the Leilian Sword Sect. You can't be too greedy, because you can grab some swords, but you can't afford this one, even if you add the entire Leilian Jianzong can't afford it either!"

The voice fell, and the man in the clothes sat down beside the desk with a sword, and the voice continued:

"Dingshan, blast them out!"

"Yes, Master."

Li Dingshan nodded his promise, and his voice fell. He turned his head and looked at the Leilian Sword Sect monk in front. There was no pupil in his eyes, and suddenly a very rich golden light began to appear.

After a few breaths, strands of golden lines intertwined in Li Dingshan's eyes, and in just a moment, a weird rune was formed, which was surprisingly a long sword.

At the same time, the entire restaurant is upside down in the void, and the green light suddenly appears!

Then the endless cyan light converged in the void, and instantly became a cyan phantom long sword, pointing straight ahead, killing all intents!

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