"Ah, my hand, my hand is cut off!"

The chaos in the lobby of the Lotus Terrace Restaurant was suddenly broken by a terrifying roar, and then everyone stopped talking and suddenly turned around, looking at the place where the roar came from with some surprise.

In a corner of the restaurant not far away, a monk wearing a purple robe stretched out his hand to firmly grasp the half-cut right hand, an extremely painful voice continued to come from his mouth.

At the same time, on the ground in front of the howling man lay a lavender long sword, which was also broken in two and scattered on the ground.

Such an abnormality caused the sword repairmen in the lobby of the restaurant to look sideways, and after a few breaths of silence, a louder voice suddenly came out:

"In the restaurant of Liantaizong, dare to cut people's hands, so courageous!"

When the voice fell, there was an insightful Jian Xiu who fixed his eyes to look at it, revealing a look of doubt, and said with a little uncertain voice:

"The purple sword robe is the outfit of the Thunder Lotus Sword Sect. This Sect is not in the southernmost part of the Baolian Sword Land. Why did you come to our Lotus Terrace City?"

As soon as he said this, Jian Xiu's brows frowned, and he looked down at the purple thunder sword that had been broken in two on the ground, and continued to speak with a little bit of amazement:

"What a strong edge, with the finger as a sword, it can be cut directly with the sword and the hand in an instant. This young man who shoots is not easy."

When the voice fell, a large number of eyes were intertwined directly on the broken sword on the ground, and the long sword was as smooth as a mirror in cross section, enough to know how sharp Li Dingshan's fingers were.

"This matter is a bit weird, but the cultivators of the Leilian Sword Sect have always been domineering, fearing that there will be greater conflict."

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, a very cold voice sounded directly in the restaurant:

"This sword thief, you are talking about yourself, two sword thieves."

As the voice heard, the young master Leilian Jianzong in a fluttering purple shirt stepped out of the crowd, with increasingly cold eyes, staring at the angry girl Yi'er in front of him, and the voice continued:

"First stole the divine sword of this sect, then cut off a hand of my sect disciple, and repeatedly challenged the majesty of Lei Lian Sword Sect, so I should be punished!"

When the word "Zhu" came out loudly, a particularly harsh thunder and sword sound began to resound from the young man's body. This sound was as thick as thunder, but also with the sharp whistling of swords, which stirred in an instant. The whole restaurant is quite peaceful.


Beneath the sword roar, the void vibrated, the surrounding sword repairmen changed their colors, and the voice came out:

"Ben Lei Sword Intent, is the secret that Leilian Sword Sect does not pass on. Is this young man Lei Ming, the famous young master of Lei Lian Sword Sect?"

"It should be this person. There are not many young people in the Baolian Swordsmanship who have such a momentum, plus the identity of the Leilian Sword Sect, it is not difficult to guess."

A low voice of discussion sounded inside the restaurant, and then a figure with a sword backed by a number of people suddenly appeared in a corner of the restaurant.

The head was an extremely tall woman, wearing a light blue sword robe, and the long sword behind her was also glowing with clear blue light.

After the figure of the woman appeared in the eyes of everyone, the sword repairmen who had been sitting in the entire restaurant stood up, saluted the front, and said:

"I've seen the Starry Girl."

"Sorry, everyone, there was a conflict in the restaurant, which caused the inconvenience to you. I hope to forgive you."

This sword repair girl named Fanxing had a calm and majestic voice, which made people sound extremely comfortable, and they responded:

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, but it's not easy to get Girl Fanxing to come forward."

"I would like to introduce to you below, this is Lei Ming, the young master of Lei Lian Jianzong, this time I am invited to come to my Lotus Terrace City as a guest."

As soon as the introduction of the girl Fanxing came out, even if the people around had already guessed, they still subconsciously let out a low voice.

Then the girl Fanxing's complexion remained unchanged, and she stepped to the front of Young Sect Master Thunder, as if there were two pale white sword lotus blooming pupils, staring at the latter, a steady voice followed:

"Sect Master Thunder is so aggressive, why?"

"Xia Xia only accidentally found the sword stealer my sect had been looking for, and ordered the hunt down in a hurry. I didn't expect to disturb the master sister of Guizong. I hope to forgive me."

Seeing the people of the Lotus Terrace Sword Sect rushed faster than imagined, Thunder slightly converged the sword intent that radiated from within and outwards of his body, frowning on his handsome face, but his words continued to speak. Still extremely tough:

"Friend Fanxing Daoist, it is so hard for my sect to find the traces of these two people. I hope it will be convenient for us to recover the stolen Divine Sword?"

As soon as this remark came out, Yi'er, who had already been so angry, had already burned the anger in her eyes to the extreme, and let out a beating:

"Shameless person, it is clear that you sent someone to steal my sword. Now it is shocking to beat a thief and call to catch the thief. Really, really shameless!"

The anger in the scolding of the young girl Yi'er became more and more intense, but she was a big girl, and her cursing words in her belly were only a few words, nothing more than shameless, thief and other extremely weak words.

These words usually greeted the eighteenth-generation monks of the ancestors, and there was no waves. Then the thunderous gloomy face of the young master of Lei Lian Sect flashed a trace of confidence and pride.

At the next breath, his open hand was facing Yi'er in front of him, and the long sword was placed on the desk, raising a lot of voice directly:

"This sword is one of my Leilian Sword Sect's divine swords. Not to mention the rest. The four major sword sects of the Baolian Sword Land, the swords that each sect is good at are not the same. Broad sword is good at defense.

"And as everyone knows, Wu Leilian Jianzong repairs the sword of killing and cutting, but uses a long sword. Everyone looks at the style of this sword, although it is covered by a cloth, it is obviously a long sword."

After finishing speaking, the young master Lei Lian's thundering complexion directly became extremely cold and stern. Looking around, the extremely strong sword intent of rushing thunder, pouring out from the inside of the body again, and even inside the restaurant lobby, there was a sound. The sound of a very harsh thunderstorm.

At the next breath, thunderming clenched his fists with both hands, a dazzling thunder light suddenly appeared in the void, and a cold voice came out:

"Who dare to say that this sword was not stolen from the ego sect, stand up to this young master, we said!"

As soon as he said this, the interior of the Lotus Terrace restaurant suddenly became silent. All the sword repairers were unable to speak for a long time even though their faces were quite ugly.

After dozens of breaths of silence, Master Sister Fanxing of Sword Sect of Lotus Terrace took a step forward. Just about to speak, the Young Sect Master thunderously turned her head, staring at the former with piercing eyes, and her voice continued to linger in the restaurant:

"Friend Fanxing Daoist, before you speak, please think clearly, don't break your plan!"

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