"For Jian Xiu, the natal sword is the foundation of cultivation. Once it is destroyed, it is as if one's cultivation is directly abolished, and it is tens of thousands of times more difficult to cultivate.

"Your Excellency directly smashed my Sect Master's Lei Dao Sword. It is already an endless situation. In the future, whether it is in the Baolian sword field or the rest of the Taixuan land, it will be chased and killed by our sect. !"

The painful roar of the young master Lei Lian Sword Sect’s smashed Dao Sword was constantly resounding in the restaurant, and then in the Lei Lian Sword Sect array, the complexion of the old man surnamed Lei suddenly became incomparable and continued to emit. With a loud shout:

"Leilian Sword Sect, draw your sword!"

In addition to anger, the old man’s shouts contained faint fear, because the Sect Master of Leilian Sword Sect was also extremely domineering, if he knew that his precious son was smashed to pieces by his life sword under his nose, What kind of madness would be for the unfathomable suzerain who had a profound cultivation.

Thinking of this, the old man surnamed Lei squinted his eyes, and the power of the rich law belonging to the Master of Palm Border Birth and Death Realm was raised to the limit, and together with the children behind him, he brushed his sword out of its sheath.

Lei Lian Sword Sect is known for its violent sword power, so the sound of the sharp sword scabbing out of this sound is not an ordinary sword sound, but a shocking thunder roar.

Ten purple long swords were drawn out and pointed forward, and before these long swords with purple thunder beating, there was only a lone blue sword floating in the air.

"This green sword is so mysterious, why I can't feel any of the swordsmanship contained in it, it's really weird!"

The people present in the restaurant are all swordsmen, so they can naturally feel the difference in the blue light sword in the void ahead. After that, behind the lotus platform Jianzong Master Sister Fanxing, an extraordinary disciple stepped back and continued. Open the mouth:

"Although this sword may seem mysterious, it is the real master of the Palm-line Birth and Death Realm, and it is the sword intent that kills the thunder, I don’t believe that such a young person can be shattered. The realm of the Grand Master of Palm Fate Life and Death Realm!"

As soon as this remark came out, the girl Fanxing standing in front of the disciples did not continue to speak, but waved to make the disciples behind him continue to retreat, and then waved a hand to lay several heavy kendo barriers in front of her.

As soon as these water-blue barriers appeared, the harsh thunder burst out suddenly, and then the purple-clothed old man stepped forward and swung his sword forward.

What it stabbed was a whole purple thunder!

As we all know, between heaven and earth, thunder is fast, urgent, and fierce, and the speed can be called teleport, so in a short time, the sword of thunder directly approached the center of Li Dingshan's forehead.

Ben Lei whizzed, and even many monks could hardly respond, but the green sword floating in front of Li Dingshan was faster and stronger.

After an instant, the strands of cyan runes intertwined on the cyan long sword suddenly lit up, and disappeared in place in a silent state, like a phantom, shattered and disillusioned.

From beginning to end, Li Dingshan never raised his hands, and the green sword in front of him was only condensed with the power of his eyes.

So how fast the former's eyes are, how fast this sword is.

Really a thousand miles away!

When the extreme supernatural powers appear in the void, even the surrounding time and space will start to slow down, so everyone seems to stand still on the spot, motionless.

The sword-to-sword duel is extremely simple and pure. Whoever has the best edge will win, and at the same time, the victory will be instant.

Then the thought green sword in front of Li Dingshan, without any fancy, completely cut the thunder that the Master Leilian Sword Sect had cut out from the middle, just like an experienced farmer, splitting the wooden stake with his hand. Bamboo joints.

It's an understatement, but it makes people feel crazy.

It turns out that Thunder can really be cut apart from it!


The Thunder, embodied by his own natal sword, was hit hard, even if the old man's cultivation had reached the world's rare palm-line birth and death master realm, he still made a muffled grunt.

In the next instant, starting with this humming, the time flow in this restaurant instantly began to return to normal.

Then the Qi machine began to surge wildly, and the billowing energy generated after the two sword qi collided suddenly began to sweep outwards, and a particularly violent sword wind suddenly blew across the restaurant.

"Everyone, you are too sharp, pay attention to avoid dispersing!"

The noisy sword wind swept across, and the first sister Qi Fanxing, the first to react, opened her mouth and let out a loud shout, but before the voice fell, a particularly clear sound of golden iron fracture suddenly sounded in everyone's ears. :

"Bang, bang!"

Every cracking sound indicates that among the disciples of Lei Lian Sword Sect's shot, a sword is directly broken into two pieces.

The cracking sounds rang more and more, and the sound was endless, causing all the sword repairs around, the pupils to keep expanding and shrinking.

In other words, Li Dingshan's understatement green sword not only directly pierced Thunder, but also volleyed through the natal swords of all Leilian Sword Sect disciples.

"Where is this young man sacred? With all his actions, he can completely suppress everyone in the Thunder Lotus Sword Sect. You must know that there is a master among them!"

Unbelievable voices came from Jian Xiu, who was constantly evading backwards, and then Li Dingshan, who stood motionless in place, finally had the rest of his actions.

At the next breath, Li Dingshan raised his hands, and the golden runes in his pupils continued to change and interweave, directly transforming from the original cyan long sword into a huge overturning wave.

Then Li Dingshan took a sudden step forward, raised his hands and slapped forward:

"The ups and downs of troubled times, carry the wind and rain, there is nowhere to avoid!"

As the voice fell, a huge roar suddenly blasted between the void of the restaurant, and then accompanied by Li Dingshan's forward shot of his hands, a huge blue wave gushed directly out of the void, facing mightily. Lei Lian Jianzong and others in front of him took a photo.

This blue wave swept forward and began to divide. Between the upper and lower turbidity, there seemed to be a world that was evolving vigorously, which was simply amazing.

Then, in a moment, this huge blue wave of rising to the heavens and descending to the earth directly and completely ignored the Lei-Lian Sword Sect Master’s desperately displaying Ben Lei Jian Qi, and instantly wrapped everyone in front of him. Inside, rushed out of the restaurant mightily.

The turbulent aura in the lobby of the Lotus Terrace restaurant is changing rapidly, and in a flash, the people of the Thunder Lotus Sword Sect, who were originally inextricable, have been completely blown away by a palm.

After a few breaths, the blue waves in the void gradually dissipated, reflecting on the surrounding sword repairmen who were dumbfounded. Then the girl Qi Fanxing shook her body and murmured in shock:

"This is Yi Nian Tai, Tai Qing?"

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