The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1331: Elite strike


read2();   "Then, the arm of the force repair soldier was cut off!"

With a terrified murmur, Mo Yuan's mouth came out, and then along with his flashing eyes, you could see that under the command of the roar of the Shield Armored Lieutenant, this combat forward team was While continuing to besieged the monks in the Taixuan Land in front, a relatively exhausted soldier was separated from it and separated backwards.

  Then the soldier quickly put the heavy shield in his hand flat on the ground, hugged the broken-arm warrior who bit his lip and made no sound, pulled on the heavy shield, and then ran back quickly with the shield.

   "The life-and-death battlefield has just begun, especially our enemy is the cultivating monks in the Taixuan Land!"

   In front of Mo Yuan, Xu Jin, who had just released the cloud-piercing power, put away the purple bow in his hand, and the voice passed, and then he drew the bow and arrows again, drew a bow in the other direction, and continued to speak:

"The monks of the Supreme Profound Land who are now fighting with our forward troops are all masters who have survived several rounds of thunder cannons. Although they have spent a lot of strength to resist the ravages of thunder, they still need a small team of soldiers. Going to encircle and suppress, there will even be casualties, this is the strength of the monks."

After    finished speaking, Xu Jin raised her head and looked at the barrier with dazzling golden light in front of her with extremely solemn eyes. With thunder and artillery, she bombarded the mighty Ninth Prince’s Golden Palace, subconsciously speeding up her jump forward.

   "Thunder cannons will not be able to break through the barriers outside the Golden Temple for a while, so this means that an army of core elite monks under the prince of the kingdom will attack immediately, and we have to be faster!"

The same solemn voice came from Xiao Yuan’s mouth, who was guarding Mo Yuan’s side. At this time, the group was at the position. There were copper and iron walls in front and on both sides of the Daxia Sergeant pushing forward, so it was still safe, but Everyone understands that the more you move forward, the more danger you encounter.

   "Mo Si, how far is it from the first altar erected by the Military Aircraft Department at this time?"

   As the entire team rushed forward, Xu Jin’s question came from the front, and then Mo Yuan turned his head and began to compare the position of the Jiuyao island behind with himself. After a few breaths of thought, Mo Yuan directly responded:

   "The position of our forward advancement has been deviated. We need to use the altar to re-correct the position. The target point is 20 miles away, and the north is east."

The expressions of Xu Jin and other young disciples in Zizhu Lane suddenly changed. For this **** battle in the North Sea, the holy altar in the hands of the Antan envoy, like Mo Yuan, played a role not only in enhancing the strategic depth, but also in one point. It is to guide the direction of the assault for the entire army in the rear.

On the battlefield, you die and die. As the forward, the soldiers of the Angry Beast Army cannot perfectly charge along the predetermined route. If the direction is not changed from time to time, the nine charge troops are very likely to collide. Now the deviation appears, which means Xu Jin and the others wanted to **** Mo Yuan directly to the defensive barrier of the Shield Armor to unseal the altar.

   In other words, it also means that the danger of unblocking the altar will be greatly increased this time, and it can be called enemies on all sides!

   "Everyone is cheering up, Mosman, you always guide the direction, Hei Pi first go to the front to find out the situation, Xiao Yuan, use the flying messenger to convey this message to our Chinese military commander, and let the forward army move to the right!"

Xu Jin, as a famous sect, has completely inherited the calmness and courage in the blood of Wei Guogong Xu's family. After only a breath, he began to respond, and then the angle at which his feet jumped turned directly to the right, with Mo The source is directly inserted into the target location.

At the same time, in front of everyone, there was a sudden violent aftermath of supernatural power and energy, accompanied by a dense and piercing roar. The disciples in Zizhu Lane suddenly looked up and saw a whole number of hundreds from above the Golden Palace of the Nine Princes. Jian Guang fell extremely fast, crashing directly on the front shield armor defense barrier.

Each of this sword light is wrapped in a vast and infinite power, and even has the power of a sharp law, and the place where the cultivators under the command of the Nine Princes choose to bombard is also very particular, avoiding the fury beast army at the front. Behemoth, thus choosing the weakest area on the right.

The harsh and violent glass cracking sounded intensively like rain hitting plantains, and under the violent blow of this long-planned sword array, just one shot, thousands of shield soldiers behind the barriers were blasted off. The barrier in the right area was suddenly torn into a gap.

In the next breath, within the gap, a team of vigorous fighters dared to dash forward with halberds. At the same time, there were the magical powers of the French fighters bursting with flames and several thunder ballistas raging in the rear, accompanied by a vast rain of arrows. Attempt to seal the gap with the intensive firepower of the cross to buy time for the shield army to re-arrange troops.

However, the monk who struck at this time is the most prestigious sect of the Shangguotang in the central government. Therefore, this huge sword light does not evade at all, directly against the thunder pond arrow rain, tearing the void in front of him, and rushing into Within the barrier gap.

After a few breaths, a hundred sword lights covered by a large number of magical powers exploded outward at the same time, and one after another young monks from the Tangdu of the Central Shangguo jumped out from it. The head was a black robe cold-stricken young man with scarlet blood in his hands. Mang’s long whip threw several Daxiali Xiu Camp soldiers around him directly, and the tyrannical voice came out:

   "A person who kills a clan, rewards one hundred liang of celestial coins, and kills many enemies at the same time, you can get extra rewards from the Nine His Royal Highnesses, and the wine lovers are at your fingertips!

After the words fell, the gloomy young monk continued to raise his whip, threw the boundless scarlet blood wave forward, and blasted the rapidly approaching thunder blood pool back. After a flash of body shape, he rushed into Daxia's rapid assembly. In the formation, he continued to swing three whips, and abruptly shot the three shield soldiers with their shields.

  The power of elite monks in the Taixuan Land is undoubtedly evident at this moment!

"Young Master Ying is good at cultivation, and he has mastered the Eagle's Nest at a young age. Although he has not been able to enter the palm-linked birth and death realm because of his short time of practice, he is still only a little bit short of it. one!"

Seeing this black-robed monk swinging his whip in the shield armour formation, the scarlet whip shadow turned into a light curtain and slapped around. The monk's flattering sound followed one after another, and then the son Ying came out of his nose. Humph, the voice came out:

   "If this young man breaks through this battlefield this time, then he is the real Longfei Nine Heavens."

   The voice fell, and a powerful, bloodthirsty aura burst out from the body of this person, and the huge racial Taoist statue appeared behind it, a huge war eagle covered with blood feathers.

The blood hawk cried up to the sky, and the speed of this young master Ying's forward impact suddenly increased, and the whip sound continued to sound like thunder. The Daxia soldiers along the road were bombarded, and a lot of roars from the monks in the Supreme Profound Land Outgoing:

   "Kill, kill, kill you human waste!"


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