
read2();  "According to the latest battle situation, the nine princes of Central Shangguo launched an attack earlier than expected. The monks of this man are all elite sects of Shangguo in the Taixuan Land, so the forward troops The pressure has increased greatly, and the casualties have soared. It is urgent to unseal an altar for the placement of the wounded, the transmission of support forces, and the recovery of vitality for the forward of the angry beast army!

   A quick and clear voice sounded amidst the roar of the battlefield. After this word came to my ears, Mo Yuan, who held the silver box among the puppets of the Weiyang Army, drilled out of his head, pursed his lips, and nodded solemnly.

   Then Mo Yuan just wanted to stretch out his hand, but found that an arm was stretched out directly, grabbed his shoulder, and lifted it to the back of the catapult puppet like a chicken. At the same time, a young and vigorous voice came:

   "In Xia Xiaoyuan, I am also the one who escorted you to the target location. Please advise."

   A standard armor, Xiao Yuan, who was as straight as loose, just fell off his voice, and suddenly a figure in the armor appeared behind him, and then the voice continued:

   "Ma Yuan, Song Lin, Hei Pi, please advise."

   The group of people with Xu Jin who started out as the commander of the squad, is surprisingly the children of Zizhu Alley in the capital city.

  The family is in trouble, and everyone is responsible. Naturally, there is no reason for the seedlings of these generals. Instead, they have to perform the most dangerous tasks. Escorting Mo Yuan to set up the altar at the forefront of the battlefield is one of them.

"Brother Mo, let me make a long story short. Originally, you could follow the puppets of the Weiyang Army and advance directly to the target position in the most appropriate way, and then unblock the altar, but the battlefield is changing rapidly, and the puppets are moving too slowly. We have to accelerate. Chong, every second counts."

  'S solemn voice came from the mouth of the second lady of Wei Guogong's mansion, and then she stepped forward, came to Mo Yuan's body, and continued to speak:

   "According to the orders of the Ministry of War, please follow me to charge, we will fight to protect each other, and vowed to let the altar stand up safely!"

   finished speaking, Xu Jin’s team stood together, stretched out their hands to beat their chests, and let out a loud shout:

   "Daxia Glory!"

At this time, the second lady of the official residence of Wei Guo directly cut off her waist-length hair for the convenience of wearing a helmet and armor. Although her face was quite black, she was more heroic. Then Mo Yuan hugged the silver box of runes tightly. Raising his hand in return, the voice came out:

   "Thank you guys!"

   The words of the young people here have not yet settled, but a fierce roar that shook the sky suddenly sounded in the battlefield ahead, and I saw the Golden Palace of the Nine Princes pressing forward quickly, and suddenly a rich golden light spread out.

   The golden light's defensive power is extremely astonishing, blocking a large number of thunder rage cannons directly, and even the demon-breaking arrows fired by the demon camp can only tear out the holes that are not large, and they are made up in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, the Nine Princes originally surrounded the core monks outside the Golden Temple, displaying magical powers, or flying with their backs and wings, or flying with swords, turning them into streamers, and rushing straight to the invincible fury beast army and forwards on the battlefield. force.

For a time, the pressure on the forwards of the Central Army in the Great Xia increased sharply, and the violent magical powers continuously shook the heavy shields and magical barriers of the front shield armour. Whenever a powerful magical power hits, there are several heavy armored soldiers. After gritting his teeth and retreating, he knelt down on one knee to stabilize his trembling blood.

   "The elite soldiers of the nine princes of the Central Kingdom are starting to come to an all-out end. I must hurry up immediately!"

Xu Jin’s loud shouts rang from countless fights and roars, and then her hand drew a huge purple bow from the void. His stature rushed first, and then the rest of the staff quickly dispersed to the sides. The guard formation, with Mo Yuan in the middle, rushed forward.

   The sudden change between the movement and the quiet reflects the good military qualities of the young children in Zizhu Lane. Then they stepped forward and rushed to Mo Yuan, turning their heads, looking towards the outer periphery of the battlefield with the loudest fighting sound.

On the battlefield on the right side of a group of people, the four-armed violent ape monk with a height of two digits released his own racial Taoist image. Numerous needle-like hairs exploded outward, and four strong arms held it. The gleaming warhammer smashed down the shield army barrier in front of him like a violent storm.

   tyrannical aura, coupled with the scarlet and crazy eyes of the two four-armed violent apes, caused the shield army barrier under the heavy hammer to be pushed back continuously, and then the forward captain’s roar continued:

"A team of soldiers will separate the two monkeys together with our lieutenant. The magic repair magical powers and the force repairing fighters prepare for the out of the sheath magical powers, surround them and kill them. After two waves of thunder ballistas, these two guys are on the surface. The defense is not so strong!"

The roar of the lieutenant with the shield fell, and the huge ancient soldier Dao Soul behind him let out the silver light, and then the ancient soldier Dao Soul holding the sword and shield lifted the heavy shield, and the burly body of the lieutenant burst out with great power, lifting it up Shield rushed forward and rushed directly between the two four-armed violent monks.

   "Boom, boom!"

   The loud noise after the confrontation between the two giant hammers and the heavy shield sounded in the next breath, and then the forward lieutenant who resisted the two heavy hammers, lifted the heavy shield, and slammed the violent ape in front of him.

   "Supernatural powers, mountains and waves!"

After an instant, the void between the two great ape monks suddenly began to fluctuate violently, and a rolling wave like the ups and downs of the mountains suddenly broke out, directly pushing the two violent apes into each other, and then the rest of the shield armor soldiers suddenly held their shields and surrounded them, and the spirits were released. Barriers like cages rose to the sky.

   Great Xia Shield Armour united magical powers. Ten square barriers!

   "Strengthen the halberd, the blade is out of the sheath, kill!"

After the ten square barriers were closed, the Li Xiu warrior, who had already condensed the killing intent and energy to the peak, leaped forward and stabbed the halberd in his hand. A scarlet supernatural halberd suddenly appeared within the entire barrier. Stabbed into the body of the two violent monks without hindrance.

And faster than the sharp blade out of the sheath is the magical power released by the military and French revision army. Several sharp ice thorns are like teleporting deeply into the hearts of two four-armed violent apes, screaming and hot blood at the same time. Soaring shot.


After the murderous roar from the Shield Armor lieutenant rolled out, the two Daxia Sergeants who were responsible for the final beheading suddenly jumped up and stepped on the shoulders of the armored soldiers and jumped into the void. The head of the ugly face was cut off directly.

   An arc flashed, and the knife started and fell.

   A huge ape skull was completely chopped off, and the spewing blood rose up like a volcanic eruption. However, on the other side, after the sword was cut into the neck, it was stuck in the middle, and then the roar from the captain directly sounded:

   "This guy is going to fight back desperately, close the knife, and go back!"

   The four-armed violent ape, who was dying before his words, suddenly had red glow in his eyes, and directly shot forward two streams of torn void, piercing the eyebrows of the Daxia Warrior in front of him.

The speed of this crimson streamer is beyond imagination, and even the shield-clad lieutenant who reacted in advance wants to step forward to defend, and just between the electric light and stone fire, a rapidly rotating arrow suddenly blasted from the depths of the void. , Pierced the center of the eyebrows of the ape.

   Wei Guogong Xu's arrow magical power. Through the clouds!

   The cloud-piercing arrow pierced through the head of the ape, and the huge penetrating power lifted the body of the ape backwards, the direction of the scarlet streamer suddenly shifted, and the entire right arm of the Li Xiu who was struggling to dodge in front of him was completely cut off.

   "Fuck, fuck!"

   Shield Armor Lieutenant and others suddenly roared violently, deceiving the four-armed violent ape with only one breath and patted it into meat sauce with the heavy shield!


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