The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1332: life and death


read2();   "There is a hard stubble in front of us. These elite monks who rushed into the Great Profound Land in the formation have a high level of cultivation and are extremely difficult to deal with!"

   In the Zizhu Alley team that escorted Mo Yuan hurriedly forward, the black skin with special eye talent narrowed his eyes and a solemn voice came out.

Afterwards, a large amount of white mist continued to float out of the young man’s eyes, and the scene in his eyes changed again, and even the traces of every supernatural power performed by the elite monks of the nine princes of the Great Profound Land It's all clear.

   "The number of these cultivators all exceeds the grandmaster level, and there is also a whip-holding cultivator. Although the level is not reached, the strength is not much weaker than the general life and death level masters. He must be killed as soon as possible."

A steady stream of dignified words came out from Hei Pi's mouth, and then everyone in front of them, squeezed the purple bow, and took out a demon-broken arrow from behind Xu Jin. He stepped on the ground with his right foot, hitting the arrow and pulling the full moon. , Letting go in one go.

   The demon-breaking arrow radiating brilliant light tore the air, turned into a meteor and went straight into the sky, and then fell like a round of sun to the monks in the Taixuan Land below, and at the same time the girl’s question sounded:

   "Xiao Yuan, look at the position of the light cavalry of the high-ranking monks in the Supreme Profound Land and our Dao Palace and other sect monks?"

   As soon as the words fell, the sun falling arrow released by Xu Jin directly blasted into the eyebrows of a monk in the land of the profound mystery. At the next breath, the arrow burst, and the billowing flame engulfed several people around at the same time.

"who is it?"

The sun falling arrow is so powerful that it directly drew the attention of the young man Ying who smashed the defensive barrier in front of him with his whip. His sharp roar rolled outwards, and then two eagle-like sharp and cold eyes looked directly. The place where Xiang Xu Jin and others are located.

   "Back to Captain Xu, the light cavalry is leading our sect cultivator to complete a wave of charge against the forefront of the angry beast army. I have already noticed the gap here and are charging around."

   said here, Xiao Yuan's words changed, and the voice continued:

   "But there is bad news. Because the cultivators under the command of the Ninth Prince have come off the field in large numbers, the resistance of the cultivators in front of the Qingqi troops is too great, so it takes at least five hundred breaths to rush here!"

The time of five hundred breaths is not too long in the past, but for the **** battlefield filled with life and death every minute, even the blink of an eye is precious, especially for the team. In the hands of Mo Yuan, there is still a vital silver box in the altar.

   "It seems that we and the whip-whipping monk in front of us must have a fight. Kill him, and fast!"

After the murderous voice came from Xu Jin, the formation of the entire Zizhu Alley suddenly changed. Several burly and powerful gatekeepers rushed forward with double hammers, except for Xiao Yuan who was personally protecting Mo Yuan. The people spread out, showing an extremely standard arrow charge.

   Of course, the first to tear the air and launch a violent attack on the enemy has always been Wei Guogong Xu's arrow!

   "Xu Sheng's supernatural powers. Through the clouds!"

After a violent trembling sound, the void in front of Young Master Ying instantly boiled like boiling water, and the next breath, the void in front of the former's eyes cracked, and an arrow lingering around the rich spatial aura, drilled out like a poisonous snake prey. Thunder couldn't hide his ears, and directly pierced Young Master Ying!


The ear-piercing sound of friction rang through the ears, and the moment the cloud-piercing arrow shot by Xu Jin pulled the bow with all his strength, pierced the center of the eyebrows of Young Master Ying, a **** eagle feather suddenly appeared in front of the arrow of space, between the electric light and flint. , To block the arrow firmly.

   Until this time, the jealous Young Master Ying reacted, his face changed wildly, and he opened his mouth and let out a scream:

   "Damn it, if it wasn't for this young man who has a magic weapon for protecting his body, this time it's true!"

After    finished speaking, he stretched out his left hand and directly grasped the piercing cloud arrow in front of him. At the same time, the blood feathers on the center of his eyebrows suddenly shattered after a crisp sound.

   "My bodyguard is a treasure, this young man will wait for you, and he will live deeply to death!"

A violent roar came from this young man Ying, and then the huge blood eagle race behind him spread out like wings, and blood feathers appeared under the black robe, and the whole body suddenly turned into a rolling rolling. Before the **** wind, it is almost forced to Xu Jin and others.

The violent and terrifying aura spread out from the horror wind, and even faintly smashed the shackles of the law barrier, reached the realm of the master of the palm edge birth and death realm, the whip sounded from the scarlet wind, and bombarded Behind the heavy shields of the Great Xia Jiashi along the road, a large number of Shield Armored soldiers were photographed severely injured.

   "Ma Yuan, Song Lin, stop him, black skin, find a way to lock his actions!"

A clear and cold voice came from Xu Jin's mouth, and then the girl's legs pressed hard, and abruptly nailed the fast-forward body to the ground. Between movement and static, she held the purple bow and raised her with three fingers on her right hand. The bowstring was pulled apart, and he took a breath like a whale swallowing the sea.

   The billowing purple light quickly converged into the bow, and then three purple arrows slowly appeared on the big bow, and the loud tiger roar directly from the arrows, resounding throughout the battlefield.

   "Supernatural power. Tiger roar!"

In the next instant, the entire battlefield suddenly lit up with a thick purple glow, the arrow violently moved forward, and directly turned into three roaring tigers jumping in the void, in a three-seat besieging formation, facing the scarlet whip wind rushing in. Pounce straight down.

After a breath, the tiger's roar and the eagle's cry suddenly intertwined, and the scarlet tornado's forward momentum suddenly stopped. Two whip shadows that cut the void almost at the same time stretched out from the tornado, directly entangled the two purple tigers, ruthlessly He smashed to the ground fiercely, but there was still a tiger howling purple arrow tearing the whip wind directly into Young Master Ying's right shoulder.

   "Wait for this young man to get close, I will definitely try to get rid of cramps in your female clan!"

   Young Master Ying’s roaring voice contained extreme tyranny and anger, and then two vigorous and young responses sounded directly:

   "Death is imminent, really noisy!"

   The words fell, Ma Yuan and Song Lin both brought heavy hammers and violently smashed them down at the same time. The intrepid power combined with the surging vitality even made the void under the hammer formed a fuzzy shape like a high temperature burn.

   Supernatural powers. Giant peaks are on top!

After the blink of an eye, the four hammers smashed to the ground, which is no different from the four giant peaks crashing down, directly causing Young Master Ying under the hammer to let out another scream, and then his whole body was smashed to the ground, and the scarlet wind blew outwards directly. , For a while, the breath of the former was suddenly strong and weak, and the red glow poured out, making it hard to see the truth.

   "Ma Yuan, Song Lin, you two quickly retreat!"

   The black-skinned warning sound rolled from the rear, and the two burly hammer-bearers did not hesitate to pull away directly, because in Zizhu Lane, black skins have always been the best eyes.

In the next instant, a blood whip made up of eagle feather barbs was drawn out of the void, and it directly brushed the back of Ma Yuan’s nose and swiped it, and following the latter’s sight, one could clearly see the void in front of him. Cut open by the long whip, a glaring red mark appeared.

The red mark slashed in front of him, but the strong wind swayed directly into Ma Yuan’s face, directly cutting a hole, but the next moment, the situation suddenly changed, and the long whip that had been thrown suddenly extended like a snake apricot. Cut, and then wrapped Ma Yuan's neck and tugged inward, while the hysterical voice rolled out:

   "How can it be so easy if you want to run!"

When the voice fell, another eagle feather whip extended out of the void again, once again entangled Ma Yuan’s upper body, and under sudden force, the heavy armor outside the young man in Zizhu Lane shattered directly, and simultaneously issued Muffled!


  The tyrannical roar came from Young Master Ying, and then the blood feathers on the long whip were erected at the same time and directly pierced into Ma Yuan's body. The latter uttered a silent cry from the sky!


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