Chapter 677, poor life experience

At that time, she thought that since she couldn't get married outside the house, she could only find a target in the house.

So she began to observe in the house to see which young master in the family was the most favored.

 But every young master was surrounded by a maid, and she couldn't get in at all.

Even if she can get close to her, she is just playing for fun and does not take her seriously at all, let alone marry her.

Little Liti is not a fool. After knowing that men are unreliable, she starts to hang on to them and wants more wealth.

 But those young masters don’t have much money on hand, and they don’t get much benefit.

So she set her sights on the master who was in charge of the family.

 But there are more aunts around the master. It is more difficult for her to get close than to reach the sky.

Later on, she succeeded, but she was bullied by a group of aunts, and she didn't know how angry she was.

 Later, the eldest lady used her to deal with the group of aunts and sold them to her as soon as she changed hands.

  After the sale, Little Liti didn’t care and continued to seduce the next master.

 But she would not tell Xiao Zi these things, she would only talk about her pitiful life experience.

 After all, ordinary maids are simple and compassionate.

This trick worked every time she used it, so she continued to hold Xiao Zi's arm and cry.

"You don't know. If my aunt knew that I was driven away, she would definitely take me back and sell me to some old, bad old man, or sell me to a brothel. Please don't drive me away."

As if she was afraid that Xiao Zi would not be soft-hearted, she continued to beg her plaintively, "Sister Xiao Zi, please don't drive me away, I will change it, and I will work hard next time, okay?"

“Just have mercy on me, please~”

She begged so much that Xiao Zi was a little undecided.

 She hesitated, "Is everything you said true?"

“Is your uncle really that bad?”

  Xiaoli Ti Lihua said with rain, "Yes, it really is. If you don't believe it, you can ask the cook. She knows my aunt and knows her character. If you don't believe it, just ask."

Xiao Zi knew that the cook was honest and wanted to verify it, so she went over to ask the cook.

 Little Liddy also followed.

When the cook saw Xiao Zi coming to ask about this, she didn't lie and nodded, "Yes, her aunt is indeed the kind of person who would sell her niece."

But Little Litty is not a good person either.

Of course she didn’t say this directly, after all, the person involved was still there.

  Seeing that she didn’t say anything bad about herself, Xiao Liti pulled Xiao Zi out.

He continued to beg, "Look, everything I said is true. I thought my uncle was good-looking before, so I only looked at him twice, but I won't dare to do it anymore."

"Besides, my uncle is a man. If he really likes me, it only means that he likes me. There's nothing we can do about it, right?"

Xiao Zi was very angry, "Why do you still think about this?"

"I can tell you, if you want to work at home and get a monthly salary, you can do it. But if you want to seduce my uncle, it's just a dream. Even if I don't stop you, you can't seduce me."

Little Liti didn’t believe it, “Why do you say that? Aren’t men always fond of the new and dislike the old?”

Today I fall in love with this delicate one, and tomorrow I fall in love with that dignified and virtuous one. What they have in common is that they like beautiful people.

 She is so beautiful, there is no reason to look down on her.

 Xiao Zi felt that she was really stupid and couldn't explain it.

"Anyway, I'll leave this for you, kitchen or yard, you can choose between the two jobs."

"As for the house, you should stay away. My uncle has a bad temper."

 He is not the kind of person who doesn't care about being a woman.

If it really offends his bottom line, he may be thrown out directly by you.

Little Liddy didn’t believe it, but now she had no other choice but to compromise.

"Yes, yes, as long as I can stay, I will do any dirty work." After that, he took the initiative to water and weed the flowers and plants in the yard.

Hand by the way, fertilize the vegetable garden, loosen the soil, and catch insects. Extremely positive.

Xiao Zi nodded with satisfaction after seeing how serious she was doing, and went in to see if Sister Ying was awake.

Sister Ying didn’t get up until noon.

He stretched lazily and touched his side again. When he saw that the bed was empty, he called Xiao Zi.

 “Xiao Zi~~Where is your uncle?”

Xiao Zi came in to fetch water and said, "My uncle has gone to the military camp. He went there early in the morning."

Sister Ying said oh and yawned.

"Okay, is Mr. Zhong here today?"

We need to go and have a look at the chicken coop.

 Xiao Zi shook her head, "Not yet, I'm probably looking after my son."

Sister Ying hummed, "Okay, then I'll get up and get dressed."

 Xiao Zi came over to dress her and said to her, "Miss, how about you stay with that little Liti? Let's see how she behaves and then decide whether to let her go?"

Sister Ying said "Huh?" and asked strangely, "Why?"

Didn’t you want to drive her away before?

Xiao Zi sighed and said, "I originally wanted to go to the third princess's house to tell the Prince Consort about this in the morning. But when I heard about her life experience, she was quite pitiful."

She herself is a poor person, so she can't help but sympathize with people who are as pitiful as herself.

“And you don’t know that her eldest uncle is so evil that he sold her to a fool as a mother-in-law and made her a widow.”

"If we don't want her, her aunt will definitely sell her."

Fortunately, I came to their house. If they went to the kiln, it would really be destroyed.

Sister Ying raised her eyebrows, "Really?"

 “Who told you?”

“Little Liddy, she cried when she said it, and I asked the cook, and she also said it was true.”

“The cook is very honest. She cooks conscientiously as soon as she comes and keeps the kitchen clean. She is a very reliable woman. What she said should not be wrong.”

Sister Ying nodded and gave her some face, "That's okay. As long as she doesn't come into the house, it's okay to let her work in the yard."

Since Jing Shirong wasn’t coming back, she couldn’t seduce him even if she wanted to.

Xiao Zi felt that she trusted him, so she hugged her happily, "Miss, I like you so much, hahaha~"

Sister Ying snorted and pushed her, "Go away, you're dead. Did you sneak snacks again?"

 With a height of 1.7 meters, and eating a lot, this girl is getting stronger and stronger.

  When it comes to getting fat, Xiao Zi is also very distressed.

“I don’t want to get fat, but snacks are greedy. People are eating them all the time. I have no choice but to satisfy them.”

Sister Ying watched her nonsense quietly and nodded at her forehead, "Just go ahead. When you really can't wear any more clothes, you should cry."

 Before, I was only strong, but now I have gained weight.

Xiao Zi chuckled, "Then I'll work harder, buy some chickens to lay eggs, and I'll lose weight if I work harder."

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, I'll go to the chicken coop in the afternoon and ask for some local chickens and ducks. I'll also bring the chickens and ducks from the capital here to raise them."

 Let’s see if we can breed some mixed-breed chickens and ducks, and see if the new breed of chickens and ducks can better adapt to the environment here.

Xiao Zi nodded and suggested, "If you want to raise chickens and ducks, you have to clean the backyard."

The family has a backyard, but they just arrived and they are all busy, so they have no time to clean the backyard.

 (End of this chapter)

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