Chapter 678, tidying up the backyard

Xiao Zi said, "Our backyard is not big or small. In addition to chickens, ducks and geese, we can also raise a few ewes, and we have milk tea to drink."

But the weeds in the backyard are taller than people, so it takes a little manpower to clean them up.

Sister Ying said while washing her face, "If we don't have enough manpower, we can borrow some people from Mr. Zhong, and we will pay the wages ourselves."

 Xiao Zi nodded, "Okay, then you eat first and I'll go over and talk later."

 Otherwise, on this hot day, you will be exhausted and sweating before and after running.

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, I'll wait for you at home."

 Xiao Zi brought her food and was ready to go out.

Seeing that she was about to go out, Xiao Liti hurriedly came over and asked, "Sister Xiao Zi, where are you going?"

 Xiao Zi, “Go find the Prince Consort.”

Little Liti was stunned, "Why? Didn't you say you wouldn't drive me away?"

Seeing her scared look, Xiao Zi chuckled and said, "I didn't want to drive you away. I just wanted to go to the Prince Consort to find someone to help clean up the backyard. You can wait at home."

 Having said that, he hurried away.

Mr. Zhong is taking care of the child at home. The child is not well-behaved today and keeps crying. He cries when he lets go, so he can only keep holding him.

At this moment, Xiao Zi came over and asked, "What's wrong? Does your lady have something to do with me?"

Xiao Zi said, "Yes, my sister said that she wants to find people to clean the backyard. I will lend you a few people and we will pay for the labor."

Mr. Zhong waved his hands hurriedly, "Hey, why are you being polite to me? You can take the people back and I will add the wages to my monthly salary and give them to them. You don't have to be so polite to us. We are all friends."

Xiao Zi smiled and said, "Okay, then you call the person over, and I will take him back right away."

Young Master Zhong called to the housekeeper, "Go find the servants in the backyard and ask them to go to Sister Ying's house to clean up the backyard. We will pay them extra for the wages."


 The housekeeper quickly found the servants who specialized in cleaning and asked them to go back with Xiao Zi.

Xiao Zi looked at Little Piggy and thanked her, "I'm going to take the people back first. If you have time, let the young lady come over and play with the young master."

Mr. Zhong smiled and said, "Okay. He has been clinging to me for a whole day and starts crying when I let him go. I am so worried."

 He talks about death, but his face is full of fatherly love.

Xiao Zi is really envious, and she doesn’t know when her daughter will give birth to a young master or a young lady for fun?

  Every time she saw how cute the little pig was, she hoped that her daughter would give birth to one soon.

After all, the young man and the young lady are so good-looking, so the little young man and young lady who are born may be very good-looking.

After Xiao Zi took the people back, she took the key and opened the door to the backyard, and asked them to clean it up.

She herself was not idle, so she rolled up her sleeves and went to help.

 There are a lot of debris in the backyard, and the weeds are almost as tall as a human being. It took a long time to cut down half of them.

Seeing that the weather was getting hotter and hotter, everyone was thirsty. Xiao Zi hurriedly went to the kitchen and asked the cook to make rock sugar and snow pear soup to relieve the heat.

Little Liti saw her bringing so many people back and was so frightened that she hid back in the house.

 Fortunately, those people were not looking for her, so she secretly came out to take a look.

At this moment, he saw Xiao Zi coming out of the backyard, and then he went over and asked, "Sister Xiao Zi, what are you doing with those people?"

Xiao Zi washed her face and answered her, "Clean the backyard."

“Miss wants to raise chickens, ducks, geese, and a few sheep in the backyard. You can help take care of it in the future.”

Little Liti said, "Huh?" She was very surprised that Sister Ying would behave like this.

“Wouldn’t it stink to death if we raise chickens, ducks and geese in such a hot weather?”

The **** of chickens, ducks and geese is very smelly, especially in summer when it is very hot. If the **** is not cleaned up in time, it will really stink to death.

 You look so clean and noble, wouldn't you like this?

But this is fine. If my uncle doesn't like it and the couple quarrels, it will be beneficial to her.

So Little Liti stopped trying to persuade her and hoped that the smell of chicken excrement would make her uncle angry.

Xiao Zi didn’t know what she was thinking and asked her, “You also go to the backyard to help, pick up grass and stuff.”

"Xiao Guli has already gone, so you can go too." Xiao Liti said with a bitter look on her face, "I am so thin and tender that I really can't do those dirty jobs. Otherwise, why don't I cook in the kitchen? You guys will be tired later. , may be hungry.”

Xiao Zi thought so, so she agreed.

"Okay, you can get some more food later for those big brothers to eat. The food will be richer."

 When you ask someone to work, it’s best to give them a full meal, so that they will be willing to help next time.

Little Liddy didn't want to work in a dirty place, so she reluctantly helped in the kitchen.

The cook knew that she was lazy and didn't like to work, but she didn't say anything and just lowered her head to cook her own meal.

Xiao Zi carried a large pot of snow pear soup mixed with cold water and carried it to the backyard with both hands.

The boys saw how strong she was and even praised her.

 “Sister Xiaozi, you are so strong.”

 Xiao Zi smiled when she saw that sweet mouth.

"Okay, you are all thirsty. Come and drink water. When you are full, you can work again."

 Everyone was indeed thirsty, so they stopped to drink water.

 Continue to do it after drinking.

Sister Ying came over with an umbrella and a veil. When she saw that they were cleaning very clean, she asked, "Can you build a chicken coop?"

“If you can build it, you can come over tomorrow to help build the chicken coop. You’ll be paid for it, including food and drink.”

 A few people looked at each other and nodded, "Madam."

“But you have to buy the materials again, it depends on what materials you want.”

Sister Ying took out a drawing and asked them, "Do you build this type of building?"

One of the leaders looked at it and nodded, "Yes, but the details must be guided by my wife."

Sister Ying nodded and asked Xiao Zi, "Tomorrow you take them to pick out the materials to build the chicken coop, and you pay the money."

 After saying that, he gave her a bag of silver and said, "Remember to shop around and take a look."

 Xiao Zi nodded, "Don't worry, I'll look at it carefully." The quality must pass.

After Sister Ying returned to the house, they continued working.

Xiao Zi was not idle for a moment, weeding with the group of people until the evening.

 Because the sun sets late here, it is also very bright at Chen time.

But my stomach was on time, and I started to get hungry as soon as it was time for dinner.

Xiao Zi stopped, wiped her sweat, and said to the people behind her, "Okay, brothers, take a rest first, and I'll bring the food over."

One of the men, who looked like a steward, came over and said to her, "Let me go help get it."

 There are many of them, so there must be a lot of food.

 She is a girl. She has been busy since noon, so she must be tired.

Xiao Zi looked up at him and realized that this man was so good-looking.

 She smiled infatuatedly, "Little brother, what's your name?"

  Why didn’t she find this handsome guy at noon?

The other person smiled and said, "Just call me Noor."

 He is not tall, even a little shorter than Xiao Zi, but he has a very calm temperament.

Xiao Zi smiled, gestured to him, and said stupidly, "I seem to be taller than you."

 No wonder I didn’t find him in the afternoon. It turned out that he was too short so I didn’t notice him.

Nur smiled and didn't care that she said he was short, so he went with her to carry the meal.

The kitchen prepared the meal early, and in the evening we ate the local specialty hand-picked rice, which tasted particularly delicious.

 (End of this chapter)

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