The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 676: , two faces of the little maid

Chapter 676, The little maid has two faces

Xiao Liti dressed up beautifully when she got up early in the morning. She originally wanted to take this opportunity to seduce Jing Shirong, but was stopped by Xiao Zi. She was unwilling to do so, but still wanted to give it a try.

“Sister Xiao Zi, my hands are too tender to grind corn. You’d better let the cook grind it. I’ll bring you something to drink.”

 Since Xiao Zi saw her intention, it was impossible for her to get close to her uncle.

She continued to stop him, "No, I'm enough here. You can go to the kitchen."

 Just don’t let her come near.

Little Liti has experienced this kind of thing being stopped halfway, and she has already experienced it.

She checked the time and said aggrievedly in front of Jing Shirong, "Sister Xiaozi, I really didn't mean it. Don't get angry at me. I won't dare to do it next time."

After saying that, he picked up the veil and shed two tears, his little face looked pitiful.

 Xiao Zi looked confused, "Why are you crying? I didn't bully you."

Little Liti continued to approach Jing Shirong. She looked at him with rain in her eyes and said in an artificial voice, "Master~~"

Jing Shirong's scalp felt numb. He really couldn't bear the sight of others looking at him so disgustingly. He immediately picked up two buns, drank a bowl of hot soup, gnawed on the buns and left.

Xiao Zi laughed when she saw him running so fast.

She stretched out her hand, grabbed Xiao Liti's arm, and pulled her out, fearing to wake Sister Ying.

She was so strong that she almost fell to the ground while pulling Xiao Liti, and she threw Xiao Zi's hand away angrily.

“You are a spoiler! You are so vicious that you will definitely not be able to get married in the future!”

 Hmph, what a stinky man woman.

Seeing the fierce look on her face, Xiao Zi said, "Okay, you were pretty and pitiful just now, but now you act like this in front of me? You change your face very quickly!"

She is really a female liar. She is weak and weak in front of my uncle, and I feel pity for her.

 As soon as he got in front of her, he was even more ferocious than a crazy woman, as if he wanted to eat her.

Little Liti was exposed and said nonchalantly, "How can I be weak in front of you? You are not our master."

   It’s also ripe.

Xiao Zi glanced at her with disgust and pulled her up, "Okay, you go to the kitchen to help. If you don't want to go, just find another place higher. Our courtyard is small and cannot accommodate such a delicate Buddha like you."

Xiao Liti panicked when she heard this.

 “What do you mean? You want to drive me away? What did I do wrong?”

 Why can’t these maids tolerate me so much?

 Is it possible that her beauty makes people jealous?

 Xiao Zi

“Thank you, you are beautiful, but compared with my lady, you are not good enough.”

 Besides, "There are so many beautiful girls like you, but you really don't stand out among the beautiful girls."

Xiao Liti immediately became unhappy when she heard that she was ordinary.

"Why am I not outstanding? I am the most beautiful among the maids."

 She is the most beautiful even when she goes to other people's houses.

So far, I have never seen a maid more beautiful than her.

Xiao Zi coughed and looked at her like a fool.

“When people look for maids, they always look for ordinary-looking ones. Who would look for beautiful ones?”

There are so many ordinary-looking maids, and she is the prettiest one when she is so pretentious and can dress up to blend in.

Moreover, "Is it interesting for you to be the prettiest among the maids?"

 “There are so many beautiful young ladies, why don’t you compete with each other?”

 Have the ability to compare with other ladies.

 Little Litty was speechless, "I"

 She really hadn’t thought about this.

  After all, her status has always been at the level of a maid. She has had little contact with the lady of the master's family, so naturally she will not compare her looks with her. In addition, her main purpose is to get close to rich men, so she has no time to compete with those young ladies.

Xiao Zi snorted coldly, "Finally exposed the fox's tail?

"The prince-in-law asked you to come to my house to work, not to seduce my uncle. I will go to find the prince-in-law in a while. Go wherever you fall in love, and don't come to my house to be the uncle again."


Little Liti didn’t expect that she would really dare to leave by herself. She was so angry that she wanted to quarrel, but she persuaded herself to calm down.

She took a deep breath and softened her tone again.

"Sister Xiaozi, it was my fault just now. All I said were angry words. You don't remember the faults of villains. Please forgive me this time."

"I won't dare to do it next time. Please don't drive me away. Oh, oh, if you drive me away, I really have nowhere to go."

"If I am driven away again, I will be sold to a brothel. Please don't be so cruel, woo woo"

  While talking, I started crying again.

This time I actually cried, tears fell down.

 Xiao Zi was puzzled, "Don't you claim to be the most beautiful? Wouldn't it be better to go to the next one?"

How could he be sold to a brothel?

Little Liti sniffed and pulled her over to sit down, "You don't even know that I was sold out by my family."

“My parents died early, so when I was ten years old, I lived with my younger brother at my uncle’s house.”

“My eldest uncle is a very intolerant woman. She often beat our siblings when we were little. We didn’t even have enough to eat. We had to work before dawn. If we didn’t do well, we would be whipped. We were all bruised.”

"Later, my eldest uncle saw that I was getting more and more beautiful, so she wanted to sell me to a brothel to make a fortune."

"I would rather die than obey. I was beaten half to death and barely breathed out. After seeing this, the madam didn't want to waste money on treating me, so she didn't buy me."

Xiao Zi sighed and asked quickly, "What happened next?"

“Later, my eldest aunt took advantage of my illness and sold me to a stupid son of a landlord.”

“But that fool’s life was short and he died before he even got through the door.”

  At that time, after the fool died, she was still glad that she had not married yet, otherwise she would have become a widow.

Unexpectedly, the family came to pick her up anyway, saying that they wanted her to be a widow for the fool for the rest of her life, and at least give the fool a home.

As soon as Xiao Liti heard that she was going to be left a widow to the dead, she was naturally unwilling and ran away that night.

 But he didn’t run for long before he was captured.

That fool’s mother was cruel and beat her down.

Later, the owner of the family was afraid that something might happen, so he went over to see her.

He also gave her gold, silver and jewelry, hoping to silence her and make her stay at home as a widow for her dead son.

 Little Litty was originally unwilling.

But the gold, silver and jewelry are delivered like a stream of water, and there are groups of maids to wait on them, and they can go shopping on the street. Life is not so beautiful at all.

She likes the feeling of being served by a group of servants and being able to buy the things she likes every day. She is so happy that she would rather be a widow.

Unexpectedly, not long after such good times, that family was defeated.

She didn't even have time to pack her things, and all the money in the family was robbed.

 She was also captured and sold as a maid.

Later, she thought that since the life of being rich was so comfortable, she would find another man to marry and continue to live a good life.

 But she was from a low background, had been married before, and had been widowed. It was naturally impossible for her to marry into a rich and good family.

In addition, she has now signed a maid contract, and it is simply unreasonable to want to marry a rich man.

 (End of this chapter)

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