The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 659: , changes after getting married

Chapter 659: Changes after getting married

 The third princess became very angry when she saw his disdainful look.

"Just be cool. Sister Ying is naive and ignorant, that's why she cares about you."

 If it were her, she wouldn't tolerate him.

He has a cold face all day long, without a smile at all, and he won’t eat when he looks at it.

Jing Shirong crossed his arms and said, "To each other."

There is no femininity at all. Even the child looks like Mr. Zhong’s own child, not like a woman at all.

 She was the only one Mr. Zhong could bear.

If it were him, he wouldn't be able to stand it, let alone sleep in the same bed together.

The two of them snorted coldly at each other, turned their backs, and disliked each other.

 The third princess was also surprised, "Why did I fall in love with you in the first place?"

Jing Shirong shrugged, "How would I know."

  He didn't like her anyway, he just thought she was cool and admired her.

Now it seems that she is not only cool, but also cold.

He actually suggested using someone else’s child as bait, which he didn’t agree with.

The third princess thought, "If a woman is benevolent, how can she go into battle to kill the enemy if she achieves great things?"

Jing Shirong poured water coldly, "Then why don't you let your son come?"

 The third princess was at a loss for words, "Me."

Isn’t that brat named Zhong’s pet peeve?

  If something happened to that little piggy, wouldn’t the person named Zhong be willing to fight her to the death?

Jing Shirong chuckled and couldn't help but roll his eyes.

 The third princess woke up and knew what he meant.

 In the past, she could sacrifice everything for the sake of the overall situation, but now that she has flesh and blood, she has selfish motives.

 “I know, I won’t do it again.”

 After all, if you have given birth to a child and know that the child is innocent, you will never use other people’s children as bait in the future.

Jing Shirong saw that she had listened and secretly said that there were still benefits to getting married.

 The third princess, who used to be desperate for the overall situation and even resorted to unscrupulous means, now understands how to think differently.

Honestly admitting his mistakes, it’s incredible.

It seems that Mr. Zhong still has a few moments to change people's education.

The third princess didn’t want to hear this, so she asked him, “Let’s go quickly, it’s almost dawn.”

Jing Shirong didn’t say much and disappeared into the dark night with her.

When the secret spies saw them leaving, they looked at each other and asked, "Where are they going? We won't be discovered, right?"

 Speed ​​1, "Probably not."

 If they were really found, the third princess would have pulled them out and chopped them up long ago.

 I guess I haven’t discovered it yet.

 Speed ​​2, “Then what do they mean?”

 Where are you going in the middle of the night?

 The other spies looked at each other, unable to guess.

 They usually hide in the dark, have never interacted with the third princess, and do not know her character very well, so naturally they cannot guess what they want to do.

And who is the man next to the third princess? It looked very deep.

 They had never heard of any capable people around the third princess before.

 Only news came from my companions in the military camp that two young generals had been newly sent by the imperial court.

 Is it possible that that one is the new general?

 “It’s better to be careful and don’t send messages to each other recently to avoid being discovered.”

 The other spies understood, turned around and disappeared into their own hiding places.

 To the next day.

Sister Ying slept until the afternoon.

 When I woke up early in the morning, I found a fat little pig lying next to me.

It was Xiao Zi who brought the child over. Young Master Zhong is now milking the child.

Sister Ying was helpless, rubbed her eyes, and asked Xiao Zi, "Why did you bring him here?"

 She has really become a nanny now.

Xiao Zi chuckled and said, "My consort gave me this, and I can't refuse it."

 After that, I hugged the little guy on the bed, he had such a small face. Sister Ying sighed and asked, "Has Brother Rong come back?"

 Xiao Zi shook her head, "No."

Sister Ying nodded, "They probably won't come back in the near future."

 Unless the spies show up, they should all be in ambush.

 The lunch was cooked by Mr. Zhong himself.

 After Sister Ying's guidance, his cooking skills became more and more sophisticated.

Sister Ying went downstairs to eat with her child in her arms.

 Little Piggy seemed to like her, and she kept her from crying all day long.

Young Master Zhong even laughed and joked, "This boy has a very special personality. Sometimes the third princess will make him groan when she hugs him for too long. You can see him crying even if you hold him for a whole day."

 Don’t blame the third princess for being jealous.

Sister Ying couldn't laugh or cry, "He's not crying. It's time for me to cry."

 When I was working, my hands were not so sore.

 But after holding the baby for a day, my arms were really sore.

 It’s more tiring than working.

Young Master Zhong took the child over and said, "Let's take turns. You have worked hard these days. When the spies catch me, I will let the third princess thank you."

Sister Ying waved her hand and said, "No, we are all good friends, thank you for everything."

Young Master Zhong took it seriously and said, "Okay, you eat first, and I'll change the baby's diaper."

 At night, Young Master Zhong hugged the child and slept together.

Sister Ying is with Xiao Zi.

 For three consecutive days, it was very peaceful, as if the previous turmoil had never happened.

 But everyone inside the house knew that this was the calm before the storm.

Just when Mr. Zhong thought that the group of spies would not appear again. After night falls, the people in the dark have already begun to take action.

 Because they were ordered to start causing chaos before the third princess's new soldiers were trained.

In the past few years, the other side's food and grass have become more and more abundant, and their soldiers and horses have become fatter and stronger. Seeing that they are getting stronger and stronger, their king began to be afraid.

 After all, in recent years, their king is still very ambitious and wants to attack the city wall here.

As long as we occupy this place, our territory will increase by more than half.

 At that time, it will be easier to attack other territories.

But now is not the time to attack, we can only outsmart them.

 So they came.

 Their initial mission was to investigate the news here and report back in time.

 Later, the three princesses became pregnant, and their king felt that an opportunity had come.

 Once the third princess leaves office, it will be much easier to deal with the remaining veteran soldiers.

 But their king suddenly felt it.

If you take away the third princess's child, wouldn't you have more leverage to threaten the third princess in the future?

 Once a woman has a child, she is her biggest weakness.

 At that time, they asked the third princess to go east. If they didn’t believe that she would dare to go west.

 So the king of the neighboring country on the other side asked spies to steal the child again.

 It’s late.

 It was quiet at night, a bit eerie.

 Although it was time to go to bed, everyone seemed to be a little sleepy.

Sister Ying vaguely felt that something was strange, so she asked Xiao Zi, "Go to Mr. Zhong's place and see if he has slept. I always feel that the atmosphere at night is strange."

 Women have a sixth sense. She always feels like something is going to happen at night.

 “No, I have to go and see for myself.”

It's been so quiet these days, maybe someone will start at night.

Xiao Zi was worried that she would go alone, "Okay, let's go together."

The two of them went to Young Master Zhong's room in the dark without lighting a lamp.

It just so happens that Mr. Zhong is still awake at this moment.

 The child was fussy at night and wouldn't sleep. I don't know if he had an upset stomach, and he cried all night.

 (End of this chapter)

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