The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 658: , all are underground passages

Chapter 658: They are all underground passages

Jing Shirong and the third princess looked at each other and understood instantly.

 “Okay, I’ll do as you say.”

After saying that, he looked at Jing Shirong and said, "Go to the cellar?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Together."

With that said, the five of them took Sister Ying, Young Master Zhong, and the children to the cellar in the dark.

 The third princess's mansion also has a cellar, which is also two floors.

Mr. Zhong comes here often and is already familiar with the roads.

The third princess led the way to the bottom floor and reached out to press the mechanism on the wall.

Sister Ying and Young Master Zhong stared wide-eyed. They didn't expect there was a mechanism here.

The group of people went in together, and after twisting and turning, they arrived at the tent of the commander of the military camp.

 The third princess took them into the tent and explained to them in the dark without lighting the candles.

“When the time comes, you will lead the people to the cellar and then come up to the tent.”

 “If someone rushes in, you open this cabinet.”

 Speaking, he took them to another cabinet.

Sure enough, there is another mechanism in the cabinet.

  Still an underground passage.

Neither Mr. Zhong nor Sister Ying expected that there were so many underground passages in the military camp.

Jing Shirong was not surprised at all, as if he had seen it before.

The third princess looked at his calm look and asked, "Have you been here?"

Jing Shirong didn’t nod or shake his head, so he didn’t respond.

The third princess couldn't help but snort, "You bastard."

 Having only been here for a short time, she actually found her cellar. It’s really scary.

Jing Shirong didn’t deny it, but he didn’t admit it either and continued to walk forward with them.

 When they walked for a while and reached the exit, they realized that this place was actually a wine shop?

 It's the wine shop opened by the third princess.

Sister Ying clicked her tongue and asked, "Is there an underground passage in this wine shop?"

 How come it's like the guerrillas down there, all the tunnels are underground.

The third princess shrugged, "What's wrong?"

 This is her territory, she can dig it however she wants.

 One more escape route means one more life-saving escape route.

 As long as there is life, a comeback is not a problem.

 The third princess told Sister Ying and Mr. Zhong, "Have you memorized the roads just now?"

Even though it is an underground passage, there are six to eight forks.

 If you can’t remember it, you’ll be at a dead end.

Sister Ying nodded, "Remember."

Although there seemed to be many intersections, she had sharp eyes and quickly discovered that the escape route had its own characteristics.

 As long as we can discover this, we can still find the way quickly.

Mr. Zhong couldn’t remember it.

 “There are so many roads, I can’t remember them.”

 After that, give the child to Sister Ying.

“Otherwise, Sister Ying should run away with the child at the critical moment.”

 Following his useless old father is a burden.

The third princess did not object, "That's okay, then Sister Ying will hold her."

Sister Ying has a headache, "But the child's feeding is a problem, and if he cries so loudly, he will definitely alert the enemy."

The third princess was cold-hearted and said, "When it comes to a real crisis, give him some medicine and don't let him bark."

 It is better to sleep than to be killed.

Sister Ying.

 It has been officially confirmed that he is indeed his biological child.

But she thought this way for the sake of the child. It was better to be in a coma than to be taken away and killed.

 But the child is young and cannot take medicine casually. Sister Ying has to study the prescription.

 The third princess continued, "This wine shop is filled with the general's cronies. But I'm not sure if anyone has sneaked in."

"Anyway, don't believe any of you. If you are really hunted down, just go straight to the passage."

 “The underground passage of this wine shop leads to the outside of the city.”

 If you continue walking for a while, you will reach the border of the neighboring country. The third princess prepared all the clothes for them.

 “If it doesn’t work, go to the borders of neighboring countries.”

 The most dangerous place is actually the safest.

“When the time comes, you two should pretend to be husband and wife, and take the children to go there first to avoid it.”

Mr. Zhong opened his mouth in surprise, "You have so many plans? Is something big going to happen?"

The third princess waved her hand, "It's not a big deal, but it's always good to make more plans."

 After all, we don’t know how many enemy spies have sneaked in yet.

 If you want to catch them all, you have to find some dangerous tricks.

 Otherwise, it would be a bad thing to let them stay in the military camp.

Jing Shirong asked, "Didn't you let the spies cross over to the other side?"

The third princess nodded, "Yes, there are, but it's not appropriate to ask them to show up now."

 Finally managed to ambush them. Calling them at this juncture would only expose them.

Jing Shirong nodded, "Then let's settle the matter first."

 Having said that, let’s send Sister Ying and the others back to the Third Princess’s Mansion first.

 Back in the house, Jing Shirong asked Sister Ying to sleep first.

“You go to bed first, I have to go out and make arrangements.”

Sister Ying sighed and hugged him, "Be careful."

 After saying that, he gave him a medicine bag.

 “Here is itching powder, which can be used in times of crisis.”

As long as you sprinkle the itching powder on the spies, I don’t believe they can hold it back.

Once this powder falls on the body, it will be extremely itchy.

 It is ten times more itchy than a mosquito bite on the sole of the foot.

 When those people can't stand it any longer, they will naturally make some noise, and they will be easy to catch.

Jing Shirong chuckled, "Naughty."

 But he still put away the itching powder.

Sister Ying gave him another pack, "This is tracking powder. Sister Yang gave it to me. When the time comes, you can spread it on people and it will be easy to find them."

Jing Shirong hummed, put away the medicine bag, touched her head with his big hand, and praised her, "Our sister Ying is really amazing."

 “You are considerate and attentive. I am truly lucky to be able to marry you.”

Sister Ying raised her chin and snorted softly, "That's not good, it's recognized."

Jing Shirong smiled, "When the spies are caught, I will take you to visit neighboring countries."

Sister Ying exclaimed, "Really? That's great."

“But, can we just visit neighboring countries?”

Jing Shirong nodded, "There's nothing we can't do."

 At present, the two countries are still on good terms with each other and have business contacts.

There are many people going to the streets of neighboring countries to buy things and enjoy the scenery.

 As long as they don’t reveal their identities, there’s basically no problem.

Sister Ying was happy and hugged him, "Okay, that's a deal, you can't lie to me."

Jing Shirong lowered his head and kissed her, "Well, I won't lie to you."

 After that, take her to bed and wait until she closes her eyes and falls asleep before going out to make arrangements.

The third princess also coaxed Young Master Zhong to sleep before coming out.

 The two of them met together in the night. They were a little tired now. They looked at each other and sighed.

“Sister Ying, are you asleep?”

Jing Shirong nodded, "Sleeping. Where is your son?"

 The third princess sighed and said, "I fell asleep too." Together with her talkative father.

 She was simply exhausted.

Jing Shirong did not expect that the third princess, who was cruel and ruthless back then, would be so patient.

It can also coax people to fall asleep before they come out. It is really a rare thing to see that the thousand-year-old iron tree is about to bloom.

When the third princess saw him teasing her, she snorted, "What? Do you regret it?"

 Do you regret not getting married to her and not being able to enjoy this treatment?

Jing Shirong snorted coldly, meaning, "It's not rare."

 (End of this chapter)

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