Chapter 660, Itchy Powder

When Sister Ying came over, she heard the cry of Little Piggy.

 She knocked on the door.

 “Brother Zhong?”

Mr. Zhong heard her coming and hurriedly opened the door.

"How did you come?"

Sister Ying looked outside the door and whispered, "I always feel that the atmosphere is weird at night, so I'd better be vigilant."

“Didn’t the third princess say that they will come back to steal the child again, otherwise we should run away?”

Mr. Zhong hesitated, “Are you going to run away now?”

 Is it too sudden?

As he was speaking, a gust of wind suddenly flashed outside the door.

Sister Ying had sharp eyes and saw it all at once.

 She whispered "shhh" to Mr. Zhong and Xiao Zi.

 He opened his mouth and spoke to them in a low voice.

 “There are, people!”

Mr. Zhong was startled. He didn't expect the spy to come.

The three of them looked at each other, blew out the lights in the room, and prepared to run away with their children.

 But the child is still crying, so taking him away would be too revealing.

Sister Ying picked up the child and rubbed his belly gently.

 When the little pig farted several times, he felt comfortable and stopped crying.

Mr. Zhong was full of admiration.

 “You’re so awesome. I didn’t even know he had an upset stomach.”

Sister Ying whispered, "When I was a child, my brothers and sisters cried like this, and my mother did the same thing."

 Children who cry at night are usually suffering from intestinal colic, and rubbing it will relieve it a little.

Now the child stopped crying, so they went to the cellar in the dark.

The spies saw them going to the cellar and followed them quickly.

Sister Ying remembered the way and took them to the commander's tent in the military camp first to see if the third princess was there.

 It would be best if the third princess was here.

 But when they arrived at the coach's tent, they did not see the third princess. Instead, they heard the conversation between two people.

“General, tell me, the third princess has given birth to a child, why haven’t she come back yet?”

 “Could it be that she is in poor health?”

General Wang shook his head, "Probably not. My people saw her on the street that day and said her body was as strong as before. She was probably reluctant to leave the child, so she didn't want to come back so soon."

The young general said, "I thought that the third princess would take care of the child at home after giving birth, but I didn't expect that she would actually want to come back?"

“If the third princess comes back, wouldn’t you have no chance to be the head coach?”

General Wang's face tightened, "I didn't want to be a general, so don't talk nonsense."

 But looking at her face, it was clear that she really wanted to be the princess and was angry that the third princess would not resign. Her face was particularly ugly.

Young Master Zhong heard this and almost couldn't help but snort.

 Fortunately, he endured it, and they didn't come out of the cellar until General Wang and the two men left the commander's tent.

 “What the hell, you actually care about the position of our princess, bah, old thing.”

Sister Ying quickly told him, "Keep your voice down, don't get discovered."

Mr. Zhong was silent, but he was still unhappy.

“The three princesses have told me that those veteran generals can only be used as stick men, but they don’t have the ability to serve as a commander.”

With their shallow vision, what big things can they do?

Seeing that he was aggrieved for the third princess, Sister Ying shook her head and smiled.

“We can’t stay here too long, let’s go to the pub first.”

 After saying that, he went to open the cabinet.

 When they entered the cabinet, the group of spies also came after them.

Sister Ying heard the sound of them opening the lid and was immediately startled.

“How dare they come to the military camp?”

Mr. Zhong didn’t dare to stay any longer, “Let’s go quickly.”

The group of people quickly went to the wine shop.

I just don’t know if those spies will come back again.

 The spies are all well-trained, otherwise they would not be able to find the right branch so quickly.

 If they chased her all the way, Sister Ying and the others would have nowhere to hide.

They came to the wine shop to calm down and think of a solution. “It’s really not possible, so we can only go to neighboring countries.”

 The wine shop also has a passage that can lead to the neighboring country on the other side.

 But it was obviously not safe for just a few of them to hit the road.

 But with people, the goal is bigger.

Mr. Zhong said, "In this case, I will stay and you take the children and leave first."

 At least he stayed and struggled with the group of people, and the people in the tavern could catch those people.

Sister Ying shook her head, "No. Since you are a spy, your martial arts skills must be very high."

Last time, Qi Yuanming fought with them for so long without a winner. It can be seen that the opponents are all highly skilled in martial arts.

 Don't worry, things will get serious when Mr. Zhong is caught.

 “Let’s go together, now and immediately.”

Mr. Zhong nodded, “Okay, I’ll listen to you.”

Sister Ying lowered her head and looked at the whistle, but she didn’t blow it.

Although the whistle is silent, people with high internal strength can hear it as soon as they hear it.

 So now they can only go first.

The three of them changed their clothes together, simply changed their appearance, and took the underground passage to the streets of neighboring countries.

The group of spies chased him out.

The people in the wine shop got Sister Ying's orders and blocked them at the door of the cupboard early.

 “Get them!”

As soon as the spies came out, they immediately took action.

 But the spies were very skilled in martial arts, so they dodge immediately.

The opponents are not many in number, only three, but their martial arts are very high and they are good at finding loopholes.

 They waved away the guards at the wine shop, turned around and ran away.

The guard called for people to chase him, but he had already lost sight of him.

 Such a powerful spy, no wonder the third princess takes him so seriously.

If these people are not caught, it will be harmful to the entire border.

The third princess and Jing Shirong were standing on the high building of the city wall, looking at everything downstairs.

They saw three shadows on the other side of the wine shop from a distance. After knowing who they were, Jing Shirong jumped up and quickly chased after them.

He hid in the dark, sprinkled tracking powder and itching powder on the three of them, and stopped chasing them.

 The tracking powder may disappear when you change clothes.

 But once the itch powder passes through the skin, it will immediately penetrate into the skin.

No matter how you wash it, as long as there is no antidote, the skin will peel off even if you die.

The spies didn't notice the powder on their bodies at first, and they didn't exclaim until their necks and faces started to itch.

 “Are we poisoned?”

The two spies also felt extremely itchy on their bodies and couldn't help but scratch them several times.

 “No, you can’t move. Once you move, you will be discovered.”

 “What should we do?”

It's so itchy that I might as well kill them with a knife.

The three of them looked at each other and had no choice but to take some antidote pills randomly.

But this itching powder is extremely tricky and only works on the skin. No matter what antidote they take, it will have no effect.

Only a special plaster can be removed by touching it, otherwise the itching will continue.

The three spies have all undergone rigorous training. They were so itchy that they wanted to scrape off the skin with a knife, but they still endured it.

 The last one couldn't stand it anymore, so he said, "Give me a knife."

His skin is sensitive and it is really itching to death.

Another spy was afraid that he would make a noise and expose his traces, so he slashed the itchy area.

 The sharp knife scratched it, and the itching pain was immediately covered.

 But soon, when the wound came into contact with the medicinal powder, it became more and more itchy, "No, it's even more itchy!"

Seeing that the spy couldn't bear it anymore, the other party just wanted to knock him out.

 Ask another companion, "What should I do?"

 If this continues, he can hardly bear it anymore.

 (End of this chapter)

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