Chapter 618, Drunk Headache

Xiao Zi was startled. Unexpectedly, Jing Shirong suddenly pretended to be dead when she was drunk, so she hurriedly explained to Sister Ying.

“Aunt, uncle, our lady is drunk and cannot speak clearly. You heard me wrong.”

After saying that, he carefully looked at Jing Shirong's expression, only to see that he was stunned and it turned out that he was not conscious either.

She breathed a sigh of relief, took off Sister Ying's shoes and socks, covered them with a quilt, and told them to sleep quickly.

“It’s very late. My uncle and my lady, please go to bed early. We will set off tomorrow.”

Jing Shirong didn’t answer and sat on the bed in a daze.

Sister Ying snuggled into the bed, leaned against him again, and leaned over to wrap her thighs around him.

Jing Shirong's drunken eyes were dazed for a moment, and then he lay down softly. He was obviously drunk as well.

He stretched out his big hand, took it out from under the quilt for her, and then put it on his chest.

Sister Ying took advantage of the situation and hugged his neck, smashing his mouth, and slept soundly.

Jing Shirong felt the heavy weight on his chest, lowered his head and kissed her, covered her with the quilt, then hugged her and fell asleep.

On the second day, everyone got up late as expected.

Sister Ying was hungover and had a headache when she woke up early in the morning. She couldn't get up at all.

Jing Shirong was fine, but his head felt heavy.

Sister Yang fell into a deep sleep and didn't want to get up at all.

Even Jingshi and Jingfu got up late.

The emperor was in the palace and heard that they hadn't set off yet. He frowned and asked the **** in charge, "What's going on with those two boys? Why haven't they set off yet?"

The **** in charge replied, "It is said that the two families had a party last night and drank a little too much. They are still awake now."

The emperor snorted softly, "I praised them for their maturity and stability before, but now it seems that they are nothing more than that."

 Even though he is a brat, he is still a drunkard and can't even get out of bed.

 It still makes him afraid. He really thinks too much.

They are just two brats.

 The **** in charge asked for instructions, "Do you want the old slave to urge me?"

 The emperor waved his hand, "No, let them figure it out."

 At noon, Jing Shirong started to rub his head.

 When I got back to sleep, I was still a little confused.

He reached out and touched the side and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Sister Ying was still there.

 He took her in his big hands, hugged her and kissed her twice.

Sister Ying made a sound and said, "Go away."

 I wake up feeling angry and fierce.

Jing Shirong sneered, not afraid of her, opened his mouth to moan, and bit her cheek flesh directly.

Sister Ying.

Half opened her eyes and glared at him angrily, "You're so disgusting."

 You didn’t even wash your face so early in the morning, and you actually ate her face?

 Don’t be afraid that the oil on your face will be sour.

 Jing Shi Rong.

 “This is called husband and wife fun!”

 Why do you feel sick?

Does this woman know how to have fun?

Sister Ying smiled and said, "You know, you know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

Even if your mouth smells bad, it still smells good, right?

Jing Shirong sneered, "It stinks."

Then he pushed her away and got out of bed to take a shower.

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "You are heartless."

 Whoever has no interest is the one who has no emotions, slightly~

Jing Shirong listened to her complaints, sneered, took off his clothes and got into the water.

Sister Ying slept for a while before getting up to wash herself.

The couple finished washing and it was almost dark.

When they came out to eat, Jingshi and Jing's father also came out.

Jing asked, "Are you awake? Does your head still hurt?"

Sister Ying hummed, "My head is a bit heavy and my legs are weak."

  Unexpectedly, she had so many symptoms of drunken syndrome, and she no longer had the appetite to eat.

Jingshi laughed at her, "You don't drink it often. If you did, you wouldn't feel so uncomfortable."

"Look at Brother Ming, he went to boxing when he got up, and his drinking capacity is not that good." People will get drunk after drinking, but the next day they will be as energetic as a normal person.

 She's not like Sister Ying, she's like a shrimp with soft feet and can't even walk.

Sister Ying herself laughed, "Then I will drink more from now on to practice my drinking ability."

Jing Shirong glanced at her and said nothing, but his expression said, "What a beautiful idea."

 meaning not to let her drink.

Sister Ying raised her eyebrows and said, "Just drink!"

Jing Shirong’s dark eyes narrowed slightly, “You dare?”

Sister Ying, "I dare!"

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel with each other's eyes again, Jing Shi coughed and interrupted them, "Okay, stop arguing. Sister Yang is still asleep. Go and have a look. Get her up to eat."

Sister Ying just said "oh" and went to find Sister Yang.

At this time, Sister Yang was still lazily lying on the bed, lying in a herringbone shape, with a very sloppy sleeping posture.

Sister Ying walked over and called her, "Sister Yang? Get up."

Sister Yang muttered, "No, I still want to sleep."

 She has never drank alcohol before, and it was the first time last night.

Although it was fruit wine, and Mrs. Jing had allowed her to control the amount.

 But she couldn't stand it anymore because everyone was too drunk and had no energy to care about her, so she secretly drank a lot.

Today's hangover is a bit powerful.

Sister Ying gave her the hangover pills, "Nuo, try the hangover pills you made yourself."

Sister Yang snorted, turned over, and opened her mouth like a salted fish, letting Sister Ying feed her.

Sister Ying put hangover pills in her mouth and gave her some water.

 Sister Yang felt better after taking anti-alcohol pills.

 The pain in my head is not that bad anymore, but my legs are weak.

Sister Ying laughed and said, "Let's see if you dare to drink secretly next time."

Sister Yang also laughed and said, "I don't dare to do it anymore, it will make me very uncomfortable."

Fortunately, she had thought that drinking heavily would be pleasurable before. Who would have thought that it would be pleasurable but uncomfortable after being drunk.

Sister Ying rubbed her temples, "I'm feeling better now, what about you? Do you want Gu Gu to give you two injections?"

Sister Yang shook her head, "No more."

 How embarrassing it is to say it out.

 After all, she is the most proud disciple of the ancient times. A little wine will not do it. It will lose her majesty.

Sister Ying was convinced, "Okay, okay, if you don't want to prick, I won't prick. Can you get up?"

 “Your brother-in-law said he would leave in the evening.”

 It is too late to do it during the day, so it can only be done at night.

Sister Yang nodded, "Okay."

 You can lie down in the carriage anyway.

Sister Ying got up and helped her pack her things, "I'll put all these medicines in a box for you."

Sister Yang hummed, "Be careful."

She bought and picked so many medicines along the way, but money is expensive.

Sister Ying knew it and carefully put it away for her.

At night, everything was packed and loaded into the carriage. Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming went into the palace to meet the saint.

 The emperor gave them tokens and imperial edicts, and took some silver rewards before leaving the palace.

Sister Ying and Zazaan got into the carriage early and waited for them outside the palace.

The two men came out on horseback and led the team, waving their hands and saying, "Let's go."

Jingshi, Jingfu, and Mrs. Qi watched from a distance on the tower, and did not go back until they were far away.

Jing Shirong looked back at them, and for the first time he deeply understood the worry of his mother who had traveled thousands of miles.

 Fortunately, my parents are still with their younger siblings. I hope they can be healthy and happy at home.

 After the carriage left the capital, it started to sail. Sister Yang had to be sent to the south of the Yangtze River first.

Mrs. Wu was very happy when she got the news at home. She started buying snacks that her two children loved and kept them at home early.

Where are you going to play on National Day?



 (End of this chapter)

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