The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 619: , send Sister Yang back to Jiangnan

Chapter 619, Send Sister Yang back to Jiangnan

This time I came to Jiangnan much faster than before.

Nowadays, water boats are very fast. In addition, it is cold and few people go out on boats. The waterway is not blocked, so it is naturally much faster.

 After arriving in Jiangnan, the group of people breathed a sigh of relief, obviously they all liked the relaxed atmosphere in Jiangnan.

 Now under the control of Liang Jin, the atmosphere in Jiangnan has always been very good.

 There are even fewer bad people on the streets.

As soon as they arrived at the pier in front of their home, Sister Ying and Sister Yang immediately ran up on their own.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming followed behind them. "Run slower."

Sister Ying urged Jing Shirong to hurry up, "Hurry up and give me the horse."

Jing Shirong had no choice but to get off the boat on horseback, pull her onto the horse, and with a "drive~" sound, he led her towards Liang's house.

Sister Ying was very excited and her big white teeth were exposed when she smiled.

 “Hurry up, hurry up.”

 The feeling of returning to my parents’ home is so heart-warming.

Jing Shirong saw her excitement and rode faster.

Sister Yang also came here with Qi Yuanming.

 After arriving at Liang’s house, Sister Ying started shouting before she even got off her horse.


Mrs. Wu has been getting up early these days, looking forward to the return of her children.

 He will hear his daughter’s voice and run out excitedly.

 “Sister Ying???”

Sister Ying laughed, ran over and hugged her, "Mom~~"

Mrs. Wu was also very happy and hugged her tightly, "It's great that my daughter is back."

Sister Yang arrived at this time and also jumped off the horse.

 “Mother~~I want to hug you too.”

Said, afraid of coming over to hang on Mrs. Wu.

  Wu reached out his hand to catch her and hugged her together.

Hand pinched their waists, "Are you two fat?"

 The waist was thin before going out, but now both of them have gained weight.

Sister Yang smiled and said, "It's the time when people are growing up. It's normal to be a little fat."

Sister Ying also coughed and said, "I'm not fat, I just have edema recently."

 I have been staying up late recently and eating too much, so I am suffering from edema.

Mrs. Wu saw that they had all the excuses, and she couldn't laugh or cry, "Okay, come in quickly, it's very cold in the morning."

 “Okay. Is dad up?”

 Wu Shi nodded, "It's time to get up."

As he said that, he heard Liang Jin running out.

 “Sister Ying?”


Sister Ying laughed and ran over to hang on Liang Jin. Sister Yang also jumped on and almost pushed Liang Jin down.

Mrs. Wu didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the side, "You two are about the same. Don't throw your father away. You'll be going to the Yamen later."

 The two sisters stopped arguing.

 “Dad, let’s have breakfast together.”

Liang Jin smiled and said, "Okay."

“By the way, call your grandmother too.”

Sister Ying and Sister Yang looked at each other and quickly ran to Mrs. Liang's room. Like a spoiled child, they tucked themselves into Mrs. Liang's bed and said, "Grandma~~ wake up."

Mrs. Liang played cards late last night and was sleeping soundly. Who would have thought that two little goblins suddenly appeared on the bed.

She knew the two goblins at home were back by the smell.

 Smiled with eyes closed, "Why are you two back?"

Sister Ying hugged her and kissed her twice, "I miss you."

Sister Yang also kissed me, "Why don't you get up and have breakfast together."

Mrs. Liang was all kissed by them and smiled, "Okay, okay, I'll give you a face. Get up and have breakfast with you." The three grandparents laughed and laughed for a while before getting up together.

Sister Ying filially dressed Mrs. Liang, while Sister Yang knelt down and put on her shoes.

Seeing how filial they were, Mrs. Liang hummed and raised her chin, "You two have a conscience."

 At first she thought the two sisters were playing wild outside and didn't even miss her.

Now it seems that they still miss her very much. Seeing how clingy she is, they can't get rid of her.

The two sisters held Old Mrs. Liang’s arms one after the other. After arriving at the main room, they had to sit next to Old Mrs. Liang on the left and right, which was very sticky.

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Okay, let's eat first and we'll get tired of it later."

Sister Ying rested her head on Mrs. Liang's shoulder, "No, I want to hold her for a while."

Sister Yang also followed suit, "Neither do I. I also want to rely on you for a while."

Mrs. Wu glared at them, "Eat!"

Your mother has spoken, so the two sisters can only eat obediently.

“Brother Rong, brother Ming, you guys should eat too.”

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming, two transparent people, sat down to eat together.

 Wu asked them, "Are you going on a far journey?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes, I have to go to the border. I stopped by to see you and my father-in-law."

 Wu nodded and asked them, "Are you leaving tomorrow? Or at night?"

Jing Shirong respectfully replied, "Tomorrow."

 At least let the mother and daughter stay one more night.

Mrs. Wu knew that this child was warm-hearted and smiled knowingly, "Okay, let's eat first."

After Liang Jin finished eating, he went to work on the case first, and then took time to come back to have dinner with them at noon.

Mr. Wu is also much calmer than before, obviously used to their hurried schedule.

While Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming were chatting with Liang Jin, Mrs. Wu took Sister Ying into the room to whisper.

Orange Mrs. Liang is also with us.

 When mother and daughter get together, they must be talking privately.

Sister Ying knew what her mother wanted to ask without even thinking about it.

 For example, look at her belly first, and then ask, "No movement yet?"

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "No. Brother Rong was poisoned before, and I was busy detoxifying him, so I was not in the mood to have a child."

Upon hearing this, Mr. Jing was worried and said, "I forgot about this, but I saw that he was in good spirits this morning, so he should have recovered."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Everything is fine. Gu Gu and Sister Yang are here, so don't worry."

  Speaking of Sister Yang, Mrs. Wu also had a headache, "That girl is always going out every day. It's strange that she is willing to come back now."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "This journey took her to many places and met many people, which made her grow a lot."

 With experience and experience, she naturally knows the preciousness of home.

I also know that home is the warmest haven, so I naturally want to come back.

Mrs. Wu nodded, "Coming back this time, I do feel that she has matured a little. She seems to be more sensible than before."

Sister Ying nodded, "Not only is she sensible, but she is also heartwarming."

They will help her get medicine, and they will also care about her relationship with Jing Shirong.

It can be seen that he has grown up a lot.

Mrs. Wu was relieved after hearing this, "She always wanted to go out before, but I kept stopping her. Now that I let her go, she feels at ease."

This is good, it will save her from wanting to run out every day.

“But why didn’t Brother Seng come back with you?”

Sister Ying replied, "He will stay with Brother Kang, and they will come back together after the Chunwei exam."

 Wu Shi nodded, "That's fine." The two brothers had a caregiver together.

“It’s Tiantian from Doufu’s house. She keeps talking about Brother Seng not coming back yet, so she comes to the house several times a day.

Sister Ying recalled, "Who is that little sister from Tofu Fang?"

Wu Shi smiled and said, "No. That little girl, I don't know what kind of enchantment Brother Zhongsen has. She wants to play with Brother Zhongsen all day long."

It's a pity that Brother Sen only likes to dance with swords and doesn't like to play with girls.

 (End of this chapter)

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