Chapter 617, all drunk

“There is a lot of sand and dust over the border, so you’d better wear a hat when you go out to avoid getting blinded by the sand.”

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming nodded at the same time, "I understand."

Mr. Qi recalled, "I remember that there was a green lake over there. There were dense trees beside the green lake. If you have fruit seedlings, you can plant some fruits there."

 Although the border is remote, the fruits there are big and delicious.

Qi Yuanming's eyes lit up, "Really?"

Like Jing Shirong, he has only been to the border once, and the time was short, so he is not familiar with it.

Mr. Qi told them, "It looks deserted over there, but if you take good care of it, life won't be too hard."

As long as you know how to manage them, cattle, sheep, grass, and three other organisms can continue to live on, and you won’t have to worry about running out of meat.

While we were chatting, Jing’s father came back.

He came back temporarily because he heard that Jing Shirong was going on a long trip, so he hurried back to see his son off.

 “Dad? Why are you back?”

Jing's father originally went to the suburbs to work on a case, and Jing Shirong didn't want to disturb him. Who would have thought that he would come back all the way, which made him feel a little touched.

 But neither father nor son are sensationalists. They looked at each other and understood each other tacitly.

Jing didn't know that her husband cared about her son. Nuan Xin raised her lips and told the maid, "Bring me the bowls and chopsticks."


After bringing the bowl and chopsticks, Mrs. Jing served her husband a bowl of hot soup and asked him to drink it while it was hot.

Father Qi took the bowl and drank the soup while talking to his sons.

 “When will you leave tomorrow?”

Jing Shirong replied, "Leave early in the morning."

Jing’s father nodded, “Be careful on the road.”

 Father and son did not say much, but their eyes were filled with concern for each other.

Jing Shirong told him, "Please pay attention to the Queen's side, including the second and fifth princes."

 After all, the Queen has already quarreled with them, and she will inevitably want to take out her anger on the Jing family in the future.

Jing's father had just heard about the incident where Jing was called Lingxiu Villa and fainted. He was furious and took several deep breaths to calm down.

If it weren't for the informant, he wouldn't have known about it.

 He glared at Jing Shirong angrily, "Don't hide anything from me next time."

Jing Shirong knew that he would be angry, so she dared not tell him.

Otherwise, if Jing's father comes back overnight and sees Jing's sleepy state, he will probably go to the palace to complain, and then it will be bad to cause trouble with the emperor.

Jing's father knew that he was doing it for his own good, but he was still very angry. His chest rose and fell a few times, but he saw Mrs. Jing chatting and laughing with Mrs. Qi beside him, looking very happy. He finally swallowed his anger.

 “That’s all.”

As long as his wife is fine, everything will be fine.

 If something really happened, he would not make it easy for the Queen and her party.

Jing seemed to feel his anger, looked back and said to him, "Eat something quickly, don't drink on an empty stomach all the time."

Jing's father sighed and said, "I know."

Sister Ying looked back at the interaction between her parents-in-law and felt that they were really in love.

But Rong brother and father-in-law are really similar, they are both boring gourds.

 Unlike her father, who is very lively.

If Mrs. Wu is angry, Liang Jin will definitely be able to act coquettishly and act cute.

If it were Jing Shirong and his son, they would probably only get into trouble.

Then he pursed his face and lost his temper childishly.

But it’s quite interesting, and it’s actually quite fun to see them angry.

 Everyone was laughing and chatting together, drinking wine, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

 In the end, Jing’s father and the three of them drank too much and started to punch each other.

 When he is not drunk, he drinks gracefully. When he is drunk, it seems that his nature is liberated. Start rolling up your sleeves, crossing your legs, and replace the small cup with a big bowl.

Mr. Qi stood up first, put one foot on the chair, picked up the wine bowl, and shouted to them, "Come on, let one of you go."

 “It’s so boring, don’t stop!”

Qi Yuanming chuckled, "Just drink."

 After saying that, the whole bowl was finished.

Seeing that they were happy, Jing's father also drank a bowl.

 Then there is Jing Shirong.

Even Jing Yu drank.

 Sen Ge'er and Kang Ge'er stayed up to study and didn't go out to drink.

Sister Yang and Sister Ying saw that they were drinking so happily, so they also wanted a bowl.

Jing Shi smiled and poured her a glass of fruit wine, "Here, let's drink too."

 After saying that, we raised our glasses together, "Clink one."

Sister Ying raised her glass and drank it. The silky and sweet taste was so refreshing, "It's great!"

Although it is not a spirit, fruit wine tastes sweeter.

Several men saw that they were drinking happily, and some of them continued to drink from large bowls, as if they would never get drunk again. They had long forgotten that they had to get up early tomorrow.

Sister Ying didn’t remind her, she was leaving anyway, so she could just let them have a good drink.

 Because drinking was allowed, everyone got drunk.

 Finally, the maid brought them into the house.

Sister Ying originally thought that fruit wine would not be intoxicating, but after drinking too much, she still felt light and light, as if she had stepped on cotton under her feet, and she had no strength to walk.

Even when walking, I feel that the direction is wrong. I always walk diagonally, staggering and staggering.

Xiao Zi helped her to the bed, and the servant also helped Jing Shirong in.

The two couples were drunk, their faces were red, their eyes were blurry, and they looked very drunk.

 Xiao Zi went to fetch water and wash their faces.

Sister Ying raised her head, smiled at Xiao Zi, rushed over and hugged her, "Xiao Zi? Little Pig, so cute."

 Xiao Zi frowned, "What?"

 “Why do you call me a little piggy?”

Sister Ying laughed drunkenly and pinched her fleshy face, "Who told you to eat so much and you are still a pig? Of course you are a little piggy."

 After saying that, he put his little hand on Xiao Zi’s buttocks and pinched her, like a female gangster, “Hey, you have such a good figure?”

 What a little purple smell.

 “Miss! Why are you like this!”

 “She is still a young lady, how can you eat her tofu?”

Sister Ying drifted off when she was drunk. Like a swinger, she lifted Xiao Zi's chin and slowly leaned towards her. The wine smelled of alcohol and said, "What are you afraid of? I will marry you at worst."

 Xiao Zi almost wanted to cover her face, "Please stop talking, it's embarrassing."

You still want to marry her without asking your uncle if he agrees?

Sister Ying heard her muttering and snorted, "I have the final say in this house. If I say I want to marry you, I will marry you. Who dares to stop me?"

Xiao Zi laughed and said, "Are you talking too loudly? I'll let my uncle hear it later and I'll deal with you."

Sister Ying drunkenly turned around and said nonsense, "How dare he! I'm the boss. How dare he deal with me?"

Xiao Zi is also bad. While wiping her face, she starts to talk, "Then tell me, if my uncle is disobedient, how will you deal with him?"

Sister Ying's drunken cheeks were red, she pursed her lips and thought for a while, "If he doesn't obey, I will divorce him and let him be a bitter male protagonist."

 Xiao Zi exclaimed, "Dive him? You are really drunk."

Jing Shirong happened to hear these words. He opened his eyes in a daze, his head was a little dizzy, but he was still somewhat conscious.

 “Who do you want to divorce?”

 (End of this chapter)

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