Chapter 616: Two families get together

Jing saw that the medicinal materials she brought were all good, so she sincerely thanked her.

 “It costs you money.”

Mrs. Qi was broad-minded and waved her hand, "It's not me who spends the money. Brother Rong spends much more than me."

In recent years, Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong have gone out, and the two have taken care of each other as if they were brothers.

However, Jing Shirong is very considerate, and it seems that Qi Yuanming is taking care of him, but in fact he also takes good care of Qi Yuanming.

 Especially in terms of money, he almost always provides the money.

Jingshi said, "Don't talk like that. Brother Ming contributes the effort and Brother Rong contributes the money. Only when the two of them contribute money and effort can we be considered the best partners."

 Otherwise, what’s the use of just giving money.

Mrs. Qi knew her good intentions and laughed. Then she looked at Sister Ying next to her, as if she had discovered a new world.

“Hey, is this Sister Ying?”

She had heard Qi Yuanming praise Sister Ying before, saying how good she was and how beautiful she was. When she saw it today, she was really beautiful.

Mrs. Qi scanned Sister Ying up and down and clicked her tongue in surprise, "My dear, where did Brother Rong find such a beautiful girl? She's so charming?"

 “My God, the skin is so smooth and tender, much softer than tofu.”

“And these big eyes, the eyelids are folded so beautifully, just like the beauties in the paintings, my God, they are so beautiful.”

Mrs. Qi held Sister Ying's hand with a look of infatuation on her face, and she couldn't bear to let go.

Mr. Qi couldn't stand it and coughed, "Almost, don't scare people."

Mrs. Qi snorted, ignored him, and blamed him, "It's all your fault, you don't have the ability to give me a daughter."

 Look at the fact that they all have daughters, and they are all so beautiful. It makes me feel itchy to look at her.

Jing saw her holding Sister Ying's hand and came over to rescue Sister Ying. She took Mrs. Qi's hand and said, "Come here and sit down first, and then we'll talk."

Mrs. Qi sighed and sat next to her. She continued to look at Sister Ying with her big eyes, looking more and more curiously.

“Sister, I’m not telling you that each of your daughters-in-law is better than the last. I’m envious of them.”

Her stinky son is still not enlightened and is worried to death.

Jingshi patted her hand and comforted her, "Children's marriage is determined, take your time, one day he thinks about it, and he might take the girl back to you."

“Brother Rong didn’t know what he was doing at first, and when he met Sister Ying, he didn’t do anything. He was like a fool.”

 It was only later that I realized that I liked her, and that's when I said that I wanted to get married.

If he had not fallen in love with Sister Ying, he would probably still be single like Qi Yuanming.

Mrs. Qi remembered that Jing Shirong seemed to be confused before.

 Later, I suddenly said that I would get married. I guess I liked Sister Ying very much.

It seems that a girl who can attract a dull man must be as beautiful as Sister Ying, or there must be something special about her.

Mrs. Qi suddenly thought of Sister Yang.

“By the way, where is Sister Yang?”

That girl is Sister Ying's younger sister. It seems pretty good if she marries Brother Ming.

But Brother Ming only thinks that Sister Yang is still young and has no other thoughts about her. He has always regarded her as a good friend.

Mrs. Qi was worried, "I don't even bother to talk about that boy."

As soon as Qi Yuanming came over, he heard his mother complaining about him, with a look of helplessness on his face, "What have I done to you?"

 Isn’t it good to come out in the morning? Why did you start to dislike him again?

Mrs. Qi rolled her eyes at him and said, "Where's Sister Yang? Go ask her to come out for dinner."

The copper pot is ready, and the small stove is now on. When the soup in the copper pot boils, the meat can be put in.

Qi Yuanming glanced in the direction of the backyard pharmacy and asked Mrs. Qi to wait, "I'll call over and I'll be back in a minute."

 He went to the pharmacy to ask for Sister Yang, knocked on the door, and shouted, "Sister Yang? You have come out to eat."

Sister Yang had been busy all day, putting all the medicines she had distributed on different pieces of paper, and then she took the time to respond to him.

"Eat first, don't worry about me." Qi Yuanming opened the door and came in, "How about that? Let's get together tonight, we will set off tomorrow."

Sister Yang then remembered, "I almost forgot. Then wait for me."

 She packed all the herbs and marked them, and then said, "Okay, let's go."

Qi Yuanming looked at her up and down and saw that her hair was messy and there were thin strips of herbal medicine on it, so he reached out to remove it for her.

  "Go and wash your face first to see if you are dirty."

Sister Yang said oh and went outside to find water.

Qi Yuanming told her, "There is a water tank in front."

 Speaking, he took her over, then bent down and rolled up her sleeves.

 The one who was taking care of the child poured water on her hands and said, "Wash."

Sister Yang looked up at him and felt that his attentive look seemed quite warm, like a big brother next door.

 It just doesn’t look like him in appearance, it’s more rough and not as handsome as the big brother next door.

Qi Yuanming saw her looking straight at him and chuckled, "What's wrong? Suddenly you think I look good?"

Sister Yang sneered, "That's a pretty idea. You're not as good-looking as me."

There are so many good-looking people in their family. Her mother ranks first, her sister ranks second, and there are Kang Geer, Senge, and her father. Qi Yuanming can only be ranked last.

Qi Yuanming’s square face collapsed when he heard this, “Am I that ugly?”

 He has always thought he was handsome.

He is tall and strong, and the northern men are not as good as him.

Sister Yang laughed and said, "Then think for yourself, compared with my brother-in-law and my second brother, can you take the first place?"

 Qi Yuanming thought about Jing Shirong's charming face, and then thought about Kang Geer's big peach-like eyes, and it seemed that he couldn't compare with these two people.

 But he didn’t think he was ugly and argued hard.

“Ajing and the others have a male-female appearance, but my square face is the authentic masculine look.”

Sister Yang held her forehead and said, "Yes, yes, you men, let's go and eat."

 If he goes on, he will prove to her that he is the most handsome.

 Let's run away first.

Qi Yuanming didn't see that she didn't want to talk, so he thought she was hungry and took her with him to the yard.

By this time, the golden copper pot was on fire, the soup in the pot was boiling, and Mrs. Qi and Mr. Jing were already simmering the mutton.

Mrs. Qi looked up and saw Sister Yang. She was very happy and waved to her, "Sister Yang is coming out. Come and sit down."

Sister Yang hummed and walked over to sit with Mrs. Qi.

Mrs. Qi really likes her and feels that the little girl looks a bit like her daughter.

 “Come and eat the mutton, it’s hot.”

 She put the cooked mutton into Sister Yang's bowl and asked her, "Eat more."

Sister Yang sighed and thought Mrs. Qi was quite nice. Like Aunt Jing, she loved her children.

Sister Ying asked Qi Yuanming to come and sit with her.

 There is no separate table in the evening, men and women sit at the same table and eat together.

 Because Jing’s father went on a business trip and never came back.

Jingyu came back early, and after seeing Wang Fangning, he went over to have a drink with Mr. Qi.

Sister Ying went to ask Jing Shirong to come out and ask him to entertain Mr. Qi.

 Men can always find something to talk about when they are together.

Especially since they have to travel far tomorrow, Mr. Qi also told them some things.

 (End of this chapter)

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