Chapter 554, Dark Nightclub

This river is very wide, and the river is full of cargo ships, stopping one by one on the river.

There were no fires on both sides of the river bank. It was pitch black and only the outlines of some ships could be seen through the moon.

Sister Yan and her group were all wearing cloaks and hats. They stepped forward, exchanged a few words with a boatman, and then handed over the boxes containing people.

Jing Shirong watched from the side and saw Qi Yuanming and Brother Sen on the boat? His eyes moved slightly.

 He didn't look much, and only briefly glanced at the location of the ship's mechanisms.

Sister Yan came back after finishing her work.

She came over and called Jing Shirong, "Let's go, go back."

Jing Shirong asked her, "What are you doing? Buying and selling people?"

Sister Yan gave him a cold look, "Didn't you see everything?"

 “What, are you scared?”

Jing Shirong didn’t answer, but asked, “How much can you make by selling it to a few people?”

 When he asked this, Sister Yan actually smiled.

 “What? You also want a share of the pie?”

Jing Shirong shrugged, "I can do whatever I want."

If he asked directly, Sister Yan would be disgusted and think he was nothing more than that.

  But he always maintained this kind of fuss-free attitude, which made Sister Yan find it very interesting.

"Okay. Since you're interested, I'll take you on the boat later and let you see. Is our business big or small?"

Jing Shirong was speechless and did not answer. But in my heart, I had a vague feeling that the end of this boat might be the main place for their business.

 He always felt that there were many people hiding on the boat, and they were all innocent boys and girls.

 After a while, they took another path, then continued through the underground tunnel, and then reached the other side of the river.

Jing Shirong secretly noted the way down, and was surprised. He didn't expect that there was such an underground tunnel here?

 No wonder so many people walked by, but no one on the shore noticed it. It turned out that they all walked underground.

 After they reached the other side, they boarded the big ship together.

Sister Yan took the lead and Jing Shirong followed her.

Qi Yuanming and Brother Sen also walked in wearing cloaks.

This ship looks dilapidated and shabby on the outside. From the outside, it looks like a large cargo ship transporting goods.

 I didn’t expect to go inside, but it was well decorated. Especially the third floor.

Since there were people on the first floor and in the cabin, it was inconvenient for Jing Shirong to go down, so Qi Yuanming and Brother Sen went down to investigate.

 They followed the team to the cabin.

Only then did I realize that there were more than a dozen beautiful boys and girls in the cabin.

These boys and girls all looked to be fourteen or fifteen years old. They had good-looking faces and a simple aura. They were obviously children from ordinary people's families.

 Some of them were dressed more luxuriously and looked like girls from wealthy families.

They were all drugged out and fell asleep in the box.

The steward ordered, "Give them some water first, and watch them carefully. Don't bump into them."

Qi Yuanming and Brother Sen went over to feed the children water, and then quietly left traces on the road.

Since the emperor has sent a large army, they will definitely come looking for them along the way.

 There are many killers on this ship, and they need more manpower to take them down in one fell swoop. Now we can only wait and see what happens, and wait for the team to arrive before taking action.

Jing Shirong was on the third floor. He walked to the window, took a look at the locations on both sides of the river, and asked Sister Yan, "Where are you going?"

Sister Yan took a sip of wine and told him, "The end of the river."

 “The end of the river?”

He vaguely remembered that there was a long river on the sheepskin map of Qi Yuanming.

 At the end of the river, there is a deep mountain and old forest. Is it possible that these people open unscrupulous shops in the mountains and old forests?

Jing Shirong thought it was very possible, so he stopped talking.

He can't expose himself now, and he can't ask too many questions, just stop at the point.

Sister Yan likes his sensible way of asking questions without even asking.

 If he asked too many questions, she would think he was an undercover agent.

But he only asked one question and stopped asking, leaving her with no idea what she wanted to say next.

She gave a sweet smile and said, "Aren't you afraid that I will sell you?"

Jing Shirong didn’t even look back, “It’s your loss if you sell me.”

Such a confident attitude made Sister Yan’s shoulders shake with laughter again.

 “Hahahaha, you are so funny, I really like you.”

 Speaking, he leaned over and wanted to touch Jing Shirong's face.

Jing Shirong dodged away, walked to the other side, and poured himself a glass of wine.

Sister Yan liked his cold demeanor, so she smiled coquettishly and teased him, "Look at you. I just want to touch your face, but you are so shy. What if I do something to you at night?" What, you must be so embarrassed, hahahaha.”

Jing Shirong turned around and glanced at the powder falling off her face. He held back his nausea and looked back out the window without saying a word.

He was so boring, but instead of being annoying, Sister Yan was very interested.

"I'll take you to the store later. There are many rooms in the store. Whatever you like, I'll have fun with you, okay?"

Jing Shirong didn’t answer and asked, “Houses? Many?”

His expression was rare and unclear, which made Sister Yan fall in love with him. She leaned over like a pervert, "Yes. There are many, many houses, a hundred houses."

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows slightly, "A hundred rooms?"

Wouldn’t that be able to accommodate a hundred people?

 No wonder so many boys and girls had to be abducted.

It seems that there are many customers who go there to do dirty things.

And the character may be extremely abnormal.

The more Jing Shirong thought about it, the more disgusted he felt. He clenched his fists slightly under his sleeves and planned to burn down the store that night to avoid harming innocent boys and girls again.

The boat made its way steadily to the mountains and old forests.

 When we first entered, it was pitch black inside.

 It wasn’t until we drove further in that we saw the lights.

Outsiders would never imagine that a luxurious "nightclub" actually opened in this secluded mountain and old forest.

 It is said to be a "nightclub", but it is actually a black brothel.

And it’s a black brothel that looks like a cannibal cave.

After the boat docked, you could faintly hear the laughter, cries, and even screams coming from the black brothel.

But the people on the boat were as usual, with expressionless faces, as if they were used to hearing the screams inside.

They were used to it, but Jing Shirong, Qi Yuanming and Brother Sen were not used to it.

 They clearly heard a girl asking for help, followed by the sound of being whipped, and then the girl screamed in pain.

Jing Shirong lowered his hat. His eyes under the hat were cold, and he was obviously angry.

Even the always good-tempered Brother Sen felt angry. He was angry that the people here were so inhumane and bullied a helpless girl.

Qi Yuanming took several deep breaths, fearing that he would rush out to rescue the girl.

 Fortunately, he informed Sister Yang and the others in advance so that they could prepare their thoughts. Otherwise, they would not know how frightened they would be when they got here.

Brother Sen was also curious, "Where did you hide my sister and Sister Yang?"

Qi Yuanming made a shushing gesture and told her, "It's in the cabin."

 Seng Geer was startled, "What? You?"

Qi Yuanming's mouth was covered, "I originally wanted to put them on the street, but after checking around, I found that there were people patrolling that street, and it looked very unsafe."

  An update will be released tomorrow~



 (End of this chapter)

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