Chapter 553, cruel and ruthless

Jing Shirong saw that they were fighting among themselves, and calmly jumped to the third floor to see Sister Ying's condition.

 As soon as he entered the house, he found that Sister Ying had disappeared.

ˆ Gu made a "shh!" gesture with him and told him. "Sister Ying was picked up by Brother Sen. She should go to join Qi Yuanming."

Jing Shirong was relieved that she could leave safely.

 He asked, "What's the matter with her pimples on her face?"

 Gu smiled and whispered, "She painted it herself. Good guy, your painting skills are very good, it even shocked me."

  It turns out that Sister Ying always carries the makeup pen with her disguise when she goes out.

That pen was studied together with Sister Yang. It is sweat-proof and waterproof, does not smudge, and cannot be wiped off without an antidote.

 She guessed that this store was in the business of buying and selling people, so she was clever enough to paint herself ugly.

By the way, wear a few more pieces under your clothes to stretch out your waist and shoulders and make you look thicker.

 Come here, the thugs saw that her appearance and figure were not good, so they naturally looked down on her.

Jing Shirong chuckled and said to himself, "She's a little girl, she's quite smart."

 The old man waved his hand to let him. "You go down first, and I'll take the lead."

He also gave him a handful of medicinal powder, "for self-defense later."

Jing Shirong put the medicine powder away and went down quietly again.

 The first floor of this meeting is already overcrowded.

After Sister Yan's people came over, they started fighting with the group of strong thugs.

Jing Shirong observed on the second floor and found that almost all of Sister Yan’s subordinates were in their thirties.

 Though those eldest ladies may be rough and arrogant, they are very skilled.

This group of thugs had obviously been taught by them. They had long seen that these old women didn't like them, and they struck hard and ruthlessly.

The physical strength of the men and women was astonishing, and Sister Yan's men were finally at a disadvantage.

Sister Yan looked on with a sneer, then sprinkled a handful of powdered medicine out. "watch out!"

 A bunch of turtle grandsons really think they are the king of heaven.

The thugs had been on guard against her for a long time. They turned around and backed away, covering their mouths and noses in a hurry.

But the effect of the medicinal powder seemed to be a bit strong, causing them to vomit blood all of a sudden.


They all stared with wide eyes, obviously not expecting to die at the hands of this old woman today.

Sister Yan smiled coldly, "What am I? Who asked you to point your finger at me?"

 If you dare to be disrespectful to her, you will have to pay the price.

When the other thugs saw this, they just asked for mercy, but they also spit out a mouthful of black blood, and then fell to the ground and died.

Seeing that all the big men in the room were dead, Sister Yan’s men were worried, “They are all dead, how should we explain to the superiors?”

Sister Yan exhaled a puff of smoke and said calmly, "Go to Lao Bai and ask him to call all those people over."

The men understood it instantly once they heard it.

“So those people are here as backup?”

 No wonder.

She just said that Sister Yan killed twenty-five thugs at once and was still so calm. It turned out that she had found a spare tire a long time ago.

 “Are we still going to deliver the goods tonight?”

Sister Yan nodded, "Come on, let's show off first and let those people go through the motions and get familiar with it."

 As long as she trains all her people well, no one will be able to anger her in the future.

 “Okay, I’ll do it right away.”

 The people below cleaned up the crime scene, while Jing Shirong watched openly from the second floor.

Seeing that all the corpses had been completely transformed, Sister Yan raised her head and looked up.

 “Come down, your feet won’t be dirty.”

Jing Shirong followed her words and came down to observe her quietly. The more he looked at her, the more he felt that this woman was cruel and cruel. Within half an hour, all the people here disappeared, leaving no trace behind. No wonder the people were afraid of this place.

Sister Yan saw the slight change in his eyes and smiled, "What? Are you scared?"

"I'm afraid it's too late. You have seen everything that happened at night, and if you try to run away later, you will end up with the same fate."

Jing Shirong walked over calmly and calmly, not afraid of complimenting her, "Your potion is good."

 It can turn people into invisible beings, it is indeed vicious and powerful enough.

Sister Yan was so happy when he praised her that she smiled brightly.

"Hahaha. I thought you would be scared, but I didn't expect you to be quite courageous. Yes, I like it."

She stretched out her hand towards Jing Shirong, tempting him, "Do you want to know how this corpse-transforming water is refined?"

Jing Shirong looked devoid of desire and desire, "You say it, and I will listen."

Even if he doesn’t tell, he will ask.

Sister Yan loved his Buddhist energy and took the initiative to talk to him.

“This potion was given by my master. Unfortunately, the potion’s efficacy has been reduced by half when it comes to me.”

“What I’m using today are all the stocks left by my ancestor. There won’t be such pure corpse-transforming water in the future.”

Jing Shirong frowned slightly and asked, "Where did you learn from him?"

 Can actually poison these people to death in one breath. Could it be some poisonous disciple?

Sister Yan seemed to be convinced that he could no longer escape her grasp, and said freely, "That's right. My master is the famous Xishan Duxie sixty years ago."

At that time, there were several poison masters in the world.

 Among them, Xishan Duxie is the most vicious.

 He only studied poisons throughout his life. Specialize in experiments on living people.

 Because of his vicious methods and harm to the people, he was wanted by the court.

 Later, he escaped the pursuit of the court and disappeared without a trace. Did he not expect to end up here?

When Gu Gu heard this from upstairs, he raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes slightly.

 It’s really fate.

 I think back then, he was poisoned by Xishan Duxie, and he still remembers this grudge.

I didn’t expect that his descendants would be here. It was just a good time to forget all the old and new grudges.

 He approached the downstairs and continued to sprinkle some colorless and odorless medicinal powder downstairs.

Seeing that no one downstairs noticed it, they secretly thought that the descendants of Xishan Duxie were not doing well either. He was not found to have been poisoned.

If it were his sister Yang, she would have noticed it long ago.

Sister Yan really didn't notice his movements. After all, Gu Gu is considered the originator of poison masters nowadays.

Sister Yan is only good at some poisons, but she is not good at more tricky poisons.

Jing Shirong also noticed that Gu Gu was administering medicinal powder, and quietly moved his body to the side to avoid being drugged and losing his hair.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Sister Yan asked someone, "Get ready to leave. Bring the goods in the wine cellar first and deal with the evening later."

As for the people upstairs, don’t worry about it for now. We’ll talk about it when we get back.


They noticed the time, put on uniform clothes and black cloaks, and walked underground together.

Jing Shirong saw this and asked Sister Yan, "Can I go with you?"

The more Sister Yan looked at him, the more interesting she became, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Jing Shirong was calm and relaxed, "So what if I die? What if I don't die?"

 The more indifferent he is, the more Sister Yan wants to explore him.

"Okay. Let's go together then. You can't escape either side."

 After that, throw him a black cloak, let him put it on, and go underground with them. "

Jing Shirong put on his cloak and hat and followed the group.

 After getting out of the wine cellar, his men went to open the mechanism, and a large exit immediately appeared on the wall.

Jing Shirong entered the tunnel with them, turned left and right, and walked seven or eight turns before reaching the river.

 (End of this chapter)

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