Chapter 555, an inhumane store

Qi Yuanming was really worried about leaving Sister Yang and the others elsewhere, so he had no choice but to bring them here.

 The most dangerous place is the safest, and he felt it was safest to put them under his nose.

 So at noon, he spent a lot of effort to disguise Sister Yang as a woman delivering food and let her stay in the cabin.

Sister Ying is also mixed in.

Brother Sen asked with his eyes, "What will happen when they get ashore? Where should they go?"

Qi Yuanming replied with his eyes, "I have told them to stay in the cabin."

  Once they get ashore, they will sneak in on their own, but Sister Yang and the others will not go.

 Sen Geer nodded, that’s good.

If there is any difficulty ahead, they can just go. He doesn't want his sisters to take risks.

Qi Yuanming raised his eyebrows at him, praised him with his eyes, and said silently, "You can do it, kid. You already know how to protect your sister."

 Brother Sen snorted coldly, not liking to be pretentious.

After the boat docked, the steward came in and said, "Bring everyone in."

Qi Yuanming and Brother Sen carried the box ashore together.

They followed the team in and carried the box to the cellar of this black brothel.

 After putting the people down, the steward asked them all to go back to the boat and wait.

Brother Sen and Qi Yuanming took this opportunity to change their disguises and mingled in this black brothel.

Jing Shirong is currently on the ninth floor.

 This store is very big.

 The entire brothel is made of fine wood and is very large.

Especially because the building is nine stories high. It is rare even in the capital.

It can be seen that the boss behind the scenes is rich.

Jing Shirong inspected the situation in the distance on the ninth floor and saw that the branches here were dense, and each big tree was a hundred meters high, almost blocking the inn.

 From a distance, you cannot see the floors of the inn.

 But from the inn, you can see the surrounding area and the view is very wide.

Sister Yan will go to talk to the innkeeper now. He is alone in the private room.

Qi Yuanming took this opportunity to sneak in and join him.

"A Jing, I just left marks along the road. I think people from the court will be here soon."

"But the people in this inn have to come here to give the medicine."

 Otherwise, it would be obviously unrealistic for them to capture so many people one by one.

 Hong Kong has already followed, but there are not enough manpower to administer the medicine.

Coincidentally, there were many customers in the brothel at night and there were not enough manpower, so the manager asked Sister Ying and others to come and help.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang dressed up as old women, then got off the boat and came over to help serve food and drinks.

 She and Sister Yang poured the powder into the wine together.

 Serve the dishes to the guests one by one.

 With their help, it will be easier to arrest people soon.

I just don’t know whether the people sent by the imperial court are smart or not?

 If you are too stupid, it will be a bad thing if you suddenly alert the enemy.

Jing Shirong asked, "Where are the secret guards who came with us before?"

Qi Yuanming, "Those, those who protect Sister Ying and Sister Yang."

Those people were originally supposed to protect the two sisters, so they were not mobilized.

Jing Shirong nodded and acquiesced.

“Let them hide in the kitchen and don’t go out.”

There will be a battle tonight, so they had better hide to avoid getting hurt accidentally.

Qi Yuanming hummed, "Then I'll go down first. I'll go see if anyone from the court is here."

 If someone from the imperial court comes, it is best to inform them and discuss countermeasures. "

Jing Shirong nodded and told him, "Be careful."

Seeing that he still cared about him, Qi Yuanming smiled knowingly and said, "I understand."

 After he left, Jing Shirong went downstairs by himself and observed everything downstairs from the beams. At this time, the brothel hall was full of singing, dancing, sheng and xiao, and people were intoxicated.

 Some of the guests looked like they were from out of town and spoke Mandarin with an accent.

 There are also some local officials and local wealthy people.

 The one thing they have in common is that they are rich.

And the heart is dark, cunning, and vicious.

Jing Shirong observed around and found that they were not only discussing business at the wine table, but also playing some perverted games.

 For example, betting on someone.

Each of the five bosses chooses a chess piece, using the girl as a chess piece. Each time he makes a move, he places a bet.

 The rules of the game are arbitrary.

For example, they would ask their men to take out whips and give each of the five girls a beating to see whoever begs for mercy first would lose.

 Girls will of course scream in pain when they are whipped.

They scream, which will affect the outcome of this group of bosses, and they will be pulled out to fill the river.

When the remaining girl looked at it, she was frightened and could only hold back and not dare to scream.

Such a scene where people are not treated as human beings is something that even a normal person cannot bear.

It just so happens that this group of perverted bosses play very passionately and spend a lot of money.

Jing Shirong felt that if he continued to watch, he would draw his sword.

He asked Brother Sen to steal the oil before Sister Yan came out, and poured oil into every corner of the brothel, planning to burn the place down that night.

 Seng Geer couldn't stand it anymore and left immediately.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang also went to help.

Jing Shirong couldn't stay out for too long, so he went back to the ninth floor.

 He returned to the private room and saw Sister Yan still talking to someone in the back room. He walked over and got closer to eavesdrop.

But there seems to be a master hidden inside. His steps are so light that the other party even notices him, which shows that his martial arts is not weak.

 “Who’s outside?”

Jing Shirong raised an eyebrow. He didn't expect the person inside had such good hearing.

Sister Yan smiled and smoothed things over, "It's my man. I made you laugh."

Hearing this, the boss sneered, "When did you have a man? Could it be that you have a second love?"

Sister Yan laughed and laughed at herself, "As I get older, I'm afraid of being lonely, so I just find someone to accompany me. I'll let you see the joke."

The boss looked outside with cold eyes and asked Jing Shirong, "Come in."

“I want to see what kind of person Sister Yan can like.”

Jing Shirong came in as he was told, still wearing a cape and hat on his head.

Seeing that he really dared to come in, Sister Yan felt very worried for him.

You know, the boss in front of her is even more ruthless than her.

 She just found a toy that was rare, and she didn’t want to let it die easily, as that would be boring.

She winked at Jing Shirong and said, "Come here quickly and give Mr. Tan a greeting."

Jing Shirong followed the instructions and clasped his fists, neither humble nor arrogant, "Mr. Tan."

This title seemed vaguely familiar. Where had he heard it before?

 But because of amnesia, I can’t remember it for a while.

If Qi Yuanming was here, he would probably know who he is.

 Old Tan has a cross scar on his face. The black eyes are very gloomy. When looking at people, their eyes are like sharp knives, making people's scalp numb.

Jing Shirong looked at him and knew that he was not a simple person.

This man has sinister eyes, and he looks like someone who has been stained with a lot of blood.

Especially because of the rotten smell on his body, he is a heinous person no matter how you look at it.

 When Mr. Tan saw that he dared to look at him so directly, he smiled instead of getting angry.

He said to Sister Yan, "Not bad. The toy you see is a bit brave."

In the past, few of the guests dared to look at him like this at first sight. This was a good sign.

  Breaking news, please support (▽`), Oli~



 (End of this chapter)

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