Chapter 549: The weirdness of the inn

When the waiter heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's right. There are many of us, so there is really no need to be afraid."

 In addition, the inn is owned by them, and this place is also their base. It is true that he is worrying too much.

“Then we should arrest those two women first that night?”

Sister Yan waved her hands in annoyance, "Catch them all. I think that woman is in good shape, I think she is a top-notch woman."

“The yellow-haired girl is also good. She will be worth money if she takes two years to change her appearance.”

 “As for the old man, just bury him.”

 When he was old, he was not good-looking either, so he got into trouble.

 The old man who is eavesdropping from the rafters.

 It’s OK to say he’s always good, but I can’t bear to say he’s ugly.

 He was angry, so he sprinkled some medicine on Sister Yan’s hair.

Let’s see if she can still be so arrogant tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!

Sister Ying asked, "What medicine did you give her?"

The old naughty boy smiled and said, "Medicine for baldness."

Sister Ying. “Ruthless enough.”

 Let alone women, men are afraid of going bald. This medicine is poisonous enough.

Sister Yang came over fearfully and asked, "Why hasn't my brother-in-law come back yet? Why are they gone?"

Sister Ying coughed and said, "It's okay, he's just looking for trouble."

 After a while, Qi Yuanming came back.

 He came in through the window.

 Drilling is very hard.

The windows of this inn are all made smaller, and it seems that they are used to prevent guests from escaping.

Qi Yuanming squeezed in and asked them to lock the door before telling them.

“Seng Geer and I checked outside and found nothing.”

 But the less it is found, the more suspicious it becomes.

“I guess all the thugs in this store are sleeping on the first floor.”

 Generally, in such black shops, people sleep during the day and work at night.

Since the thugs are not nearby, they must be sleeping on the first floor.

Sister Ying recalled the layout of the first floor. There were indeed more than a dozen small rooms, and they were all closed. Those people must be sleeping in them.

Seeing that Jing Shirong was not there, Qi Yuanming asked, "Where is A Jing?"

Sister Ying, "Go downstairs. I guess I'm looking for those people."

Qi Yuanming nodded, "Exactly. I just received a letter from the capital's spy." It said that the emperor also knew about the problems here and was sending people over to rectify them.

Upon hearing this, Sister Ying felt that the emperor was quite caring for the country and the people, at least he knew how to consider the people.

Qi Yuanming nodded without refuting, "This is true."

The emperor has an unstable temperament, but he really cares about the people, otherwise he and Jing Shirong would not have sacrificed their lives for him.

But the emperor had his own purpose in everything he did.

This time he sent people to clean it up. It is estimated that there is something valuable for him to earn here, otherwise he would not send people all the way here to clean it up.

 It is said that a large number of teams have been sent.

Sister Ying was curious, "Is there anything here that worries Your Majesty? Could it be gold?"

Last time it was a jade mine, what will it be this time?

Qi Yuanming shook his head, "I don't know. But it should be worth a lot of money."

 Having followed the emperor for many years, Qi Yuanming had a certain understanding of the emperor's urinary properties.

Although the emperor loved his country and his people, he loved himself even more.

 He wanted to ensure peace and prosperity for the country and the people, enrich the treasury, and fatten up soldiers and horses, so that he could securely sit on the throne.

 Only when he is on the throne can he be so devoted to his duties. Otherwise, he would not have been so patriotic before he ascended the throne.

Especially for such chaos in distant places, he basically ignored it and left it directly to the local officials.

 Unless there is a big deal here where he can make a fortune.

Hearing this, Sister Ying was speechless and funny. She didn't expect that the emperor loved money as much as his life.

Qi Yuanming agreed, "That's right." It's just that he can't show it on the face, so he and Jing Shirong have to help him earn money in private.

Sister Ying guessed, "Then what big profit is there in this store that would attract Your Majesty's attention?"

Qi Yuanming shook his head, "I don't know yet. Let's wait and see in the evening."

"But you can't stay here any longer. I'll take you out first."

As he was saying this, the waiter came up again.

Qi Yuanming hurriedly hid under the bed.

 But he got stuck because his legs were too long.

Sister Yang quickly ran over and asked him to hide on the bed, while she pulled the curtain and lay down herself.

 The waiter heard the movement and hurriedly came in to check.

However, he saw Sister Ying and the ancient **** sitting at the table enjoying tea, and glanced at the room suspiciously.

 “Who spoke just now?”

Sister Ying gave him a cold look, "What's wrong with us?"

The little boy was smiling but not smiling at all. He walked in and patrolled. "Really? Is it possible that there is a rat? Let me look for it for you?"

He walked towards the bed with suspicious eyes, but Sister Ying came over to block him.

"What are you doing? My sister just said she felt dizzy and felt like vomiting, so she ran over and lay down for a while. What's wrong with you, a grown man, watching a little girl sleep?"

Hearing this, the waiter smiled and said, "Aren't I worried about your sister?"

“Otherwise, can you please find a doctor for your sister?”

Sister Ying also had the same smile but said, "Okay. Then you can go. It just so happens that the three of us are dizzy. You go to the doctor to prescribe some medicine for us. We don't know what's going on and why we are so sleepy."

Seeing their sleepy faces, the waiter guessed that the medicine had taken effect. He smiled like an old fox and said, "Okay, you go and lie down first. I'll call the doctor right away."

 After saying that, he looked around the room before closing the door and going out.

As soon as he closed the door, he clicked and locked it.

Qi Yuanming got off the bed and asked Sister Yang, "Did you eat the food here just now? I think you are a little tired too?"

 Sister Yang yawned.

 “Eat a little.”

Mainly she wanted to see how well she could handle the drug, but she still felt sleepy.

Seeing this, Qi Yuanming hurriedly patted her little face and said, "Don't sleep yet. I'll take you out first."

Sister Ying asked, "Where can you take her?"

This place is unfamiliar to people, and it is someone else's chassis. Where can I hide Sister Yang safely?

Qi Yuanming had enough experience in going out and told her confidently, "I have found a safe place when I went out just now, so I will take Sister Yang there."

 Seeing that Sister Yang was sleepy, he picked her up, squeezed her through the window and went down.

Sister Ying asked Gu Gu, "Should we go too?"

  Gu waved his hand and said, "Just go. I'll stay and help."

Based on his many years of experience, there must be a battle here at night.

After all, he had developed feelings for the children. He couldn't let it go. He had to make sure that the children were all safe.

Qi Yuanming went to hide Sister Yang, but he didn't come back.

 I don’t know what happened?

Sister Ying almost fell asleep waiting in the room.

 As if ancient and predictable, he touched his goatee and gave her a poison pill.

 “Eat it and then go to sleep, for there will be a battle in the night.”

Sister Ying also wanted to fight hand in hand with them, so she agreed and went to lie down for a while to recharge her batteries.

 In ancient times, I also took one, and then went up to the rafters to sleep for a while.

 When the sun went down, the lights of this inn slowly turned on.

Sister Ying woke up feeling full of energy and in good spirits.

She got up, stretched, drank some water she brought with her, and then opened the window to see what was going on outside.

 (End of this chapter)

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