The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 548: , put a long line to catch big fish

Chapter 548: Take a long-term approach to catch big fish

The abductive mother -in -law chased over and saw that they hadn't moved, saying, "What are you doing? Hurry up."

 What should I do if the duck that reaches its beak suddenly flies away?

The thugs said, "She has delicate skin and tender flesh. We are afraid that she will get damaged and not be able to sell her at a good price."

Just now, Sister Ying deliberately pinched the back of her hand in front of them.

 Then the back of the hand became visibly red. It was very red and didn't fade away for a while.

 Such a large red mark on such fair skin is very dazzling at first sight.

These thugs have sold many beauties, so they naturally know the preferences of their customers. How dare they damage the skin of the beauties, so they just stand still.

After hearing this, the kidnapper kicked them, "Idiots. I dare not do anything and I won't use smoke to knock her out!"

  The thugs then realized, "Oh, I forgot about it."

I was so stunned by this little girl just now that I forgot about my old profession.

 The thugs looked at each other and asked the one at the front, "Sprinkle some smoke on her."

Sister Ying glanced at Jing Shirong above her head, and when she saw that he hadn't come down yet, she became angry and pointed at him and yelled.

"Jing. They are going to arrest your wife and sell her. Are you just going to watch it?"

Jing Shirong saw that she spoke first, and he felt pleased, but he said arrogantly, "You don't want to be caught? Then why don't you beg me?"

 Begging him, he reluctantly helped her.

Sister Ying is not used to his bad habits.

  I yelled at him with my hands on my hips, "Do you want to help or not? They will sell me to other men in a while, and it will be you who will be embarrassed."

"When the time comes, I will give birth to two more children, so that you can have some green on your head. Whoever sees it can ask for it."

Jing Shirong’s forehead veins were exposed, obviously he couldn’t bear it.

He angrily pulled the sharp branches from the tree, and directed his inner strength at the group of thugs in the alley.

 “Ah! My nose.”

The thugs obviously didn't expect the people on the roof to have such skills, and they were all frightened.

 They originally thought that the other side would jump down and fight them at most.

Who would have thought that he would scratch their faces just by pulling off a few branch branches.

Several thugs' eyes and noses were injured, and they all squatted down in pain and shouted, "Old woman, get a doctor quickly."

The abduction did not expect that she would encounter hard stubble today, and she was scared to run.

Jing Shirong held a stone between his hands, shot it with a cold expression, and hit the kidnapper on the leg.

 “Ouch, my legs.”

 This is really embarrassing.

When Qi Yuanming and the others came over, they saw people lying on the ground.

He has rich experience in arresting people. As soon as he saw this scene, he knew what was going on.

 “Wait, I’ll report to the official.”

The yamen servants came quickly and took the person away.

Just as he was about to ask questions, Jing Shirong and the others had disappeared.

In the carriage, Sister Ying raised her chin proudly and said to Jing Shirong, "Isn't it that I won't save you? If you have the ability, don't take action."

Jing Shirong became angry when he saw how successful a villain like her was.

 But looking at this beautiful face, half of the anger was gone.

 Don’t blame those kidnappers for not wanting to hurt her.

It is a pity to have such a beautiful skin injured.

So he got out of the car, bought a black curtain hat, put it on her tightly, and never let her take it off again.

Sister Ying also felt that her outstanding appearance was too troublesome, so she always wore a curtain hat.

 Even when I came to this inn today, I always wore my hat.

The reason why Jing Shirong took off the curtain hat just now was mainly because he wanted to put a long line to catch big fish.

This inn was weird and strange, and the waiter looked at him and Sister Ying directly. No matter how he looked at it, he looked like the kidnapper looking at the goods before.

Sure enough, as soon as he took off his curtain hat, the waiter's eyes immediately lit up, as if he had seen some rare treasure. Then the innkeeper’s wife came over.

The old woman looked at him with a straightforward and greedy look, which was not the look of a serious person at first glance.

But she was more perverted than the kidnapper, and she directly targeted him, which made him unhappy.

  Like this meeting.

After the old woman named Sister Yan took him into a room, she closed the door with a smile on her face.

 “Little brother, I have everything in this house, what do you want to play?”

Jing Shirong wrinkled his nose and secretly thought that the smell of smoke in the room was too strong.

 When you smell it carefully, you can see that the smell of smoke is mixed with the smell of fat powder and even some other rusty smells.

 He ​​smelled it carefully and found that the rusty smell might be blood.

It seems that this inn not only buys and sells by force, but may also accept its fate.

Jing Shirong quickly looked around the room and saw that the room was messy and there was a lot of powdered medicine. There must be a lot of stolen goods hidden here.

Sister Yan was very charming when she saw him standing still with a cold face and ignoring others.

She took off her coat, walked over with a wicked look in her eyes, swung her waist and swung her hips close to Jing Shirong, and her two big hands painted in bright red were about to hug Jing Shirong's neck.

Jing Shirong turned around and moved away to avoid her touch.

He is tall and tall, with a noble temperament. The colder and more distant he is, the more charming he becomes.

Even a veteran in love like Sister Yan is obsessed with him.

The more Jing Shirong hid, the more Sister Yan got up and continued to pounce.

“Come on, little brother, even though I am older than you, I understand men very well. If you follow me, you will not suffer any loss.”

These greasy words and greasy movements made Jing Shirong feel sick to his stomach.

While refusing to welcome her, he whetted the woman's appetite while looking around the room.

 It wasn't until he saw what was in the house clearly that he grabbed Sister Yan's hand, Jun's face was disgusted.

 “I’m not interested today. Let’s call it a day.”

Seeing how cold and arrogant he was, Sister Yan couldn't get angry even if she wanted to. She smiled with big red lips and said, "Okay, okay, I'm not interested now, then tomorrow? Or in the evening?"

 “Still you don’t like this room? Then I’ll give you another room?”

Jing Shirong glanced at her coldly, with a very cold air.

   It happened that Sister Yan called him this way.

 The less he loves her, the more she loves him.

Jing Shirong didn't want to stay with her any longer, so he opened the door and went upstairs.

Sister Yan chased her out in an infatuated manner, "Brother, please don't stay upstairs. I'll arrange a new room for you."

Jing Shirong gave her a cold look and said, "Whatever."

 After saying that, he actually didn’t go upstairs, but walked around the inn like a master with his hands behind his back.

The more Sister Yan looked at him, the more she liked him. She even liked his back, and actually let him wander around the inn.

Seeing this, the waiter frowned and came over and asked, "Sister Yan, what? Are you just letting him wander around the inn like this?"

 Don't let him see anything.

Sister Yan took a puff of hookah and snorted, "What are you afraid of? Who haven't we met in so many years?"

But is it a young son, can you still go out of the sky?

The waiter was worried, "But this guy looks like he's good at martial arts, so we'd better be on guard."

 Don’t get into trouble if you meet a master soon.

Sister Yan rolled her eyes at him, "When did you become so timid?"

 It’s not like those who came to the inn in the past had never been experts.

 There was a martial arts master who came here before, but wasn't she also able to defeat him?

 Besides, how can these few people cope with a room full of people like her?

 (End of this chapter)

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