Chapter 550, check it out carefully

 “Why hasn’t Brother Qi come back yet?”

 Did something happen?

 Gu Gu stroked his goatee and reassured her, "I must be in trouble. But it's not a big problem, otherwise he would have asked for help."

With Qi Yuanming's skill, it is more than enough to lead Sister Yang to escape.

 So ancient is not worried.

 They probably encountered some small situation and couldn't get out, so they didn't come for so long.

 “What about Seng Geer? It’s been a day and I haven’t seen him.”

 Gu Gu whispered to her, "He is looking for your man."

When he was downstairs at noon, he saw the figure of Brother Seng, and he should have gathered with Jing Shirong.

 This meeting is downstairs.

After Jing Shirong visited the first floor of the inn, he went to look at the second floor.

Seeing his straightforward inspection, Sister Yan was not angry at all. Instead, she liked it very much. She held a hookah in her hand and asked him with a smile, "What? Haven't you seen enough?"

 “Are you trying to see what’s going on in my inn?”

Jing Shirong raised his head and glanced at her coldly, speaking in a wild voice, "What? You won't let me see it?"

Sister Yan loved his pulling power and couldn't help but swallow her saliva, looking at him like an old nympho.

 “Let, let, let, you can look at it however you want. It’s up to you.”

After saying that, he licked his big red lips towards Jing Shirong.

Jing Shirong frowned slightly and almost felt sick.

 Fortunately, he had enough determination to hold it back.

He went up to the second floor and walked around in a condescending manner, as if patrolling his own territory, but actually observing the layout and institutions here.

Although he couldn't remember clearly what happened in the past, he had a vague impression that he seemed to be familiar with things like mechanisms.

 He took a look around and found that there were indeed hidden mechanisms on the second floor. They were places where arrows were hidden.

There is still room left to go to the kitchen.

But the kitchen has already been poisoned, so as long as those people eat the drugged dinner, they will all be infected.

He listened to the heavy breathing on the first floor and estimated that there were twenty-five tall and strong thugs living on the first floor.

Those people's breathing is strong and powerful, presumably their martial arts are not weak.

 Plus, the landlady dared to let them roam around as they pleased, so she must have great confidence in her men.

 I just don’t know where she will sell all the people? To whom?

Moreover, the government here did not investigate, which can only be due to two reasons.

 First, it cannot be found. We couldn't find any evidence that this inn was selling people, so there was nothing we could do against them.

 The second is knowing but not daring to offend. Or was bribed.

 If it’s the former, it’s easier to say.

 If it is the latter, it can only mean that there must be a long list of corrupt officials behind this business line.

Qi Yuanming threw a note to him at noon, which meant that he could take care of things here if he could. After all, he still holds an official position, so he should help the common people when they need help.

Their grievances with the emperor were just grievances. But in his position, he seeks his responsibilities.

 When an official encounters a problem with the people, he must still help.

Although Jing Shirong could not remember what happened before, he still had the sense of responsibility as an official, so he thought he would investigate the matter carefully.

The sun has completely set on the mountain, and the sky outside the door is dark.

 The waiter and the landlady looked at each other before going to light the lantern.

Jing Shirong walked outside and watched him light lanterns. There were twenty-five lanterns in total, each one bright red and very eye-catching.

 He looked at the other inns on both sides of the street. There were also twenty-five lanterns, but they were normal dim yellow lanterns.

 Other people who passed by here hid far away.

 Obviously I am afraid of this inn.

 At this time, this store was like a "cannibal store". Everyone who saw it consciously stayed away for fear of being eaten alive.

Seeing that Jing Shirong had been watching outside, Sister Yan twisted her waist and came over, placing her slender and rough hands on Jing Shirong's shoulders. “Little brother, what are you looking at?”

Jing Shirong glanced back at her, "I'm wondering why your lanterns are redder than others'."

Upon hearing this, Sister Yan raised the corners of her lips coldly, with a dark smile.

 “Want to know?”

After dark, she had big red lips, as if she was eating human blood. No wonder other people took a detour when they saw this place.

Sister Yan looked at those timid people and said with disdain, "They are just a bunch of trash. With a red lip like this, they thought I was applying human blood."

 She said something so wicked, she started laughing coquettishly after she said it, which scared the kids next door to tears.

Jing Shirong looked at the fishy smell on her body and must have been involved in a lot of lawsuits.

He glanced at her steps and saw that although she was tall, her steps were very light. She must be an expert.

 It seems that you need to pay more attention at night.

 He entered the room and asked Sister Yan, "What do you want to eat tonight? I'm hungry."

Sister Yan smiled sweetly and said, "Look, I forgot. What do you want to eat?"

Jing Shirong looked at her with charming black eyes, "Whatever you usually eat, I will just follow."

 He has a masculine appearance.

Especially when the black eyes are looking at someone seriously, they can make the person's heart beat faster.

Even though Sister Yan is used to seeing handsome men, she was still seduced.

She grinned with big red lips and her eyes were unclear, "You want to eat what I usually eat?"

 “I’m afraid you won’t be able to get used to it.”

Jing Shirong pretended not to understand, "Why can't you get used to it?"

  meaning it’s just food, there’s nothing you can’t get used to.

Sister Yan didn’t know whether he really didn’t understand or pretended not to understand, but she was particularly interested.

"Okay, okay, just pretend I didn't say anything. Then just eat the same thing as me." After saying that, he raised his red lips and asked the waiter, "Go and prepare dinner."

The waiter frowned, not liking Sister Yan being seduced by this man, and advised her, "This man is very cunning, don't let him deceive you."

Sister Yan didn't appreciate it and kicked him, "Go if you are told. Do you have any say in this?"

Seeing that she didn’t recognize a good person, the waiter also got angry and snorted, “Just go.”

An old woman, she thinks that she is great just by making some money?

If he had come a few years earlier than her, maybe he would be the owner of this store, huh.

 Sooner or later he will trample this woman under his feet.

 After a while, the food was served.

 There are five small plates in total.

A new water tobacco was placed on top. A refreshing medicine, a box of big red rouge.

There is also Ten Thousand Dark Soup, which smells particularly bitter and does not look like normal medicine at first glance.

 The last plate contains a bowl of rice and meat dishes.

Sister Yan replaced the new tobacco, lit it, took a puff, and exhaled a wisp of white smoke. She looked particularly sloppy when smoking.

She stretched out her red-nailed hand, pushed the plate of rice over, and told Jing Shirong, "Eat it. After you finish it, you will be mine."

  "From now on, please don't have any foreign thoughts, otherwise, I will eat you."

 When she said this, her eyes were poisonous and a little sick.

  Looking like a madman under the smoke.

Jing Shirong glanced at the bowl of meat and vegetables without moving his chopsticks.

Before he had eaten, the door to the first floor room was opened.

The thugs seemed to have woken up when the time came, and they opened the door together. The smell of meat and wine suddenly came out, and it was a very foul smell.

The waiter was not surprised and asked them, "Do you guys want to eat?"

If you like cute babies, you can also read the book "Daily Life of Group Pets Dressed as Cute Babies".

There is also a free quick-traveling book with a lot of words. If you are interested, you can read it, "The bosses cried and begged me for forgiveness after being transformed into cannon fodder"



 (End of this chapter)

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