Chapter 544, Sky-high Price Inn

 The emperor never heard from them in the capital, so he threw two teacups angrily.

“Where have those two brats gone? Are they still at Yaowang Island?”

The personal **** answered cautiously, "It's probably because the poison has not been cured yet. It is said that Yaowang Island is filled with smoke, so it may be difficult to find it."

 The emperor naturally knew this, but he was impatient.

“In the past, I felt that they were easy to use, quick to do things, and had good minds and souls. They handled things very well without my instructions.”

 But this time it seems that no matter how smart a person is, he will sometimes make a mistake.

 It seems that we cannot pin all our hopes on them, and we still need to cultivate more talents.

“Go and bring those ten people up to me.”

 Eunuch, "Yes."

 This head.

Jing Shirong and the others took a carriage along the road and arrived at the state capital.

 They have been living peacefully in the past few months, and have not received any more letters from the emperor.

 The emperor must have given up on them and found someone else.

Qi Yuanming knew without guessing, "His Majesty will probably give us a cold shoulder when we go back this time, and he might even remove us from our posts."

Jing Shirong looked at him, "Are you afraid?"

Qi Yuanming shrugged, "What am I afraid of? It's nothing."

 It’s just that he was fired. The worst he could do was to do something else.

"By the way. Ah Jing, I also want to learn how to do business from you. You can teach me when you get back."

During this period, Sister Ying paid for their meals and drinks. Sometimes Sister Yang wanted to buy something, but he was short of money and wanted to make more money.

Jing Shirong’s memory has not yet recovered, and he doesn’t know what kind of business he will do.

He looked at Sister Ying and asked Qi Yuanming, "You ask her first, she probably knows a lot."

During this period, he has been observing Sister Ying.

Seeing that she paid and changed money very neatly, there was not even a copper penny missing.

 Sometimes the boss couldn't figure it out, but she did it immediately and gave her just enough change.

It can be seen that this woman must have good abacus, and she may also do some business in the future.

 This is something Qi Yuanming knows.

 He praised, "It's not that I envy you, it's that your sister Ying knows everything."

“You can open an inn, take care of accounts, and cook delicious meals. The key is that you have a kind heart. Just be content and don’t be cold-faced with her all the time. Be careful about the day when she doesn’t love you anymore.”

Jing Shirong raised his chin coldly, obviously not believing that she would not love him.

Didn’t you see that she had to put everything into his mouth these days?

It can be seen that this woman still loves him very much, but she just doesn't say it.

Qi Yuanming.

 “That’s really not the case.”

Jing Shirong is a picky eater after losing his memory. Sister Ying is afraid that his nutrition is not balanced, so she puts food in his mouth that he doesn't want to eat and makes sure that he eats it.

She came to feed her again and again, and Jing Shirong knew something. Every time she deliberately refused to eat this or that, she waited for others to feed her.

Sister Ying didn't know that he did it on purpose.

 But I still feed him again and again, just because I want him to be in good health.

After hearing this, Qi Yuanming's teeth were sore, "You two are really good. One is willing to beat and the other is willing to suffer."

After arriving at the state capital, the bustling and crowded atmosphere suddenly came over.

As soon as you step into the city gate, you can feel the spaciousness and liveliness of the streets.

When Sister Yang saw how prosperous the place was, she wanted to go to the inn to wash her hair and take a bath.

 She hasn't taken a bath for a long time and she's feeling sour.

 When you go out, washing is the most inconvenient thing.

 That’s why they only take a bath for a long time.

 Luckily it’s spring and the weather isn’t too hot yet, so I won’t sweat so much. Sister Yang took the lead in finding a very gorgeous-looking inn, and asked Sister Ying coquettishly, "Sister, do we still have money?"

If she had money, she would like to live in this big inn so that she could go in and wash up.

Sister Ying touched her pocket and knew she still had a lot of banknotes. She waved her hand generously, "Okay. Go in and book a private room."

Sister Yang cheered, "Yeah, okay, I'll go then."

She ran in happily, and Qi Yuanming followed to join in the fun and went there together.

Jing Shirong and Brother Sen set up the carriage before going in together.

As soon as you enter the door of the inn, a sweet smell comes from inside.

Sister Ying took a breath and wondered why the smell was so similar to rouge and gouache.

Although the fragrance is a bit fresher and not as tacky as powder, it still feels like the fragrance of a woman.

“Hey, how many people are you objectively?”

As soon as I came in, the waiter came over to greet me warmly.

“Do you guys want to go to the top or stay in a hotel?”

Sister Ying, "Stay in a hotel. Arrange three rooms and send us some lunch."

The waiter sighed enthusiastically, "Okay, please come this way."

 After that, take Sister Ying to the counter.

Sister Ying looked around the inn and saw that the inn was very luxuriously decorated, but it also had an air of luxury and indulgence in it.

I always feel that this inn is not run by a male boss, but a female boss.

Just as she was thinking about it, Sister Yang ran over to her excitedly and whispered to her, "Sister, this inn is very expensive. Three rooms cost 3,000 taels, which is a big deal. How about we switch to another hotel?" "

 Ordinary inns only have about ten liang.

 There are also luxurious one thousand taels.

 But this one costs 3,000 taels per opening, which is indeed a bit expensive.

In addition to being big and golden, this inn gives people the feeling of suddenly getting rich, and it has no other valuables. It is incomparable to Yipinzhai.

 But the price is almost as high as Yipinzhai.

Sister Ying also thought it was strange here, so she looked at Jing Shirong and asked him if he could live there?

Jing Shirong walked out directly and said, "Change."

 Obviously he doesn't want to live here either.

Seeing him leaving, Sister Ying called to everyone, "Let's go to another house."

When the waiter saw that they were about to leave, he went to stop them with a smile on his face and said, "Oh, sir, don't leave. What's wrong with the shop? It makes you just turn around and leave? It's really sad."

 “Is the price too expensive, or do you feel dissatisfied with it?”

Sister Yang said bluntly, "It's really too expensive. We don't have that much money."

The waiter looked them up and down and saw that they looked like people from a wealthy family, not like people without money.

Having been a waiter for so many years, he can still tell at a glance who has money and who doesn't.

These people don’t look like they have no money at all.

“The guest officer is joking, there are basically all our branches on this street, and the price is the same when you go out. It’s better not to go, as it will save your feet from walking too much.”

He stopped her and refused to let her go, which made Sister Ying suspicious.

“You said, this street is full of your branches?”

The waiter smiled like a fox, "Yes, this whole street is basically owned by our family. It will be the same if you go further."

 Looking at this situation, are you trying to stop them from leaving?

Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong looked at each other and had a hunch that there must be something fishy here.

Sister Ying understood what they meant and asked with a smile, "But the price is indeed a bit expensive. We need to save some money when we go out, so we can't spend it all in one go."

The waiter was like an old fox, "Look at what you said, three thousand taels for a three-bedroom apartment, how can it be expensive? There is also a one-bedroom apartment on this street that costs three thousand taels. Our price is affordable. "

 (End of this chapter)

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