Chapter 543, Letter from the Emperor

Jing Shirong frowned slightly, was he surprised that he didn't hand over the management of his property to this woman?

 He considers himself not a stingy person. Now that he has a wife, he will definitely not be stingy.

 Did he not trust this woman before he lost his memory?

 Otherwise, why wouldn't she know how much property she has?

Sister Ying.

“Put away your imagination. We are running outside every day, so we don’t have time to look at your property.”

They are not people who are in the capital every day, so how can they have time to see those things.

 Plus they have capable stewards around them. Unless it's a big deal, the little things will be solved by themselves.

 Furthermore, Jing Shirong keeps a low profile. Many of his properties are kept privately and have not been brought to the public.

Of course it’s not convenient to check the accounts one by one, it’s up to the stewards to manage them.

After Jing Shirong heard her explanation, he no longer doubted it, but asked her, "Didn't I give you any money?"

 Because his pockets were empty and he didn’t have a single coin, which showed that he didn’t have any money on him.

Sister Ying turned her eyes and pretended not to know, "You don't even remember, how can I remember?"

 Don't tell him.

 Let him guess.

Seeing the stalemate between the two of them, the waiter laughed and said, "Two of you, who will pay the bill?" Are you out of money?

Sister Ying was also bad. She pointed at Jing Shirong and asked the waiter, "Look for him. He wants to buy his own drink. I'm not familiar with him."

 Jing Shi Rong.

This woman is really vindictive.

 He said he was not familiar with her before, but now she got revenge on him.

Sister Ying raised her chin proudly and hummed, letting him figure it out.

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows coldly and asked the waiter, "That's my wife. She's quarreling with me. Ask her for money. She has plenty of money in her bag."


As soon as the waiter heard that Sister Ying was rich, he immediately walked towards Sister Ying with a playful smile.

“Madam, please settle the bill here.”

Sister Ying was so angry and funny that she had no choice but to go check out with the waiter.

They bought a large jar of tribute wine and left out other small wines for fear of taking up space in the carriage.

 Seng Geer put the wine in the carriage and the group continued to move forward.

Until they walked to a noodle shop, the aroma of beef noodles filled the air, making them greedy.

She sniffed and said, "I seem to smell the aroma of beef noodles. Do you smell it?"

 The aroma of beef is still very recognizable, and Seng Geer and Gu Gu also smelled it.

 The three of them swallowed their saliva together, they were all greedy.

Even Jing Shirong glanced at the noodle shop.

Sister Ying saw that they were all hungry, so she walked over and asked the boss for six bowls of beef noodles.

The boss smiled and said, "What a coincidence that you came here. The piece of beef that just arrived in the morning has just been cooked and you can smell it."

Sister Ying smiled and asked him in a low voice, "Do you sell beef jerky at home? I want to buy some for dry food on the road."

The boss looked around and whispered back to her, "Yes, there are, but you can't say you bought them from us."

 It is strictly forbidden to kill cattle nowadays, and beef is basically killed by a fall.

But even if it’s legal, bosses don’t like to yell loudly, lest some people who can’t buy it still come to make trouble, which will only cause trouble.

Sister Ying nodded to the boss, "Don't worry, I know. If you sell me more, I'll take it all."

The boss saw that she didn't seem like she was bragging. He looked outside and said, "Okay, I'll take care of it for you."

Jing Shirong and the others went to sit at the table first, waiting for the beef noodles to be served.

The waiter brought them beef noodles one after another. Jing Shirong turned around and saw that Sister Ying had not come yet, so he was considerate enough to cover her bowl of noodles for fear that the noodles would get cold.

Sister Ying and the shopkeeper went to pack the beef jerky and put it in the carriage after buying it.

When she came over, Jing Shirong listened to the footsteps and then took off the lid of the bowl of noodles.

When Sister Ying came over, she was still steaming when she saw her. She looked at the cover on the side and raised the corner of her mouth, feeling like she was in a mirror.

Jing Shirong didn’t seem to look at her and just ate his own food.

Qi Yuanming and the others went to the drugstore to buy medicine. They smelled the aroma of beef noodles and almost drooled.

“Wow, it smells so good~” It’s been a long time since he had beef noodles.

Sister Ying asked them to sit down and said, "Eat it while it's hot. It'll be lumpy when it's cold."

Qi Yuanming said "Alas" and wiped Sister Yang's chair quickly with his hands and feet, and they sat down to eat noodles together.

He asked for noodles in big mouthfuls, and his voice was so "swishy" that the onlookers outside the door were all greedy.

Sister Yang glanced at him and scolded him, "Don't chirp while eating." It was so noisy.

Qi Yuanming said "Oh" and the sound of eating noodles immediately became quieter.

 But he still kept his head down and ate happily.

Sister Yang was helpless, shrugged and asked the waiter to have another bowl.

Compared to the slow pace of Brother Sen and his eldest brother-in-law, the big guy eats like a pig.

Qi Yuanming was disliked by her so much that it didn't matter anymore and he just enjoyed his meal.

Sister Ying also ate two bowls. After she was full, she patted her belly and burped with satisfaction. "full."

Jing Shirong wiped his mouth slowly and glanced back at her belly, as if he wanted to see if her belly would get bigger after eating so much.

Sister Ying knew what he was looking at, so she patted her belly and showed him, "It's not big, don't worry, it won't hold up."

 She has eaten a lot since she was a child, not just today.

Jing Shirong snorted and said harshly, "Who cares about you."

Sister Ying also snorted and was too lazy to pay attention to him.

 After eating the noodles, they continued to set off.

The streets in this town are very long, and there is the sea along the way. It is estimated that it will take a long way to reach the state capital.

During the period, the emperor sent a carrier pigeon to look for him, and the creed told Jing Shirong and others to go back quickly, as there were still a lot of things to do in the capital.

Sister Ying asked, "What's the matter?"

Qi Yuanming shook his head, "I don't know what it is exactly yet. The letter didn't say anything."

 But I guess it’s not a good thing.

Qi Yuanming asked Jing Shirong, "Should we continue not to reply? What's going on?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "No need to reply, just put the creed back."

 He would like to see if they don't return to Beijing. Will there be chaos in the capital?

Qi Yuanming chuckled and said, "The capital will not be in chaos. But your Majesty will be in chaos."

Now the emperor is directing them to do things for him.

 If they don't go back, it will be difficult for the emperor to find anyone at the moment.

 Because of the injustice in the past few years, Qi Yuanming was too happy to go back.

 Let the emperor go in a hurry.

Sister Ying said worriedly, "If you don't go back for too long, will Your Majesty blame you?"

Qi Yuanming shrugged, "If you want to blame someone, you have to find a strong reason."

 They reported this to the emperor before going to Yaowang Island.

 It is possible to get lost at sea or encounter other emergencies.

 At that time, if you just make a random rumor, saying that you fell into the sea or got lost, what else can the emperor do?

 If he has the ability, he will find someone else.

 The emperor really found someone else.

When Qi Yuanming and the others still didn't reply, he couldn't find anyone, so he had to promote two spare talents.

 But those two people had no experience in missions, so they were still somewhat ineffective in using them.

 That’s why the emperor kept sending carrier pigeons out to look for him.

Qi Yuanming made up his mind not to reply to the message so early, so he continued to put the letter back as if he couldn't see it.

The flying eagle will not let them go back, so it will be difficult for the emperor to find them.

 (End of this chapter)

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