Chapter 545, encountering a black shop

 Sister Yang, everyone listening to this wanted to roll their eyes.

The price is so high and the price is so affordable? ?

Three thousand taels for just one night's sleep? What about grabbing money?

The waiter didn't say anything when he saw them. His attitude was that he would not refuse, and he smiled but didn't smile. "How many of you, please?"

Sister Ying turned back to look at Jing Shirong. Seeing Jing Shirong nodding, she followed the waiter upstairs.

This inn is really weird. They dare to buy and sell by force in broad daylight.

Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong also wanted to see who the owner of this inn was, who was actually doing business in broad daylight?

They went up to the third floor together, and the waiter took them to the first wing like a fox.

“Sir, this is the best inn in our hotel. I specially took the key and gave it to you first. Can you see it?”

He actually extended his hand towards Sister Ying, meaning she wanted a tip.

Sister Ying just smiled and said nothing. She looked at him for a while and then said, "How about changing to another room? We can live next door." It would be best if he didn't give a tip and would **** him off to death.

 When the waiter saw that she was so stingy, his face suddenly turned cold.

He no longer had the good attitude just now, and his tone turned cold in vain, "Oh, since you don't like it objectively, then just live on the second floor. There are more vacancies on the second floor, and it's cheaper."

After saying that, he glared at Sister Ying.

Jing Shirong saw him like this, his black eyes suddenly turned cold, and he glanced at him with a sinister aura.

He came over with a cold face, his tall body blocked in front of Sister Ying, and he gave the waiter a sharp look with his black eyes.

 “No, we’ll stay in this room.”

 After that, he pushed the door open and went in.

He was tall and had a cold breath. The waiter did not dare to confront him, so he could only step back and wipe the tablecloth, "Then you can do it yourself."

 After saying that, he hurried downstairs.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming looked at each other, opened the door and went in together.

The group of people entered the house and patrolled up and down the wing first, but didn't see anything strange.

But Jing Shirong was quick-thinking and quickly discovered a smoke hole in the wall.

This smoke hole looks like it was used to blow smoke for guests in the middle of the night.

Qi Yuanming also discovered something was wrong with the door lock.

He came over in a low voice and said, "This door lock is specially made. You only need a key from the outside to open it."

It can also be locked so that the people inside cannot get out.

Sister Yang exclaimed, "What should we do? What should we do if we ask someone to lock us in at night?"

This is a shady store. If I had known about it, I would not have come in.

Sister Ying was surprised, "Isn't this the state capital? In such a big place, how dare a black shop open in the open?"

Is it possible that the owner of this inn colluded with local officials?

 Or do their forced buying and selling only target foreign customers?

Jing Shirong’s eyes looked unclear, “You’ll know after checking.”

 Originally, they wouldn’t be able to take care of this kind of thing if they didn’t come.

Since I’m here and still trapped inside, I naturally have to check it out.

Qi Yuanming said, "Brother Sen and I will go and have a look."

Jing Shirong nodded, "Be careful, don't get blown away by the smoke."

Sister Yang took out the antidote in time and said, "If you take this, you won't be afraid of being smoked."

 Fortunately, they still have the little miracle doctor Yang Jie'er.

Qi Yuanming happily rubbed her head and told her, "Stay here and don't come out if you have nothing to do."

Sister Yang rarely said politely, "I know, you should be careful."

Qi Yuanming glanced at Jing Shirong and felt reassured about him, so he took Brother Sen down to investigate.

 It’s only noon, so it’s not easy to find out anything.

 You can only sleep outside first, so that you can get together inside and outside at night.

Sister Ying and the others waited in the wing for a long time, but no one came up.

Perhaps I didn’t tip the waiter just now, so no one even delivered the food.

Gu Gu touched the goat's beard and said, "I'll call him." He gave those people some medicine by the way.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang looked at each other and smiled, "Okay."

This inn is also unlucky to meet so many drug masters.

 At that time, we still don’t know who poisoned whom.

 At this time, the waiter was reporting in the private room downstairs.

 He bowed his head and was very respectful to the people in the private room.

“Sister Yan, those people look like quacks. Should we be more careful? Put more medicine in our meals?”

The one named Sister Yan is gorgeously dressed and tall. Her shawl is slightly loose on her shoulders and looks like it won't fall off. She is very charming.

 She was smoking a hookah in her hand, wearing heavy makeup, big eyes, and red lips, and she looked at people with a somewhat disdainful look.

 “How is the goods? Is it available for sale?”

The waiter recalled carefully, "Not bad. Of the four men and two women, except for one old man, the remaining three men are all good. They are very tall and have good figures."

“Of the two remaining girls, one is a yellow-haired girl and the other looks like a married woman.”

"Although they wear curtains and hats, judging from their figures, they are of the highest quality."

Sister Yan took a sip from the hookah and raised the corners of her mouth in a sneer.

 “Just sell what you can sell.”

 “The goods that have come in recently are all too tacky. Buyers are not happy.”

“Take advantage of tonight to drug those people, pack them up and send them away.”

The waiter clasped his fists respectfully and said, "Yes. Little one, let's go right now."

 Brother Sen and Qi Yuanming understood in the dark and continued to follow.

ˆ It turns out that this store is a famous "cannibal store" nearby.

Of course, it does not really eat people, it is just described as such by local people.

 There is no other reason.

Nearly all the handsome men or pretty girls who entered this store never showed up again.

 So people privately call this place "the cannibal shop."

Sister Ying did not expect that this store would be so bold, and dare to arrest people to sell it in broad daylight?

“Don’t all the officials here pursue the case? Or do the officials protect each other?”

 After Gu Gu went downstairs to prescribe medicine for the meal, he came up stroking his goatee and said, "It should be the latter."

 Trading people is a serious crime.

Especially since this store is so big, it is obvious that someone is backing it so it dares to be so blatant.

Sister Yang was a little scared, "Then what should we do?"

 She is a newbie and has always been well protected. This is the first time she has encountered this kind of thing.

Sister Ying hugged her shoulders and hugged her to give her a sense of security.

"It's okay. Brother Qi and the others are here."

“Besides, your bag is full of medicines, both poisonous and non-poisonous. You can save yourself, so don’t be afraid.”

Sister Yang patted her head and came to her senses, "Look at me, I'm so scared."

 With my eldest brother-in-law and eldest brother Qi here, there is really no need to be afraid.

In addition, the master is still here, casually spreading some poison and asking them to have fun.

Seeing that she was no longer afraid, Sister Ying touched her head and looked at Jing Shirong.

“Mr. sir, do we want to take care of this matter?”

Jing Shirong looked up at her, still in the mood to joke, "What? Are you scared too?"

 Otherwise, how could you call him Xianggong?

Sister Ying saw through him and hummed, "Who is afraid?"

Jing Shirong raised his eyes and looked at her deeply, pinched her fingers with his big hand and told her, "Don't be afraid, I won't let anything happen to you."

Whether he remembers her or not, at least now he regards her as his own and will not let anything happen to her.

Seeing that he knew how to comfort herself, Sister Ying leaned over and took the initiative to sit on his lap, holding his neck with her hands, her peach blossom eyes filled with water, "Then you have to protect me."

 (End of this chapter)

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