The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 502: , the sultry little dark horse

 Chapter 502, the arrogant little dark horse

Qi Yuanming sneered when he saw how jealous he was.

"You're almost done. Young Master Zhong is not interested in your sister Ying. Can't you see that he loves the third princess?"

 After Mr. Zhong got married to the third princess, he fell in love with the third princess even more and wanted to be with her every day.

 The third princess looks cold, but she is also special to Young Master Zhong.

   I didn’t notice that she looked at Mr. Zhong with an uneasy look before leaving.

If Jing Shirong hadn't been here, she probably wouldn't have been able to leave Mr. Zhong here.

Jing Shirong could see the difference between the third princess and Young Master Zhong. She was angry that she couldn't accompany Sister Ying, so she let the man in question take his time to spend time with Sister Ying. She was jealous.

Qi Yuanming ate the meat buns and laughed loudly, "Vinegar essence."

Getting jealous over the smallest thing will kill you, bitch.

Jing Shirong rolled her eyes at him and said back, "What do you know, a single guy?"

These words were often spoken by Sister Ying, and Qi Yuanming also understood them, and he immediately received 10,000 points of damage.

 “If you bully me again, I won’t bring you food next time!”

Jing Shirong said, "If you don't want to give it, I won't give it to you. Sister Ying will give it to me anyway."

 Qi Yuanming, "You!"

He also started to feel uncomfortable with this person named Jing. Who is he? Hmph!

Jing Shirong saw that he was so angry that his eyebrows were about to explode with anger. He was inexplicably funny, so he stopped teasing him.

  After eating enough, the flying eagle came over.

 It circled down from the sky and landed on Jing Shirong’s shoulder.

Jing Shirong touched its head, took off the letter, fed it some meat sticks and water, and then read the letter.

 The letter came from the emperor.

 The emperor wanted them to drive the Beiyi people back to Beiyi, and then rob them of their food and grass to see how they could strengthen their troops.

 He said in the letter that if the Beiyizi disobeyed, he would deal with it secretly.

 In short, don’t make the matter public, lest other ambitious neighboring people see it and use it as an excuse.

 The third princess roughly understood what the emperor meant and had already gone to solve the problem secretly.

With this remaining end, Jing Shirong plans to dig the jade mine for another half a month. If not much can be found, or the mountain collapses, he will prepare to bulldoze the mountain to prevent money-grubbing people from digging it.

Sister Ying prepares meals for them in the farmyard every day and delivers them on horseback when they are ready.

She is becoming more and more proficient in riding a horse, and can carry things with one hand and ride a horse with the other.

Jing Shirong gave Xiaohei to her and asked her to practice on the mountain every day.

Sister Ying wears men's clothes and a curtain hat every day, and comes up with lunch.

Xiao Heizi didn't put any effort on her at all. She twisted the horse's **** every day, wiggling around very coquettishly.

 Xiao Zi and Mr. Zhong watched from behind and laughed to death. They even asked Sister Ying, "Why don't you try putting a flower on it? See if it looks beautiful?"

Sister Ying thought the same thing, so she immediately picked a wild flower and pinned it to Little Black's ear.

Then he gave Xiao Hei a small mirror to look at the position of the little flower.

Xiao Hei is indeed Jing Shirong's horse. He is very smart. When he saw the flowers on his ears, he immediately became happy. The horse's head was raised high and its big round **** twisted and twisted, making it very coquettish.

Sister Ying and her children couldn’t stop laughing, thinking how could there be such a coquettish horse? It’s really the best among horses.

Jing Shirong saw them coming up happily and reached out to touch Xiao Hei's horse's head, but Xiao Hei dodged it.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "There is a flower on its head. Don't touch it, or you may drop it."

Jing Shirong looked over and saw a small yellow flower pinned to the horse's ear. He shook his head in confusion.

“Obviously he is a male, but he loves beauty more than the female.”

Sister Ying also laughed, "When I was a child, I thought it was very irritating, and as it got older, it became more exaggerated." But it's quite cute.

Jing Shirong raised the corners of his mouth and couldn't help laughing.

Sister Ying was at the side bringing him oranges to eat.

“No, oranges in winter are the sweetest, try it.” Break off a piece and feed it to his mouth.

 Seeing how affectionate they were, Mr. Zhong wished he could fly to the third princess immediately and peel oranges for her to eat.

 He came over and asked, "Brother Jing, when are we going to find the third princess?" He missed her.

 Jing Shirong, “Not that fast.”

The Prince of Beiyi still needs to be solved, and it won't be solved in ten days and half a month.

 In addition, it will take time here, so I’m afraid we have to let Mr. Zhong wait.

When Young Master Zhong heard that it would take so long, he couldn't bear it anymore and thought, "How about I go over and wait for the princess first? What if she misses me?"

 Jing Shirong, Qi Yuanming.

Qi Yuanming said, "Brother Zhong, I think you should stay here. The third princess will feel more at ease."

Jing Shirong was unselfish, "I won't let you go there privately, don't even think about it."

  The sick rice plant was kidnapped on the way, and they would not be able to explain it to the third princess.

As soon as Young Master Zhong heard that they would not let him go, his face fell instantly and he was very discouraged.

"You two, you don't know the pain of separation. The third princess of our family has never left me. You are simply inhumane."

 Ever since they got married, the two of them have been inseparable, riding horses together and eating together.

 It was the first time that they had been separated for so long. Young Master Zhong wanted to fly over to find the third princess.

But he also knew that he was a burden and would only hold her back, so he could only squat aside and count the fallen leaves.

Sister Ying was filled with sympathy and went over to persuade him, "Why don't you make a cloak for the third princess to pass the time?"

“And it’s quite cold today. No matter how strong the third princess is, she is still a girl, so she always needs to keep herself warm.”

Mr. Zhong was moved and immediately went to make a cloak for the third princess.

 “Okay, then please help me, brothers and sisters, to teach me.”

Sister Ying hummed and went down the mountain with him, also preparing to make a cloak for Jing Shirong.

The two of them went up the mountain together and went down the mountain together. Shi Rong was envious and jealous of the scenery they saw.

Qi Yuanming was very happy on the side, "How about you go down and accompany Sister Ying? I will follow you for a while. I really can't stand you."

Jing Shirong rolled her eyes at him and went into the mountain mine, too lazy to pay attention to him.

Qi Yuanming was left behind and hummed, "They will bully me."

 A few more days.

Jing Shirong checked the location of the jade in the mountain mine and saw that there were still a few places that could be dug, so he asked the diggers to be careful.

 After digging this pile, he planned to stop.

Sister Ying and Young Master Zhong are making cloaks in the farmyard, and they are almost done.

 The cloak is simple in style and can be made quickly as long as it is not embroidered.

Mr. Zhong doesn’t know how to embroider, but he wants to embroider his own words on the cloak.

Sister Ying taught him several times, but he couldn't do it. In the end, he could only write the words and embroider them by himself.

Sister Ying has also finished the cloak for Jing Shirong and wants to take it up the mountain to him tomorrow.

Jing Shirong was helping dig jade in the mountain mine. As he dug, he felt that the mountain seemed to be loosening.

He reacted very quickly and shouted, "No, the mountain is going to fall. Run!"

The diggers hurriedly ran out, and Jing Shirong dragged them out one by one.

 But there was a younger person inside who had not come out yet, so he could only seize the time to go in and save him.

Who knew that when we entered the deepest part, we didn’t see the young digger.

Jing Shirong shouted a few words, but received no response. He thought the other party had fainted, so he could only seize the time to rush in for rescue.

Good night(///▽///)



 (End of this chapter)

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