The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 501: , the third princess is here

Chapter 501, the third princess is here

When Qi Yuanming saw them rushing over with their swords drawn, he also picked up his sword and shouted to his subordinates, "Up!"

 The two parties started fighting like this.

Bei Yi attacked very ruthlessly, and every move would kill Qi Yuanming.

Qi Yuanming originally wanted to capture them alive, but when he saw that they were all determined to kill him, he refused.


Originally, for the sake of peace between the two countries, they didn't want to kill them, but this group of Northern Yizi obviously didn't want to let them live, so they had no choice but to fight.

Qi Yuanming has a small number of men, but he is more powerful in martial arts.

 It won’t take long to tell the difference between high and low.

  In addition, he had some drug on him, so after a few handfuls were thrown out, all these tall and mighty men fell down.

 “Tie up.”

Qi Yuanming had all these Beiyi people **** and thrown into a stone room, ready to deal with them when the third princess arrived.

 San Gong came quickly.

 Last month I sent her a message from Flying Eagle, and she happened to turn the corner before she had gone far.

Mr. Zhong followed behind her.

 As soon as I went up the mountain, I was quite happy to see Qi Yuanming.

“Brother Qi, long time no see.”

Qi Yuanming was also very happy to see them, "You are here."

 He will explain the matter here to the third princess and see how she will handle it.

The third princess asked someone to take Bei Yizi away and said, "I will take care of the aftermath. You can help me take care of the sick man and bring him to me later."

After saying that, he said "drive~" and rode away.

Young Master Zhong didn’t expect that she was going to leave him, so he hurriedly chased her on horseback, “Madam, where are you going!”

When the third princess saw him catching up, she had to stop and wait for him.

  Tell him to run slower, "I'm going to do something. Just stay here and wait for my news. When the matter is settled, I'll ask Qi Yuanming to bring you to me."

Mr. Zhong couldn’t bear to be separated from her and asked her, “How long will it take?”

The third princess saw how sticky he was and glared at him with disgust, but she still had to coax him, "It won't be long. Just wait here and don't run around."

 “If you let me know you are running around, watch your legs.”

Mr. Zhong knew that she had to go, so he had to take a step back and said aggrievedly, "I understand, then you should send the news back as soon as possible."

The third princess hummed, "I understand."

After saying that, he said "drive~" and took the people away.

After everyone left, Qi Yuanming came over to find Young Master Zhong, "Let's go, Brother Zhong, I'll take you down the mountain."

Qi Yuanming took Mr. Zhong down the mountain and took him to the farmyard to find Sister Ying and the others.

Jing Shirong had just arranged for Sister Ying and came out when he saw Young Master Zhong coming.

 He reacted, "The third princess is here?"

Qi Yuanming nodded, "Well, she took people to find Prince Beiyi. Young Master Zhong is temporarily staying with us."

Jing Shirong understood and asked Mr. Zhong to come in.

“Brother Zhong, please stay here for now. When the princess gets things done, we will take you to find her.”

 Master Zhong knew that he was a burden, so he had to deal with it obediently.

 “I know, then don’t forget about me.”

Seeing his aggrieved look, Sister Ying smiled and asked him to come in, "Brother Zhong, come over and make meat buns with us. We will fry the meat buns to eat in the evening. They will be delicious."

Mr. Zhong also liked the food cooked by Sister Ying, so he came in in a good mood.

Xiao Zi brought the meat fillings over and made buns with them.

Jing Shirong went up the mountain.

The jade mine has not been dug yet, so Jing Shirong plans to go to the cave to check the situation.

 As long as the main body of the cave is still safe, you can continue digging.

 If there is a risk of collapse, don't be prepared to dig. Qi Yuanming followed him into the cave. After checking, he found that it was quite safe and he could dig a little more.

Jing Shirong sent people down the mountain to find professional mining masters and listen to their opinions.

Those old masters said, "We can dig a little deeper, but if there is danger, we won't go."

Jing Shirong said yes, "Safety comes first. If there is danger, just come out."

 He is not an emperor and does not value money so much. Human life is the first priority.

The county magistrate saw people coming and going on the mountain at the foot of the mountain. He knew that Qi Yuanming was back, so he came up to take a look.

He looked Qi Yuanming up and down, pulled him aside and asked, "Master Qi, how was the jade you sold last time? Why didn't those group of Beiyi people come over?"

His mother was celebrating her seventieth birthday these days. He was busy doing this and didn't pay attention to the movements on the mountain. Naturally, he didn't know what was going on here.

In addition, he doesn't care about any of this. As long as the jade mine can be sold and Beiyizi can give him a share, he doesn't care what's going on in the mountains.

Qi Yuanming deceived him, "The jade was sold, but the silver was robbed. I was almost killed by those Beiyi people. Fortunately, I escaped with my life."

“But don’t worry, we still have jade mines, we just have to dig deeper into them, and then we will secretly transport them out and sell them ourselves.”

The county magistrate understood what he was saying, "All the money was taken away by those Northern Yizi?"

Then the hard work before was not in vain?

Qi Yuanming rolled his eyes at him, "It would be great if I can come back alive. Do you still have a choice?"

The county magistrate felt contempt in his heart, and secretly thought that this boy was really bad at everything, he only knew how to brag.

But he didn't show any shame on his face, just with a contemptuous attitude, "No, how could the official think so. It would be great if you could come back. However, the money has been taken away, so the official has no money to give you a luminous cup of wine." Well, you can stay in the mountains for the next few days, after all, you have no money."

 The implicit meaning behind the words is that I have no money and will not serve.

Qi Yuanming blew his beard angrily and glared, "You."

 What a realistic dog official.

Without getting the money, I just let him drink the northwest wind on the mountain and let him wait.

The county magistrate saw his livid face and was not afraid. He said perfunctorily, "Then I will resign."

 After saying that, he turned around and went down the mountain.

Qi Yuanming looked at his back and said, "Smelly old man! Who are you looking down on?"

Whoever says he has no money has all the money in his pocket, okay?

 He was beginning to resent the old man now.

And wait, when the jade is sold out, he will push forward this jade mine, and the provincial official wants to ask people to dig in it for money.

 When the cave collapses, the people will still suffer.

 When he pushes the mountain, the dog official will not be able to earn a cent.

At night.

Jing Shirong was guarding the mountain, while Qi Yuanming went down to get food.

Sister Ying had already wrapped the meat buns and brought them to him steaming hot. She also packed pork rib soup.

Handed it to him, "There are pork rib soup and meat buns in it. Brother Qi will take it up the mountain to eat with the brothers."

After saying that, he also gave him a cloak to give to Jing Shirong.

 “This is for my husband, Brother Qi will also bring one.”

Qi Yuanming felt warm in his heart when he saw that he had one too, "Thank you, Sister Ying."

 After saying that, he took the things and went up the mountain.

Jing Shirong was standing guard on the mountain, observing the situation down the mountain.

When Qi Yuanming gave him the cloak, he reached out to take it, lowered his head and smelled it. It smelled of Sister Ying, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

 Ask Qi Yuanming, "Has she eaten?"

Qi Yuanming shook his head, "Maybe I haven't eaten yet, and I'm still chatting with Brother Zhong."

Jing Shirong frowned when he heard this, "What is there to talk about with Brother Zhong?"

What a mistake. If I had known better, I would not have put the sick rice in the farmyard.

 After all, the sickly rice plant is not bad, and his sister Ying is the most beautiful.

 (End of this chapter)

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