The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 503: , the mountain mine suddenly collapsed! !

Chapter 503, the mountain mine suddenly collapsed!

 He looked inside for several times but didn't see anything.

 I realized that the other party should have gone out early, so I hurriedly ran out.

 But the mountain collapsed too quickly. Before he could run out, the entire mountain mine suddenly collapsed.

Jing Shirong was unable to dodge and was suddenly submerged in the mountain.

Qi Yuanming who was outside the mountain was startled when he heard the noise and rushed over.

 “A Jing?”

 When he rushed over, the entire mountain mine was still collapsing.

Qi Yuanming rushed inside without even thinking.

 The secret guards also rushed in.

But the tread inside was too heavy. As soon as Qi Yuanming walked in, he was blocked by a huge boulder.

 He shouted inside, "Ajing?! Are you in there?"

Jing Shirong had been hit by a big stone at this time. He was unconscious and unable to respond at all.

Qi Yuanming was extremely anxious and quickly asked people to move the large rockfall in front of him.

Sister Ying also felt the vibration on the mountain at the foot of the mountain. She panicked and hurriedly rode up the mountain.


As soon as she went up the mountain, she saw that half of the entire mountain mine had collapsed. Her heart skipped a beat and she rushed over.


Qi Yuanming heard her voice in the cave and hurriedly called her, "Don't come in!"

Sister Ying couldn't listen, so she jumped off her horse and rushed in.

 The rocks inside were still falling, so she couldn't care about it anymore and rushed in hastily.

The secret guard tried to pull her, but she waved it away.

 “Hurry in and save people!”

The secret guard was unmoved and only stood by her side to block the falling rocks.

Their mission is to protect her, and they will not leave without permission without Shi Rong's order.

Sister Ying couldn't call them, her eyes were wet, "Go and save people! Do you hear me?"

Seeing her coming in, Qi Yuanming turned around and called her, "Sister Ying, please go out first. A Jing is more worried about you here."

Jing Shirong, who was in a coma, seemed to hear her voice and moved his fingers on the stone.

 Finally, he struggled to take out the flute with sound from his pocket, put it to his **** mouth, and blew hard.


This beep was heard by people outside.

“Hurry, A Jing is inside.” Qi Yuanming quickly summoned everyone to dig out the rockfall in front.

Sister Ying also came over to dig together.

The group of people worked together to move the big stone away until they saw Jing Shirong's figure and hurriedly rushed in to lift the big stone that was pressing on him.

 “Quick, work hard together.”

The big stone on Jing Shirong's body was so heavy that several secret guards had to work together to lift it.

Sister Ying held back her tears, took out a heart-saving pill and stuffed it into Jing Shirong's mouth, and gave him water to drink it down.

"Brother Rong? Are you awake? You can't sleep."

Jing Shirong was half-conscious. He opened and closed his eyes. He took one last look at Sister Ying and then passed out.

Qi Yuanming swept away the stones on his body and quickly carried him out.

 The group of people ran out quickly.

As soon as we came out, the whole mountain collapsed.

There was a rumbling sound and the sand and dust rolled in, and the people at the foot of the mountain were alarmed.

Sister Ying hurriedly looked at Jing Shirong’s injury.

 Seeing that there were wounds all over his head, back, and shoulders, he quickly looked at where he was.

Qi Yuanming also came over to check and said worriedly, "I wonder if A Jing's ribs are broken? But his internal organs must have been bruised, and his head is also injured. We can't treat such serious injuries, so we have to send him to the doctor quickly."

But the doctor at Yamashita could only look at the surface. This kind of serious injury required a professional physician.

Sister Ying suddenly thought of the Yaowang Island mentioned in ancient times, and asked Qi Yuanming, "Do you know Yaowang Island? Sister Yang said before that there are many rare herbs there, as well as miraculous medical hands."

Qi Yuanming had heard about it, and suggested, "Otherwise, write a letter to Sister Yang and ask her to bring Gu Gu to Yaowang Island, and we can meet them there." Even if we don't find the miraculous medical hand by then, we can still do it. Let Gu Gu rule Jing Shi Rong.

Sister Ying hummed and hurriedly went to Fei Ying to pass the message.

 Then he ran back and changed Jing Shirong into clean clothes.

Several times she couldn't help but want to cry, but finally she endured it and gently wiped the dirt off his body.

 Master Zhong is good at bone setting.

He felt Jing Shirong’s ribs and was thankful that they were not broken, but his internal organs must have been hit by a big rock and suffered internal injuries while running.

 Including Jing Shirong's big ears and nose, his ears and nose were bleeding. It seems that his head was hit hard.

They carefully helped Jing Shirong onto the carriage and hurriedly set off to find Yaowang Island.

When Sister Yang got the news, she was also very anxious and told Mrs. Wu about it. Ms. Wu was also very worried and immediately asked Brother Sen and Gu Gu to come out with them.

Qi Yuanming glanced at the map and said to Sister Ying, "Yaowang Island is also on an island. It will be faster if we take a boat."

 “I’m going to find the fishing boat. Let’s go on the fishing boat.”

The fishermen are experienced in handling boats, so it will be safer to take them with you.

They chartered a big boat, carefully lifted Jing Shirong aboard, and set off to find Yaowang Island.

Sister Yang also set off here. According to ancient memory, she also took the water route.

 Happily, there has been no wind and waves on the sea these days.

 The boat ride was not too bumpy.

Sister Ying and Young Master Zhong stayed by Jing Shirong's side, fearing his reaction.

Jing Shirong woke up a few times, but she always vomited.

 Judging from his symptoms, it should be a reaction to a concussion.

Sister Ying called him several times, but he was still drowsy and finally fell asleep.

 When he woke up, Sister Ying was busy feeding him water and liquid food, and he fell asleep again after a while.

 He was so sleepy that everyone in the group was worried.

Sister Ying watched him every day and suddenly lost weight.

 Stay close to him at night, lest he get cold.

Looking at that sleepy face, she would sometimes shed tears silently, but she would wipe them away quickly, fearing that her sad mood would affect others. They all comfort themselves and cheer themselves up.

Qi Yuanming didn't see her crying, but he knew that she was in a low mood. He came over to give her some advice, "Yaowang Island is coming soon. You should go and get some sleep. Don't fall down from exhaustion by then. A Jing will feel even more distressed."

Sister Ying hummed, "Okay, I know."

 She really needs to rest, otherwise she won't have the energy to take care of him.

Young Master Zhong changed shifts with her. Sister Ying lay aside to sleep for a while, and Young Master Zhong came over to watch over her.

Qi Yuanming showed the boatman the way according to the sheepskin map. After walking for a long time, he found Yaowang Island.

 Happily it has been sunny these past few days.

 Otherwise, there would be so much smoke near Yaowang Island that it would be impossible to see the road ahead.

 Fortunately, Qi Yuanming had a lot of experience in going out, and the boatman was also experienced, so the boat was able to reach the island safely.

As soon as they landed on the island, they saw venomous snakes coiled on the branches of the island.

Sister Ying was frightened, and she got goosebumps when she saw the black squirming poisonous snakes.

Not to mention Sister Ying, Qi Yuanming and Young Master Zhong both had goosebumps.

In the end, Sister Ying took out the medicinal powder from her pocket and said, "I'm glad I ground a lot of medicinal powder in the farmyard in the past few days. These are realgar powder. I sprinkle a little bit at a time and then sprinkle it all."

 Qi Yuanming sighed at the little treasure in her pocket, took the realgar powder, and stepped forward to sprinkle a little to test the effect.

Those poisonous snakes touched the realgar powder and really squirmed away in circles.

Qi Yuanming led the way, while the secret guards carried the unconscious Jing Shirong, while Sister Ying and Young Master Zhong protected her.

 They walked along the road to the center of the island.

 Having walked halfway, I saw many poisonous insects and flowers and plants that I had never seen before.

There are many exotic flowers and plants on this island, both poisonous and not poisonous, which is what many medicine lovers yearn for.

 The medicine boy at the highest point on the island saw them walking around and went to the house to report.

“Master, someone is coming from the bottom of the mountain.”

The King of Medicine stroked his white beard and said with an indifferent expression, "Ignore them and go dry your medicine."

 (End of this chapter)

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