The Greatest Showman

Chapter 985: So-called siblings

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Chris Evans and Edith Hall walked into the Chinese Theater hand in hand. The turbulent heat wave remained behind them, the hot air was still rolling, and a faint sweetness could be tasted. The exchange of eyebrows flowed slowly, Chris' eyes fell between Edith’s eyebrows and he smiled and said, "...God, have you seen their expressions? I saw the reporter for the first time. We are so embarrassed. Haha."

"What's the matter?" Edith's pace slowed down, and Chris followed Edith's gaze and looked over. Then he saw Lan Li standing not far away. Chris showed a polite smile. , "Hey, Lan Li, congratulations on the premiere of today's film, and hope that the box office can achieve good results."

"Thank you." Lan Li closed his jaw politely, but did not look at Chris, but at Edith intently. It seemed a bit rude, which made Chris stand a little embarrassed.

However, after just a moment, Lan Li turned his attention away, politely watching Chris’ eyes, smiling, and the gentleman said politely, “I’ve known Edith for a long time. I just want you to know that I There are a thousand ways to make you feel bad and regret the decision you made. I need you to believe that I have this ability."

It is not a majestic admonition, nor an angry scolding, but a gentle conversation. It's not so much a warning as a courtesy in social occasions. The chatty and elegant manner still makes people feel like spring breeze, but after thinking about it carefully, there is a burst of cold sweat on the back.

"Haha, this is an excellent joke." Chris laughed aloud and teased happily, but gradually realized that Lan Li did not laugh, Edith did not laugh, he was the only one laughing, the laughter just It became jerky, the curvature of the corners of the mouth converged slightly, and he coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment, "Uh, I don't know what you mean, how do you expect me to answer? I mean... um , Ok? I... uh, I understand?"

Chris and Lanly only met once, the last time they were on the shooting scene of the magazine. Chris remembers that, on the one hand, Lanly’s initial impression was too strong and he couldn't resist it; on the other hand, it was because it was the first meeting between him and Edith, and it was also the beginning of fate.

Today is the second time we meet, and Lan Li's behavior makes people confused at all.

"Heh." Without warning, Lan Li chuckled lightly, headlessly, Chris was even more confused, Lan Li spread his hands in a friendly manner, expressing his innocence, "Sorry, I'm just kidding. But obviously, this joke is not funny. It seems that after staying in the West End for too long, I have forgotten the Hollywood way of jokes, and I need to make up the lesson."

The sixth sense of the crisis consciousness told Chris that this was not a joke, but if it were not a joke, he could not find a reasonable explanation. Hesitatingly, hesitated, Chris could only laugh with him. , I must admit, I was shocked just now. You scared me, you really scared me."

The atmosphere became relaxed again.

Edith patted Chris on the chest, "It's better for you to go in first. I borrow the blue gift for two minutes and make an appointment for the shooting time. Otherwise, after the premiere, I guess I will be out of the number. Si also joked jokingly, "I'll be there soon."

"Are you sure?" Chris confirmed it again, and after getting the affirmative answer, he nodded to Lan Li, then stepped forward and walked into the theater.

Lan Li turned around and watched Chris leave in tandem with Edith. Seemingly aware of the attention, Chris turned around, Edith lifted his jaw and greeted him, and Chris proceeded contentedly.

"Edith Hall, you know, this handle is going to follow you for a lifetime. I never knew that your taste is so unique." Lan Li's calm words came, but the tone of jokes and ridicule Without hesitation, Edith lifted his left foot without any hesitation, and gave Lan Li's calf a hard hit.

This time, Lan Li did not dodge.

It was precisely because there was no dodge, Edith immediately understood that Lan Li was not joking, she couldn't help rolling her eyes, "That's the truth, I'm just this one, big breasts, white tender, golden retriever. Also. Pink. How do you have an opinion?"

"No." Lan Li said cleanly, and then frowned slightly, "Wait, are you sure you are straight?" The adjectives just now seem to be valid for women.

"Why, if it's curved, you want to introduce me a girlfriend?" Edith vomited frankly.

Lan Li shrugged, "No, I think if you bend, I guess George and Elizabeth may be more acceptable." Chris Evans once again spit out.

It can be seen from George and Elizabeth's attitude towards Renly that they do not have a good impression of the career of actors.

If he insists on distinguishing himself, at least Lan Li is an actor who proves his own strength. Old drama bones like Judy Dench and Maggie Smith can also occupy a place among the upper class in London, let alone Speaking of those who have made great achievements in the West End of London; and Chris Evans, he is a pure... vase, and also a male vase.

Edith rolled her eyes and put on a nonchalant gesture, "Why, do you care?"

When the news of the premiere went back, Edith’s work and style were enough to cause an uproar. One more Chris is not much, and one less Chris is not much; now that he has bravely stepped forward, it’s better to do it in one step. Save the trouble in the future.

The corner of Lan Li's mouth raised slightly, "Do I need to care?"

For Lan Li, he naturally didn't care. Although there were some surprises, he was not surprised; the most important thing was always Edith. She chose Chris, so whether she is happy, happy, and enjoyable. This is what Lan Li cares about.

Edith was slightly surprised. They are brothers and sisters, but they are not the kind of brothers and sisters who care about and hug each other. They are more like... more like familiar partners, sharing the same surname; but today, Lan Li has shown his concern as a younger brother. . Edith realized that Renly's words that threatened Chris just now were not a joke.

As if perceiving Edith’s surging emotions, Lan Li smiled and said half-jokingly, “Don’t look at me like this, Chris will misunderstand. That’s not good. He doesn’t know your Hall yet. Is it my Hall?"

If Chris treats Lanly as his rival, things are interesting.

Edith couldn't help but chuckled, angry and funny, but still withdrew her gaze, "He doesn't need to know. Anyway, you don't need me, and I don't need you."

Chris only knew that Edith was the photographer of Renly, and the two had a good personal relationship, so Edith got tickets for today's premiere and made a special trip to show his support.

"I hope he never has the day he needs to know." Lan Li said lightly, and Edith tasted the deep meaning of the usual sentence: If Chris needs to know that Lan Li is Edith's younger brother, That means that Lanly must teach Chris a lesson and make him regret hurting Edith.

In the Hall's family, they never open their mouths to express care and consideration, and they never share their thoughts and secrets. Many times, they are lonely, living alone and walking alone; but suddenly looking back, she and he found that, In fact, they are not alone.

Edith lowered her eyes slightly, concealing the turbulent emotions in her eyes, "Let's go, the premiere is about to begin, there is no way to start the film without the protagonist. To be honest, this movie is terrible, right? Me? Looking at the synopsis, what are those things? I can't understand at all."

"Are you sure it's not enough IQ?"

"Len Li-Hall!"

The two walked into the projection hall side by side, then separated naturally, headed in different directions, and walked towards their own position, as if they were just working partners who had just finished talking, there was nothing unusual.

In the front row area, Lanly found his place, with Paul Walker and Rami Marek on the left, and Jennifer Lawrence and Alexander Skarsgard on the right. Lan Li nodded politely, and sat down, but then there was a buzzing vibration in his The sitting motion was a bit stiff, and he touched his pocket, it turned out to be a mobile phone; After thinking about it, I realized that when he was inside the theater just now, Andy called. After answering the call, Lan Li forgot to give his phone to Nathan. He raised his head and looked for it. Sen's location.

Turning on the phone and glanced at it, it was a text message.

"What's the matter? In a hurry?" Paul, who was sitting next to him, asked in a low voice, "There is still some time before the movie is shown. You can go out and deal with it first."

Lan Li met Paul's gaze and shook his head with a smile, "It's okay, waiting for the movie to be shown. Where's Mei Duo? Did you come here today?"

"No, she doesn't want to stand under the reporter's flashlight." Paul replied with a smile. "However, she has already bought tickets for Saturday and went to the cinema with a group of friends."

"Little buddy? Mei Duo has adapted to the life here?" Lan Li captured the important information in the words at once, and then saw Paul's relieved smile, Lan Li also expressed his happiness, "This is a good thing."

The text message just now came from Rooney Mara.

"To a West End actor,

I watched the performance in the West End a week ago. I was going to say hello backstage, but the stars were waiting and the crowd was crowded, so I gave up. But the performance is very good, the experience is very, and it is unforgettable for a long time. I look forward to watching it again on Broadway in the future. In comparison, today’s movies are destined to be incomparable, and I hope to forgive me for being absent for some reason.

However, I still look forward to the excitement and joy of the Lanly-Hall version of the summer file. When I need popcorn next week, I will definitely be there. Finally, I wish the premiere a great success. By the way, are you sure not to open the photo wall and Facebook? Your photo has been successfully swiped today, as if it were on the scene.

Yours, an anonymous admirer. "

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