The Greatest Showman

Chapter 984: Best partner

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"After harvesting the Oscar statuettes, you chose to return to the West End of London and concentrate on performing; now you are back under the spotlight and standing in the center of Hollywood. How do you feel about this? My It means that you are so young and stood on the top of the world overnight, but you chose to stay away from the spotlight and come back now. This must be a very interesting experience."

The problem comes from Daisy Lucas of Vanity Fair. This is a very skillful guiding question. It mentions the Oscar topic that everyone cares about, but it leads to the focus of age in a relatively gentle way.

For reporters, questioning is a profound and complex knowledge. Those simple and rude questioning methods of chasing explosive points have no effect at all for professionals like Lan Li. The 2008 Oscar-nominated film "Dialogue Nixon" demonstrated this truthfully and vividly.

"I think this is an interesting question. When you asked it, you already acquiesced. The West Side and Broadway are both forgotten corners." Keen and sharp, Lan Li easily captured the whole problem. The core idea, started to answer in a different way.

Then, Lan Li could see the vigilant look of the reporters, he couldn't help but waved his hand with a chuckle, "I don't want to criticize or argue about this issue. I just want to say, for the media, the difference between the West Side and Hollywood It lies in attention; but for actors, the difference between West End and Hollywood lies in the difference in stage. One is a performance standing in front of the camera, and the other is a performance that strips everything in front of the audience."

"I must admit that choosing the Western District, in a sense, I really hope to be able to leave the spotlight, because I need some calm time, some thinking time. Oscar, everything came too fast, maybe you don’t believe it. , But the fact is that I am only 22 years old." Lan Li's words made all the reporters chuckle, and even Lan Li himself couldn't help but smile.

In terms of psychological age, Lan Li is fifty-four years old; but in the strange Vanity Fair of Hollywood, the experience he has in this life is all, and Lan Li’s remarks are also truthful.

"But, besides this, for more important reasons, I want to be a better actor, and West Side and Broadway can help me achieve this, so I chose to go back." Lan Li said sincerely, " Coming back again, to be honest, I'm already missing the stage in the West End now."

"Standing on that stage is very special for the actors, and I believe it is also true for the audience, so if I have the opportunity, I welcome everyone to come to the West Side or Broadway to watch the show." Lan Li shrugged slightly, "I am definitely not worried about attendance, but sincerely hope that the audience can appreciate the beauty and essence of different art forms."

This is the first time since the Oscars, Lan Li has been interviewed in public; at the same time, he is also the youngest Oscar actor in film history. For the first time, he truly expressed his views on performance and also revealed his ambition for the future.

Obviously, "Crazy Love" is not the end of Renly. This young actor has no pride or complacency. After winning the honor that everyone dreams of, he still pursues his dream with his feet on the ground. Involuntarily, Daisy remembered the album "Don Quixote".

"Oh, God! Oh, God!"

A burst of noisy exclamations rang, and the lively red carpet began to surging again.

At this time, the red carpet for the premiere is nearing its end, and it took more than 30 minutes for Lan Li to stand by to be interviewed. In other words, Lan Li arrived at the scene for an hour and still couldn’t enter Chinese Theater. So, are there any heavy guests present at this time? And it also triggered a breath of exclamation?

Even Lan Li, who was being interviewed, couldn't help but raised his head and cast his sights. Then he saw two people appearing on the red carpet. In an instant, Lan Li's smile stayed on his lips, and he was taken aback for a while, countless question marks swirled in his mind; but then the smile bloomed brilliantly, ripples in the depths of his eyes.

"Jesus Christ!" The reporters could no longer restrain their excitement and excitement. They left Lanli for the first time since the opening of the premiere today and swarmed towards the red carpet. The gurgling heat wave instantly In the future, people surrounded it and fell into a mighty wave of air.

Chris Evans.

It turned out to be Chris Evans! The actor of "Captain America" ​​is also the core actor of "Avengers"! In the official promotion of Marvel and Disney, Chris is the biggest actor second only to Robert Downey Jr., and Captain America is also the core focus figure of the first stage of Marvel's layout! The level and weight should not be underestimated!

But now, Chris has appeared on the red carpet of "Edge of Tomorrow"? Not because this is a movie made by Warner Bros., but because...For reference, Chris never attended the premiere of "Snow White and the Hunter" last week!

What exactly is going on? The world is really crazy, first Liam Hemsworth, then Andrew Garfield, and finally Chris Evans? Even bystanders can think of it, could it be that the contradiction between Renly and Chris Hemsworth broke out again? What's more, the journalists with big brains.

More importantly, Chris is not alone on the red carpet tonight, there is a female companion standing beside him!

Female companion! Over the past ten years, the handsome and handsome Chris has never lacked scandals, but he officially disclosed only one girlfriend, Jessica-Biel—the one who later married Justin Timberlake. Bit. Outside of this, all the scandals are always just scandals, and Chris has never admitted it.

After breaking up with Jessica in 2006, Chris has dated countless people. The most famous one is Minka-Kelly, not because of Minka's background, but because the two of them have been paparazzi many times. The date was photographed, and the separation and recombination lasted for a long time, entangled.

But none of them showed up in public. Until today.

Chris Evans not only attended the premiere of "Edge of Tomorrow", but also made a public appearance with his girlfriend?

Every reporter received one hundred thousand critical strikes. No one can bear his excitement and excitement. Anyway, the interview with Lan Li has been in progress for 30 minutes, and subsequent interviews can be done slowly after the premiere. So, the reporters didn't have any psychological burden or hesitating, and they rushed towards Chris as soon as they turned around.

One does not leak the ground.

Standing in place, the space around him was instantly emptied, but Lan Li didn't mind at all, but instead laughed happily. Today, I finally witnessed the madness of the reporters, like a scourge, swallowing Chris in an instant. Such a scene is really spectacular. If possible, he is willing to replay it in slow motion and watch it again——

Observe the appearance of Edith Hall's transformation and rebirth carefully.

The woman standing next to Chris Evans, in a long black spinning skirt, with black rivet boots looming on her feet, with a black leather jacket on her upper body; neat short hair, goodbye on the right side A skull hairpin, with thick smoky makeup, exudes an unruly and wildly tough temperament; on the wrist is a bright red flower that blooms proudly, which instantly lights up the whole outfit, mixed and unique to women The slenderness and softness, that charming charm is really powerful.

This is the real Edith, without a mask, no disguise, or even disguise. It reveals the self and true self in the original, even a bit arrogant, but it is the Edith that Lan Li is most familiar with.

Over the years, Edith and Arthur have always carefully concealed their truest appearance, living in accordance with the standards and regulations of the upper class in London, just in a hidden corner, releasing their inner desires.

In fact, George and Elizabeth didn’t know the truth before, but no one ever debunked They just maintained the superficial peace, pretending that what they saw was the truest, and continued to live and maintain. The glorious beauty and happiness of the nobility.

Today, Edith finally got rid of her disguise and bravely showed herself in broad daylight and in the open.

After today, George and Elizabeth can no longer pretend to be ignorant, because Edith chose a Hollywood movie premiere to debut, and it is also the premiere of "Edge of Tomorrow"-accompanied by Lan Li The topic is bound to spread back to London, and they can't continue to ignore it.

Lan Li must applaud Edith and send his heartfelt respect.

Penetrating the crowd, Lan Li and Edith's eyes touched in the air. Both of them remained silent, did not speak or communicate, just stared at each other with a smile. Between the crowd, the distance, and the space, everything is silent.

Then Edith tilted her head slightly and motioned to Chris beside her. Even without words, Lan Li understands what she means: Now, you don’t have my handle anymore, and that photo has no threatening effect; besides, I have a flower protector. You must be careful now, he But Captain America.

But Lan Li curled his lips, his eyes fell on Chris, and he looked at it meaningfully, showing a look of disgust and contempt, as if to say: Your taste is really bad.

With just one look, Edith suddenly burst into smoke and gritted his teeth; but Lan Li did not hurriedly, turned around Shi Shiran, and walked further away, and finally entered the Chinese Theater. Edith and Chris were surrounded by reporters and stayed where they were.

The noise of the premiere is gradually coming to an end, but Lanly knows that the storm has just begun.

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