The Greatest Showman

Chapter 986: Edge of Tomorrow

"Buzzing", "Zizizi", "Boom boom", the entire movie theater seemed to be caught in a noisy roar. The strong noise was further amplified by the sound and hit the eardrums of every audience. As a result, it caused intense discomfort, so that everyone in the theater began to commotion, and the keywords of "screening failure" and "screening accident" spread rapidly among the crowd, filled with a sense of uneasiness.

Gavin Hunter couldn't believe that there was a screening failure at the Chinese Theater, just before the premiere? This is definitely a fatal blow to movie reputation and viewing effects. Although everyone knows that this is the result of non-human factors; but it still inevitably affects the mood.

Involuntarily, Gavin sat up straight, straightened his waist, and looked back, looking forward to solving the problem as soon as possible on site. The faint light through the large screen can capture the "gophers" looking around one by one, and the entire auditorium looks a little anxious.

"...I'm not sure if it can be played... well, this is... rustle... accident... a series of explosions... bang..."

Amidst the chaotic noise, reporters who reported on the scene appeared on the big screen. The reporter's voice gradually became clear. At the same time, accompanied by the sudden explosion, the kind of crisis and anxiety was violently up and down. Fluctuations and fluctuations, firmly grasping the attention of every audience in the Chinese Theater, like a straw for life, like a choice made by every ordinary person when real life encounters the end of the world:

Turn on the TV and watch real-time news.

Five years ago, aliens formally invaded the earth. They landed in Hamburg, Germany, and quickly began to expand, sweeping across the entire European continent. Almost no one can form an effective confrontation. The power of advanced life is bringing devastating attacks.

Now that the aliens have come to France, the rest of the European continent has all fallen, and France is the last bridgehead. The next step, London, and the next step, other territories of the world will also be in jeopardy.

After five years of confrontation, the Earth Alliance finally won its first victory in Verdun, France.

With the new armor developed and implemented by Major William Cage, a super soldier was created. Rita Volataski became the official first battle angel. She almost relied on her own strength to lead the coalition forces in Verdun won the first victory of mankind.

As a result, the coalition's confidence was greatly increased. They planned an annihilation plan, established a team fully armed with the latest armor, went to Paris to start a life and death battle with the aliens, and blocked them from the European continent before they crossed the English Channel. on.

Gavin slowly turned his head and opened his mouth slightly. The stupefaction and stupefaction under his eyes never disappeared, and his brain gradually recovered:

Routines, all of these are routines? All those noises are deliberately created by the movie? It creates a sense of tension and panic, allowing the audience to be truly immersed before the film officially begins, and then using TV news to make everyone blur the boundary between reality and the film.

This is definitely Paul Greengrass' masterpiece. Even a reporter like Gavin had to be amazed at this time. This hand, played beautifully, for three minutes, all the audience in the theater could not get out of the atmosphere of the movie, and entered the film studio seamlessly. Portrayed the world.

Although Gavin was aware of this, his brain was still full of turbulent information, and there was no room for complaint.

Gavin couldn't help but wonder: Is today's premiere a premeditated? Starting from the armed soldiers, to the black tunnel, to the simulated battlefield and the one-to-one Alpha wreckage model, and finally to the suspected failure of the projection hall, the whole process was completed in one go, creating psychological cues little by little, and leading the audience step by step. The "Edge of Tomorrow" world.

If so, today's premiere is definitely an innovative feat.

But now, Gavin has no time and space to think about these issues, because the two protagonists have already made their debut: Major Cage played by Lan Li, and the Angel of Verdun played by Jennifer. Straightforward, firmly grasping the mind of every audience, at least for Gavin, his curiosity has begun to move around.

Handsome, charming, suave, glib tongue, just with the manner of walking, the look of eyebrows, and the smile at the corners of his mouth, the appearance of Major William Cage triggered an excited exclamation and sigh in the theater, all from the female audience. As for the other male audience members complaining and sighing, this sharp contrast caused a burst of chuckles.

Jennifer bumped Lan Li with her elbow and lifted her chin with a meaningful smile on her face. Lan Li also pursed the corners of her mouth and said with her mouth, "Wait a minute."

Major Cage, who made his debut, took a turn for the worse in the next few minutes.

Originally, he was not a soldier, he was just a salesman. In the war, relying on a three-inch tongue to climb to where he is today, the successful implementation of the new type of armor is his greatest achievement.

In fact, he was not only greedy for life and fear of death, but also evaded the plan of annihilation that was about to begin. He came to the front line in London just to walk through the scenes, write reports, and continue to be promoted and fortune after showing his face. He also did not compromise to avoid going to the battlefield , Even hesitate to threaten the general and use the power of public opinion to destroy the reputation and prestige of the general.

Just when Cage thought that his rhetoric had successfully convinced the general, the general ordered him to be arrested. In a chase that was not tense or exciting, Cage was awkwardly and embarrassedly attacked by a stun gun, and then nothing. Falling to the ground funny.

"Haha." There was a low chuckle in the auditorium.

No one likes such a character, and no one likes such a character, so when you see such a character deflated, it always makes people feel happy. But what Gavin thinks is even more interesting is that Lan Li actually appeared in such a role, even with a bit of funny clown; Moreover, this is the first commercial movie that Lan Li has taken the lead, so the choice is really interesting.

After regaining consciousness, Cage found himself lying on the recruit training bag at Heathrow Airport with handcuffs in his hands, dizzy. This is the front line of the war. All soldiers are about to set off, cross the English Channel, arrive in France, and then launch an annihilation plan.

Cage’s first reaction was to leave here, cleverly spoofing the non-commissioned officer Sergeant Farrell, who appeared in the interview, put on his rank and official rank as a major, and persuaded Farrell to lead him to call Headquarters in Washington.

After the plan was successful, Cage gradually relaxed and began to get close to Farrell, chatting and having fun. It was not until he arrived at the barracks that Cage realized that Farrell was not deceived at all. The performance is just a joke in the eyes of the other party.

"It seems that what you said, only your name is true. On this order, you are said to be a deserter, that you were arrested for posing as an officer, that you will try to call out, and even threaten To the safety of the operation. As long as you can escape the war, you can do everything. But none of this will happen! Forever! Private Cage."

Farrell calmly pronounced Cage's punishment order, watching Cage’s dazed and dazed expression, and the non-essential smile at the corner of Farrell’s mouth, the audience did not hold back anymore, collectively Clapping and laughing.

This is not a hilarious scene, but the rival scene between Renly and Alexander is full of sparks. The sense of humor between gestures and eyebrows is really uncontrollable; coupled with the contradictory interactions between the characters , Seeing Cage being slammed severely, it really made people clap and applaud. Thus, the laughter burst out.

Gavin must admit that the opening chapter of "Edge of Tomorrow" was a huge success. The kind of humor that was easy to come by was created by the contrast between the performance of the actors and the plot. The Paul Greengrass-style realistic shots have created the world. The real texture of the doomsday, which makes adrenaline burst out continuously At the same time, the attention is completely focused on the big screen.

Under the guidance of Farrell, the members of Team J made their debut, and there was a faint commotion in the theater. Just like the stars of the "Avengers", the actors and members of the J team can be regarded as a small gathering of stars. They are just a debut, but the film uses a fast fragment editing method, through each team member and Cage's confrontation. Talking about confrontation, and even physical confrontation——

They gave Cage a shocking education in the most concise and quick manner. A gust of wind and rain made Cage completely overwhelmed. Even after several punches, they squatted down on the ground in embarrassment. There was a dust, which caused everyone's collective laughter.

Gavin's eyes couldn't help but light up. This group of scenes is really good, the crisp editing faintly has the style of David Finch, and the sharp and full lines also carry a little Ellen Sorkin's posture, which is very few. The pen has established the image of each team member. Obviously, they are full of desire for battle and eagerness for victory.

The only regret is that this group show is a little longer, about five minutes. If it is controlled within three minutes, the rhythm of the movie will be smoother; however, the five minutes of humor, without any muddle, makes it really enjoyable to watch. More importantly, Gavin is a little curious:

Why does every character get such a full outline of pen and ink? They are not the superheroes in the "Avengers". Each role has countless supporters. The director must allocate the roles reasonably and give each role enough time to appear on stage. In the "Edge of Tomorrow" team J, there is no big deal. Stars also have no important roles.

Is this a foreshadowing? Or was it the mistake of the production team?

Thoughts flashed by quickly, because the war had begun.

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